英语 中的 every month 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 every month 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 every month 的说明。

英语 中的every month 表示每 měi, 每...一次的, 所有可能的 suǒ yǒu kě néng de, 处处 chù chù, 用尽各种污言秽语辱骂某人 yòng jìn gè zhǒng wū yán huì yǔ rǔ mà mǒu rén, 所有的 suǒ yǒu de, 每一个 měi yí gè, 与…完全一样的, 每日 měi rì, 每个人都有出头之日, 每隔几(天、个、周等), 每天早晨 měi tiān zǎo chén, 每夜 měi yè, 不时 bù shí, 有时,有时候 yǒu shí, 每隔一段时间, 隔 gé, 每隔一天 měi gé yì tiān, 有时 yǒu shí, 每次 měi cì, 每次 měi cì, 每周 měi zhōu, 每年 měi nián, 从四面八方 cóng sì miàn bā fāng, 仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng, 多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì, 下定决心要做… xià dìng jué xīn yào zuò …, 失控地, 四面八方 sì miàn bā fāng, 每一次 měi yí cì, 各处 gè chù, 各地区 gè dì qū, 在各个方面 zài gè gè fāng miàn, 在各方面,完全 wán quán, 四周 sì zhōu。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 every month 的含义

每 měi

adjective (each)

Every child must learn how to read.


adjective (at intervals of)

They visit their grandparents every ten days.

所有可能的 suǒ yǒu kě néng de

adjective (all potential)

We gave them every opportunity to apologize.

处处 chù chù

adverb (constantly, repeatedly)

用尽各种污言秽语辱骂某人 yòng jìn gè zhǒng wū yán huì yǔ rǔ mà mǒu rén

verbal expression (figurative (repeatedly insult [sb])

You can call me every name under the sun, but it doesn't change the situation one bit.

所有的 suǒ yǒu de

adjective (all)

You need to check each and every quotation for word-for-word accuracy.

每一个 měi yí gè

pronoun (all)

Each and every one filed in and sat down.


adjective (informal (equally, just as)

每日 měi rì

adverb (on a daily basis)

I have a shower every day.


expression (figurative (everyone will succeed)


adjective (at intervals)

My brother, who lives two hundred miles away, visits us every few weeks.

每天早晨 měi tiān zǎo chén

adverb (early each day)

It is important to eat a good breakfast every morning. I have cereal and muesli for breakfast every morning except when I am on holiday.

每夜 měi yè

adverb (nightly)

I brush my teeth every night before I go to bed.

不时 bù shí

adverb (occasionally)

I love a take-away curry every now and again.

有时,有时候 yǒu shí

expression (informal (occasionally)

Every now and then, a stray cat comes into our yard.


expression (occasionally)

Every once in a while, Paula goes to the gym.

隔 gé

adjective (alternate)

The parents share custody; the father gets to see his daughter every other weekend.

每隔一天 měi gé yì tiān

adverb (on alternate days)

The medication should be taken every other day.

有时 yǒu shí

adverb (now and again)

Every so often I treat myself to a piece of candy.

每次 měi cì

adverb (on each occasion)

I've watched that movie seven times and the ending makes me cry every time.

每次 měi cì

conjunction (on each occasion that)

Every time I go to the restaurant I order the same dish.

每周 měi zhōu

adverb (on a weekly basis)

I buy the local newspaper every week.

每年 měi nián

adverb (annually)

We celebrate Christmas every year.

从四面八方 cóng sì miàn bā fāng

adverb (from everyone, everywhere)

When the player came onto the field there were cheers from every quarter.

仔细倾听 zǐ xì qīng tīng

verbal expression (attend very closely to)

Now that was interesting! I hung upon his every word.

多管闲事 duō guǎn xián shì

verbal expression (figurative (be involved in others' affairs)

下定决心要做… xià dìng jué xīn yào zuò …

verbal expression (fully intend to do [sth])

I have every intention of keeping my promise. I had every intention of finishing the essay, but I just couldn't do it.


adverb (out of control)

四面八方 sì miàn bā fāng

adverb (everywhere)

All we could see was water in every direction: we were hopelessly lost.

每一次 měi yí cì

adverb (each time, always)

I wouldn't say she was to blame in every instance, no.

各处 gè chù

adverb (in all areas, all over)

Prague is certainly lovely: there are fine old buildings in every quarter.

各地区 gè dì qū

adverb (in all parts of a country, all over)

Before the national election, politicians campaigned in every region.

在各个方面 zài gè gè fāng miàn

adverb (in all ways)

He is a gentleman in every respect.

在各方面,完全 wán quán

adverb (completely, in all aspects)

The new house was better in every way than the apartment.

四周 sì zhōu

adverb (all around)

The house he bought had trees on every side. The politician felt there were traitors on every side.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 every month 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。