英语 中的 flatter 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 flatter 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 flatter 的说明。

英语 中的flatter 表示更平的 gèng píng de, 奉承 fèng cheng, 将...衬托得更漂亮, 平的 píng de, 没有起伏的,没有什么变化的 méi yǒu qǐ fú de ,méi yǒu shén me biàn huà de, 没有气的 méi yǒu qì de, 没电的 méi diàn de, 水平地, 公寓房 gōng yù fáng, 漏了气的车胎 lòu le qì de chē tāi, 扁平的 biǎn píng de, 平躺的 píng tǎng de, 淡而无味的 dàn ér wú wèi de, 跑气的 pǎo qì de, 直接的 zhí jiē de, 单调的 dān diào de, 表面不反光的 biǎo miàn bù fǎn guāng de, 降音的 jiàng yīn de, 低沉的 dī chén de, 紧贴的 jǐn tiē de, 固定的 gù dìng de, 平直的,平击的 píng zhí de, 完全地 wán quán de, 正好 zhèng hǎo, 直截了当地 zhí jié liǎo dàng de, 低音地 dī yīn de, 降半音 jiàng bàn yīn, 平地 píng dì, 沼泽地 zhǎo zé dì, 平击球, 平底鞋 píng dǐ xié, 使…下降。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 flatter 的含义

更平的 gèng píng de

adjective (more flat)

The area was much flatter than Ron was used to.

奉承 fèng cheng

transitive verb (compliment)

Tim tried to flatter his boss.


transitive verb (make attractive)

Black clothes flatter all body types.

平的 píng de

adjective (level)

The ground was flat enough to put a chair on.

没有起伏的,没有什么变化的 méi yǒu qǐ fú de ,méi yǒu shén me biàn huà de

adjective (financial market: unchanged) (金融市场)

The markets were flat today.

没有气的 méi yǒu qì de

adjective (deflated)

The bike tyre is a little flat. It needs to be pumped up.

没电的 méi diàn de

adjective (UK (battery: without power)

Josh found himself with a flat battery after leaving his car lights on.


adverb (in horizontal position)

Lucy lay the fabric flat on the table ready to be cut.

公寓房 gōng yù fáng

noun (UK (apartment: single-story residence) (英国)

My flat is very small; it only has one bedroom.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 在新加坡,多数人都住政府租屋 。

漏了气的车胎 lòu le qì de chē tāi

noun (deflated tyre)

The car had a flat, so we had to stop to get a new tyre.

扁平的 biǎn píng de

adjective (smooth)

She went on a diet to regain her flat stomach.

平躺的 píng tǎng de

adjective (extended, prone)

He lay flat so the enemy couldn't see him.

淡而无味的 dàn ér wú wèi de

adjective (US (without taste)

We expected a rich taste, but it was a little flat.

跑气的 pǎo qì de

adjective (without effervescence)

The Coke was opened hours ago and it is now flat.

直接的 zhí jiē de

adjective (categorical, definite)

He issued a flat denial that he was gambling.

单调的 dān diào de

adjective (monotonous)

The speaker's delivery was flat and boring.

表面不反光的 biǎo miàn bù fǎn guāng de

adjective (matte finish, not reflective) (颜色)

The model is painted with flat paint, not glossy.

降音的 jiàng yīn de

adjective (music: key) (音乐)

The next piece is in B-flat.

低沉的 dī chén de

adjective (music: below pitch) (声音)

His voice was flat and he sounded awful.

紧贴的 jǐn tiē de

adjective (touching closely)

The board was flat with the side of the house.

固定的 gù dìng de

adjective (without variation)

Internet access is sold for a flat rate per month.

平直的,平击的 píng zhí de

adjective (tennis shot: no spin) (网球发球)

A top-spin shot will bounce much higher than a flat shot.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (completely)

I am flat broke. I need to get a job.

正好 zhèng hǎo

adverb (time: exactly)

He made it back in ten minutes flat.

直截了当地 zhí jié liǎo dàng de

adverb (definitively, absolutely)

He turned me down flat.

低音地 dī yīn de

adverb (music: below pitch) (音乐)

He always sings flat.

降半音 jiàng bàn yīn

noun (music: a note one half tone down) (音乐)

She was supposed to play a sharp, but she played a flat.

平地 píng dì

noun (level land tract)

They walked across the flats near the river.

沼泽地 zhǎo zé dì

noun (marsh, shallow)

Nobody goes to the flats. It is dangerous with all the snakes and crocodiles.


noun (tennis) (网球)

平底鞋 píng dǐ xié

plural noun (low-heeled shoe)

She hated high heels and usually wore flats.


transitive verb (US (musical note: flatten, make flat) (音调)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。