英语 中的 entry 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 entry 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 entry 的说明。

英语 中的entry 表示进入权,进入许可 jìn rù quán,jìn rù xǔ kě, 进入,入场,到来 jìn rù,rù chǎng ,dào lái, 登录项 dēng lù xiàng, 词条, 条目, 参赛作品 cān sài zuò pǐn, 入口处 rù kǒu chù, 动态数据交换 dòng tài shù jù jiāo huàn, 日记条目, 流水帐条目, 复式记账 fù shì jì zhàng, 门票 mén piào, 报名表格, 初级, 入门级别, 低级别的,入门级的 dī jí bié de,rù mén jí de, 入门级的 rù mén jí de, 入口点, 入境地点, 日志事项 rì zhì shì xiàng, 少年男女之间的恋爱 shào nián nán nǚ zhī jiān de liàn ài, 禁止进入 jìn zhǐ jìn rù, 进入权 jìn rù quán, 简式记账 jiǎn shì jì zhàng, 单式记账的, 单次入境的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 entry 的含义

进入权,进入许可 jìn rù quán,jìn rù xǔ kě

noun (permission to enter)

The owner of the stately home granted entry to the public at the weekends.

进入,入场,到来 jìn rù,rù chǎng ,dào lái

noun (person: coming in)

Tom was always cheerful and his entry lightened the atmosphere in the room.

登录项 dēng lù xiàng

noun (in log, record)

I see there are two entries in the database for Mr. Smith; we need to delete one of them.

词条, 条目

noun (item in a dictionary) (字典)

My English dictionary lists hundreds of senses under the entry for "go".

参赛作品 cān sài zuò pǐn

noun ([sth] submitted to a competition) (物件)

Rick's entry won the art competition.

入口处 rù kǒu chù

noun (entrance door)

Pippa waited by the entry for Mark to come out.

动态数据交换 dòng tài shù jù jiāo huàn

noun (entering information onto computer) (计算机)

Data entry is a boring job and doesn't pay well.


noun (item in a datebook)


noun (piece of writing in a journal)

复式记账 fù shì jì zhàng

noun (accounting: debit, credit)

门票 mén piào

noun (cost of admission)

Visitors are charged an entrance fee of €2.50.


noun (document)

初级, 入门级别

noun (job: low position)

An accountant employed by our firm at entry level can expect to earn $50,000 a year.

低级别的,入门级的 dī jí bié de,rù mén jí de

adjective (job: low position) (工作)

Most college graduates start with an entry-level job, but hope for a quick promotion.

入门级的 rù mén jí de

adjective (basic)

This is an entry-level instrument suitable for beginners.


noun (bullet wound) (枪伤)

The entry point of the bullet is below the exit wound suggesting that a short person fired the gun at Mr. Jones.


noun (US (port)

The easiest way to get a visa is on arrival, either at airports or at entry points to the country.

日志事项 rì zhì shì xiàng

noun ([sth] written in a diary)

His last journal entry is dated 18th December, two days before his untimely death.

少年男女之间的恋爱 shào nián nán nǚ zhī jiān de liàn ài

verbal expression (in log, diary)

Dennis made an entry in his diary.

禁止进入 jìn zhǐ jìn rù

noun (no way in)

A No Entry sign indicates that cars must not drive down that road.

进入权 jìn rù quán

noun (legal freedom to enter a property)

As I'm the owner, I have the right of entry on the property.

简式记账 jiǎn shì jì zhàng

noun (simple accounting system)


noun as adjective (related to accounting system)


noun as adjective (law: type of visa)

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entry 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。