英语 中的 deck 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 deck 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 deck 的说明。

英语 中的deck 表示甲板 jiǎ bǎn, 层 céng, 一副纸牌 yí fù zhǐ pái, 露天平台,木制平台 lù tiān píng tái ,mù zhì píng tái, 转盘装置, 将…装饰上…, 用力击倒 yòng lì jī dǎo, 磁带仓, 一整套幻灯片, 舱板 cāng bǎn, 装饰 zhuāng shì, 救生艇甲板, 一副扑克牌, 轻便折叠躺椅 qīng biàn zhé dié tǎng yǐ, 一副扑克牌, 甲板水手 jiǎ bǎn shuǐ shǒu, 飞行甲板 ,起飞甲板, 驾驶舱, 卧倒(以保护自己) wò dǎo yǐ bǎo hù zì jǐ, 混音台,调音台 tiáo yīn tái, 了望台,观景台, 参与 cān yù, 一副 yí fù, 屋顶平台,天台, 观景台,摩天台,天台, 用作弊手段获得优势, 用作弊手段让...处于劣势, 用来沐浴日光的甲板(露台、阳台等) yòng lái mù yù rì guāng de jiǎ bǎn lù tái yáng tái děng, 磁带播放器 cí dài bō fàng qì, 公交车上层 gōng jiāo chē shàng céng, 使用两幅牌的, 双层的, 上层甲板 shàng céng jiǎ bǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 deck 的含义

甲板 jiǎ bǎn

noun (floor of ship) (船)

The sailor stood on the deck.

层 céng

noun (level of bus) (双层公共汽车)

Which deck do you like to ride on when you take the bus?

一副纸牌 yí fù zhǐ pái

noun (US (set of playing cards)

The dealer shuffled the deck.

露天平台,木制平台 lù tiān píng tái ,mù zhì píng tái

noun (wooden platform) (房屋的)

We ate dinner outside on the deck.


noun (music: mixing table) (音乐)

The DJ brought his own decks.



"Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

用力击倒 yòng lì jī dǎo

transitive verb (slang (hit hard)

When a member of the crowd threw an egg at her, the politician turned around and decked him.


noun (cassette or record deck)

Robert put another tape in the deck and pressed play.


noun (Powerpoint: series of slides)

Julian put together a Powerpoint deck for his presentation.

舱板 cāng bǎn

noun (level of aircraft) (飞船的)

装饰 zhuāng shì

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (decorate, adorn)

She was very trendy, always decked out in the latest fashions.


noun (nautical)


noun (set or pack of playing cards)

At casinos, they throw away the card deck after each hand of Blackjack.

轻便折叠躺椅 qīng biàn zhé dié tǎng yǐ

noun (folding seat for beach)

I like to sit outside on my deck chair when the weather's mild.


noun (set of playing cards)

甲板水手 jiǎ bǎn shuǐ shǒu

noun (worker on a ship)

飞行甲板 ,起飞甲板

noun (deck of aircraft carrier) (航空母舰)


noun (plane: cockpit) (飞机)

卧倒(以保护自己) wò dǎo yǐ bǎo hù zì jǐ

verbal expression (figurative, informal (drop to the ground to protect oneself) (比喻,非正式用语)

At the first sound of a gunshot, everybody in the room hit the deck.

混音台,调音台 tiáo yīn tái

noun (music: DJ's console) (音乐)

The new mixing desk produces sounds never heard on the dance floor.


noun (high vantage point)

参与 cān yù

adverb (US, figurative (present, ready to act)

We need all the best players on deck for the big game.

一副 yí fù

noun (UK (set of playing cards) (纸牌)

While we had a newer pack of cards, we still preferred to use this one.


noun (open area on top of a building)


noun (tall building: panoramic platform)


verbal expression (informal, figurative (create an unfair advantage) (非正式用语)

The dealer stacked the cards.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (put [sb], [sth] at a disadvantage)

用来沐浴日光的甲板(露台、阳台等) yòng lái mù yù rì guāng de jiǎ bǎn lù tái yáng tái děng

noun (terrace open to sunshine)

The recreation center has a sundeck for members.

磁带播放器 cí dài bō fàng qì

noun (device that plays audio cassettes)

With the advent of CDs, tape decks in cars are becoming obsolete.

公交车上层 gōng jiāo chē shàng céng

noun (upper level of a bus)

The stairs at the back of the bus lead to more seats on the top deck.


adjective (game: using two packs of cards)


noun as adjective (aircraft: two passenger decks)

上层甲板 shàng céng jiǎ bǎn

noun (top level of a bus or boat) (船)

We sat on the upper deck because there was more room.

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deck 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。