英语 中的 evening 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 evening 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 evening 的说明。

英语 中的evening 表示晚上 wǎn shàng, 暮色的,黄昏的,傍晚的 mù sè de,huáng hūn de, 傍晚 bàng wǎn, 末期,晚年 mò qī,wǎn nián, 更加,愈加 gèng jiā,yù jiā, 甚至 shèn zhì, 即使 jí shǐ, 平的 píng de, 均匀的 jūn yún de, 同一水平线上的 tóng yì shuǐ píng xiàn shàng de, 平稳的 píng wěn de, 相等的,均等的 xiāng děng de ,jūn děng de, 平局的,打平的,比分相等的 píng jú de ,dǎ píng de ,bǐ fēn xiāng děng de, 偶数的,双数的 ǒu shù de ,shuāng shù de, 平坦的 píng tǎn de, 均衡的 jūn héng de, 恰好的 qià hǎo de, 平行的 píng xíng de, 相等的 xiāng děng de, 互不相欠的 hù bù xiāng qiàn de, 温和的,平和的 wēn hé de ,píng hé de, 夜晚 yè wǎn, 埃文人, 鄂温语, 打平 dǎ píng, 拉平, 扳平, 平整 píng zhěng, 使平滑 shǐ píng huá, 夜校课, 正装 zhèng zhuāng, 晚礼服, 晚餐 wǎn cān, 月见草, 晚宴 wǎn yàn, 昏星, 晚祷 wǎn dǎo, 晚安 wǎn ān, 在晚上 zài wǎn shàng, 在傍晚,傍晚时分, 傍晚 bàng wǎn, (成人)夜校 chéng rén yè xiào, 今晚 jīn wǎn, 明天晚上,明晚 míng wǎn, 昨晚。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 evening 的含义

晚上 wǎn shàng

noun (late day and early night)

It is beautiful here in the evening.

暮色的,黄昏的,傍晚的 mù sè de,huáng hūn de

noun as adjective (light: twilight)

He could still see well in the evening light.

傍晚 bàng wǎn

noun (before nightfall: on given day)

Saturday evening is the best time for relaxing in front of the TV.

末期,晚年 mò qī,wǎn nián

noun (figurative (period of decline) (比喻)

At this point it was obvious that he was in the evening of his great life.

更加,愈加 gèng jiā,yù jiā

adverb (still, yet) (与比较级连用)

I feel even worse than I look.

甚至 shèn zhì

adverb (including: extreme case)

It was so easy, even a child could do it.

即使 jí shǐ

adverb (despite)

He didn't leave her even after all she had said.

平的 píng de

adjective (flat)

This floor's not very even.

均匀的 jūn yún de

adjective (uniform)

Apply the paint in an even layer over the surface.

同一水平线上的 tóng yì shuǐ píng xiàn shàng de

adjective (level)

When you hang the curtains, remember that the curtain rod and the top of the window should be even.

平稳的 píng wěn de

adjective (no fluctuations)

His pulse was very even.

相等的,均等的 xiāng děng de ,jūn děng de

adjective (mainly US (equal in quantity) (数量)

Add an even mixture of milk and cream.

平局的,打平的,比分相等的 píng jú de ,dǎ píng de ,bǐ fēn xiāng děng de

adjective (sports: tied) (体育运动)

She was winning a moment ago but now they're even.

偶数的,双数的 ǒu shù de ,shuāng shù de

adjective (number: divisible by two) (可被二整除的)

Since there's an even number of us we can work in pairs.

平坦的 píng tǎn de

adjective (smooth)

He sanded the table to make the surface even.

均衡的 jūn héng de

adjective (equal)

They're such even players that their games go on forever.

恰好的 qià hǎo de

adjective (exact)

It cost an even two dollars.

平行的 píng xíng de

adjective (horizontal)

She made sure the pictures were even.

相等的 xiāng děng de

adjective (equal in measure)

The pressure has to be even in all four tyres.

互不相欠的 hù bù xiāng qiàn de

adjective (people: owe nothing)

After you make this payment we'll be even.

温和的,平和的 wēn hé de ,píng hé de

adjective (temper: calm) (性格、脾气)

She has intelligence, good looks and an even temper.

夜晚 yè wǎn

noun (archaic or literary (evening)

It was a beautiful summer's even and everything was bathed in golden light.


noun (member of Siberian people)

The Evens are a people living in the far east of Russia.


noun (language)

Varvara speaks both Even and Russian.

打平 dǎ píng

intransitive verb (become equal)

The score evened towards the end of the game.

拉平, 扳平

transitive verb (make equal)

United scored in the last minute to even the score.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 丈夫决定用报复来和妻子扯平。

平整 píng zhěng

transitive verb (make level)

They used a roller to even the lawn.

使平滑 shǐ píng huá

transitive verb (make smooth)

He evened the surface of the door with a plane.


noun (lesson in evening)

Peter goes to evening classes to learn watercolour painting.

正装 zhèng zhuāng

noun (formal clothing)


noun (woman's long formal garment)

晚餐 wǎn cān

noun (dinner or supper)

They always had their evening meal together at 6pm.


noun (flowering plant) (植物)

晚宴 wǎn yàn

noun (wedding party: in the evening) (婚礼)

Anyone and everyone's invited to the evening reception.


noun (Venus as seen after sunset) (太阳落山后的金星)

晚祷 wǎn dǎo

noun (vespers: evening hymn service)

晚安 wǎn ān

interjection (greeting)

"Good evening, Sir. Are you ready to order?" asked the waiter.

在晚上 zài wǎn shàng

adverb (every late afternoon, early night)

I generally return from work late in the evening.


adverb (on a given evening) (指特定一天)

In the evening, straight after dinner, I played a computer game.

傍晚 bàng wǎn

adverb (time: P.M.) (表时间)

He's coming round at 7.30 in the evening.

(成人)夜校 chéng rén yè xiào

noun (adult evening classes)

I am learning Russian at night school every Thursday evening.

今晚 jīn wǎn

noun (today after dusk)

明天晚上,明晚 míng wǎn

adverb (in latter part of the day after today)


adverb (in latter part of the day before today)

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evening 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。