英语 中的 tied 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 tied 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 tied 的说明。

英语 中的tied 表示系好的, 绑在一起的, 打平的 dǎ píng de, 将...扎在, 固定 gù dìng, 把…打结 bǎ dǎ jié, 系, 平分, 打成平局, 势均力敌, 与…打成平局 yǔ … dǎ chéng píng jú, 领带 lǐng dài, 平手 píng shǒu, 将...系在, 把…系在绳上,把…绑在绳上, 绳子,带子 shéng zi,dài zi, 联系,关系 lián xì ,guān xì, 棒 bàng, 连接线 lián jiē xiàn, 枕木,轨枕 zhěn mù,guǐ zhěn, 系带鞋 jì dài xié, 将...系成..., 跟…打成平手,与…得分相同 gēn dǎ chéng píng shǒu,yǔ dé fēn xiāng tóng, 限制, 约束, 束缚, 用连接线连接 yòng lián jiē xiàn lián jiē, 用连接线连接 yòng lián jiē xiàn lián jiē, 打成平局,打成平手,并列 dǎ chéng píng jú,dǎ chéng píng shǒu,bìng liè, 和…有关系, 和…有关联, 手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de, 手脚被捆住, 极为烦恼的, 无能为力 wú néng wéi lì, 连累的, 牵累的,束缚的 shù fù de, 系带的,绑结的, 说不出话的,张口结舌的 shuō bù chū huà de,zhāng kǒu jié shé de, 结舌的,舌系带短缩的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 tied 的含义


adjective (laces, binding: done up)

Make sure your shoes are tied so that you don't trip over the laces.


adjective (roped together, attached)

打平的 dǎ píng de

adjective (having equal score)

Both teams were tied at half-time.


(attach using string, rope)

He tied the horse to the post.

固定 gù dìng

(attach using string, rope) (用绳子)

He tied the package with string.

把…打结 bǎ dǎ jié

transitive verb (make: a knot)

She tied string round the giftbox.

transitive verb (shoelaces: fasten) (鞋带)

The runner tied her shoelaces tightly before starting her jog.

平分, 打成平局, 势均力敌

intransitive verb (sport: be even) (体育运动)

The two teams tied for first place.

与…打成平局 yǔ … dǎ chéng píng jú

transitive verb (make the score even) (体育运动)

They tied the game with the last score.

领带 lǐng dài

noun (mainly UK (necktie)

He wore a blue tie to go with his white shirt.

平手 píng shǒu

noun (sport, game: draw)

Neither team was happy with the 2-2 tie.



My grandma used to tie a piece of string on her finger in order to remember something.


(attach with string, rope)

James put the luggage on the roof rack and tied it on securely.

绳子,带子 shéng zi,dài zi

noun (string, etc., for attaching things) (用来系东西的)

The tie came loose and the bag dropped.

联系,关系 lián xì ,guān xì

noun (figurative (bond) (比喻)

He stays in Ohio because of his family ties.

棒 bàng

noun (rod)

The metal tie helped hold the structure together.

连接线 lián jiē xiàn

noun (music: line connecting notes) (音乐术语)

To elongate the last note of the measure, there is a tie to the following half note.

枕木,轨枕 zhěn mù,guǐ zhěn

noun (US (railroad) (铁路的)

Railroad ties support the steel tracks.

系带鞋 jì dài xié

noun (US (shoe)

Do you prefer a tie or a loafer?


transitive verb (make a knot in)

He tied a knot in his scarf.

跟…打成平手,与…得分相同 gēn dǎ chéng píng shǒu,yǔ dé fēn xiāng tóng

transitive verb (mainly US (match in sports) (体育比赛中)

The Canadian team tied the French.

限制, 约束, 束缚

transitive verb (figurative, often passive (restrict)

He is tied to the job by the golden handcuffs in his contract.

用连接线连接 yòng lián jiē xiàn lián jiē

transitive verb (extend sound of: note) (音符)

The C is tied over the bar for half a beat.

用连接线连接 yòng lián jiē xiàn lián jiē

transitive verb (often passive (connect: musical notes) (音乐术语)

The quarter note and the eighth note were tied.

打成平局,打成平手,并列 dǎ chéng píng jú,dǎ chéng píng shǒu,bìng liè

transitive verb (be equal)

With one day to go until the final vote, the two candidates were tied.

和…有关系, 和…有关联

(figurative, often passive (connect, link)

The politician had to resign because it was discovered that he was tied to the mafia.

手脚被捆绑的 shǒu jiǎo bèi kǔn bǎng de

expression (with hands and feet tied)

The kidnappers left him bound hand and foot in the trunk of the car.


verbal expression (have hands and feet tied together)

The criminal was bound hand and foot so he couldn't escape.


adjective (informal (very annoyed)

无能为力 wú néng wéi lì

expression (figurative ([sb] is powerless to act)


adjective (informal, figurative (by a partner, family)

牵累的,束缚的 shù fù de

adjective (informal, figurative (with duties)

Since I retired I am no longer tied down by a work schedule, so I can travel more.


adjective (garment: fastened with a knot)

This sleeveless tied-off shirt is perfect for the warmer weather.

说不出话的,张口结舌的 shuō bù chū huà de,zhāng kǒu jié shé de

adjective (figurative (unable to speak)

Sometimes I get tongue-tied around new people.


adjective (with congenital tongue condition) (疾病)

When I was born I was tongue-tied and needed an operation.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。