英语 中的 practice 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 practice 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 practice 的说明。

英语 中的practice 表示练习 liàn xí, 训练 xùn liàn, 排练 pái liàn, (反复的)练习 fǎn fù de liàn xí, 实践 shí jiàn, 惯例 guàn lì, 反复练习 fǎn fù liàn xí, 训练 xùn liàn, 练习 liàn xí, 练习 liàn xí, 职业 zhí yè, 诊所 zhěn suǒ, 律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ, 诉讼程序,法律手续 sù sòng chéng xù,fǎ lǜ shǒu xù, 排练 pái liàn, 从事某行业 cóng shì mǒu háng yè, 修行, 修持, 乐队排练,练团, 最佳做法 zuì jiā zuò fǎ, 惯例 guàn lì, 家庭医学, 足球训练, 橄榄球训练, (医生)联合开业 yī shēng lián hé kāi yè, 事实上,实际上 shì shí shàng ,shí jì shàng, 常常 cháng cháng, 行医 xíng yī, 疏于练习的, 演习 yǎn xí, 做律师 zuò lǜ shī, 行医 xíng yī, 诊所护士, 行医 xíng yī, 从业理念,公司理念, 私人执业,私人开业 sī rén zhí yè,sī rén kāi yè, 私人自己干, 将…付诸实践, (剽窃、欺骗等)不正当行为 piāo qiè qī piàn děng bú zhèng dāng xíng wéi。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 practice 的含义

练习 liàn xí

noun (training)

Orchestra practice begins immediately after school.

训练 xùn liàn

noun (sports: training) (体育运动)

Our team has practice on Tuesdays and plays games on Thursdays.

排练 pái liàn

noun (rehearsal)

I need to go to band practice after school today to prepare for the concert.

(反复的)练习 fǎn fù de liàn xí

noun (repeated performance)

The students' drawing practice helped them improve their skill.

实践 shí jiàn

noun (use)

You need to put your knowledge into practice.

惯例 guàn lì

noun (custom)

The local practice of spending the afternoons in cafes is spreading to other provinces.

反复练习 fǎn fù liàn xí

transitive verb (perform repeatedly)

The six year olds practiced writing the letter C.

训练 xùn liàn

transitive verb (train in)

Our team practices blocking on Tuesdays and plays games on Thursdays.

练习 liàn xí

transitive verb (repeat, rehearse)

Practice your piano etudes to gain dexterity.

练习 liàn xí

noun (music: study) (音乐)

As part of my music studies, I have flute practice for three hours every Friday.

职业 zhí yè

noun (profession)

He was in practice as the only dentist in a small town.

诊所 zhěn suǒ

noun (doctor's business)

Dr. Mills opened her practice recently, but she already has many patients.

律师事务所 lǜ shī shì wù suǒ

noun (lawyer's business)

I want to work for the best law practice in town.

诉讼程序,法律手续 sù sòng chéng xù,fǎ lǜ shǒu xù

noun (law: method) (法律)

In copyright matters, you must follow the traditional practice to contest a claim.

排练 pái liàn

intransitive verb (rehearse) (美式拼写,英式拼写为:practise)

The band practiced for three weeks before the concert.

从事某行业 cóng shì mǒu háng yè

transitive verb (work at: a profession) (美式拼写,英式拼写为:practise)

This doctor has practised medicine for years.

修行, 修持

transitive verb (religion: observe rules)

Going to confession is one of the ways in which people practice their Catholicism.


noun (music group's rehearsal)

I have band practice after school from 4pm to 6pm.

最佳做法 zuì jiā zuò fǎ

noun (most professional conduct)

Best practice in the medical or mental health field is to take a thorough history from the patient.

惯例 guàn lì

noun ([sth] customary, [sth] often done)

It is common practice to speak softly in a library. It's common practice to shake hands in business affairs.


noun (medical specialization)


noun (soccer training)


noun (American football training)

(医生)联合开业 yī shēng lián hé kāi yè

noun (medical practice)

My chiropractor is part of a group practice with 2 Massage Therapists, a Physical Therapist and an Accupunturist.

事实上,实际上 shì shí shàng ,shí jì shàng

expression (from a practical point of view)

In practice, it doesn't always go smoothly.

常常 cháng cháng

verbal expression (be in the habit of)

Most doctors do not make a practice of calling on patients in their homes.

行医 xíng yī

noun (doctor's business)

His medical practice was a short distance from the hospital.


adjective (not used to doing [sth] anymore)

演习 yǎn xí

noun (rehearsal of emergency response)

做律师 zuò lǜ shī

(work as a lawyer)

Sean has been practising law for five years.

行医 xíng yī

verbal expression (work as a doctor)

He practices medicine at St. Patrick Hospital.


noun (UK (healthcare worker) (英联邦体系)

行医 xíng yī

noun (work of a doctor)

The practice of medicine has made great advances in recent years.


noun (company's ethos)

私人执业,私人开业 sī rén zhí yè,sī rén kāi yè

noun (profession: independent) (职业)

My doctor no longer works at that big clinic; he has gone into private practice.


noun (freelance work)

If you become a Certified Public Accountant, you can do private practice.


verbal expression (carry [sth] out)

The new regulations have still to be put into practice. We have worked out the plan, and now it's time to put it into practice.

(剽窃、欺骗等)不正当行为 piāo qiè qī piàn děng bú zhèng dāng xíng wéi

noun (plagiarism, cheating)

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practice 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。