英语 中的 cutting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 cutting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 cutting 的说明。

英语 中的cutting 表示切 qiē, 剪报 jiǎn bào, 插条,插穗,扦插, 尖酸刻薄的,挖苦人的,尖刻的 jiān suān kè bó de ,wā kǔ rén de ,jiān kè de, 像刀子一般的, 用于切割的, 剪辑 jiǎn jí, 截牛马术赛, 狭窄通道, 路堑, 切 qiē, 切开 qiē kāi, 把…切成(小块), 切开 qiē kāi, 修剪 xiū jiǎn, 减少, 剪短, 缩短, 降低(价格), 切入 qiē rù, 切口 qiē kǒu, 停,停机,停止拍摄 tíng,tíng jī,tíng zhǐ pāi shè, 切 qiē, 削减 xuē jiǎn, 剪辑 jiǎn jí, (分到的)部分 fēn dào de bù fèn, 切换 qiē huàn, 版本 bǎn běn, 款式 kuǎn shì, 筛选 shāi xuǎn, 削球 xiāo qiú, 停电 tíng diàn, 伤害感情的话 shāng hài gǎn qíng de huà, 切割下来的肉 qiē gē xià lái de ròu, 鞭打声 biān dǎ shēng, 裁掉 cái diào, 凿出的空间, (能)切 néng qiē, 被切(割、削、剪等) bèi qiē gē xiāo jiǎn děng, 切 qiē, 伤人 shāng rén, 切牌 qiē pái, 抽牌 chōu pái, 突然变向 tū rán biàn xiàng, 切换至, 减损 jiǎn sǔn, 切入(谈话), 剪下…的主茎 jiǎn xià de zhǔ jīng, 删掉,停止,打住 shān diào,tíng zhǐ,dǎ zhù, 关上, 停止, 横切 héng qiē, 使受伤, 伤害, 刻成 kè chéng, 抄捷径穿过, 切, 切分, 斜击, 削(球), 对付,应付 duì fù,yìng fu, 逃过, 跳过, 稀释 xī shì, 阉割 yān gē, 长(牙) zhǎng yá, 鞭打 biān dǎ, 在最前沿, 走在...的前端, 削减成本 xuē jiǎn chéng běn, 削减成本的, 跨领域问题, 跳跃式剪辑,交叉剪接 tiào yuè shì jiǎn jí,jiāo chā jiǎn jiē, 交叉的 jiāo chā de, 砧板,切菜板 zhēn bǎn,qiē cài bǎn, 尖端的,前沿的,最先进的 jiān duān de ,qián yán de,zuì xiān jìn de, …的前沿, 时间卡得紧,刚好赶上。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 cutting 的含义

切 qiē

noun (act of cutting [sth])

A lot of cutting and pasting happens in a kindergarten classroom.

剪报 jiǎn bào

noun (often plural (newspaper clipping)

Arnold kept a scrapbook of all the cuttings from his long career as a newspaperman.


noun (stem, etc., for planting) (植物)

Grace took a cutting from my garden to plant in her own.

尖酸刻薄的,挖苦人的,尖刻的 jiān suān kè bó de ,wā kǔ rén de ,jiān kè de

adjective (figurative (remark: hurtful) (言词)

The reviewer had some cutting things to say about the aging soprano.


adjective (figurative (wind: sharp) (比喻风)


adjective (used for cutting)

Always keep fingers away from the cutting edge of a knife.

剪辑 jiǎn jí

noun (radio, TV editing)

The sitcom episode is in the cutting stage, but it should be available soon.


noun (horseriding event)

Drake won ribbons in cutting and roping at the last competition.

狭窄通道, 路堑

noun (cut: section cut through rock, etc.)

切 qiē

transitive verb (chop, slice [sth])

She cut the string and opened the package.

切开 qiē kāi

transitive verb (slice into [sth/sb])

The doctor cut the patient to begin his surgery.


(chop up, slice [sth])

The mother cut her daughter's dinner into small pieces.

切开 qiē kāi

(slice [sth] with a knife, etc.)

The surgeon cut into the patient's chest.

修剪 xiū jiǎn

transitive verb (hair: trim) (头发)

My hair is getting too long, so I'll need to cut it soon.

减少, 剪短, 缩短

transitive verb (figurative (time, text: reduce) (比喻时间等)

We need to cut some time off the length of this speech.


transitive verb (figurative (prices: reduce)

The supermarket chain is cutting its prices in order to attract more customers.

切入 qiē rù

(dig: into skin, etc.)

The handle of the shopping bag was cutting into his fingers.

切口 qiē kǒu

noun (incision)

The cut was four centimetres long.

停,停机,停止拍摄 tíng,tíng jī,tíng zhǐ pāi shè

interjection (cinema: stop filming) (电影摄制术语)

Cut! Let's redo this scene.

切 qiē

noun (act of cutting)

The cut took less than a second to perform.

削减 xuē jiǎn

noun (figurative, often plural (reduction)

The budget cuts ended some important programmes.

剪辑 jiǎn jí

noun (excerpt edited out)

The editor made so many cuts that the film became half its original length.

(分到的)部分 fēn dào de bù fèn

noun (portion)

Your cut will be about five hundred pounds.

切换 qiē huàn

noun (cinema: transition) (电影)

The cut from one scene to another was well done.

版本 bǎn běn

noun (cinema: version)

Which cut of this scene should we use? I like the first one.

款式 kuǎn shì

noun (shape, style)

I like the cut of that dress.

筛选 shāi xuǎn

noun (selection)

The player made the first cut, and hoped to be selected for the team.

削球 xiāo qiú

noun (baseball) (棒球术语)

His curve ball has a wicked cut.

停电 tíng diàn

noun (power)

The power cut lasted for six hours.

伤害感情的话 shāng hài gǎn qíng de huà

noun (hurtful remark)

She hurt him with a nasty cut directed at his mother.

切割下来的肉 qiē gē xià lái de ròu

noun (meat)

Which cut of meat would you recommend for a stew?

鞭打声 biān dǎ shēng

noun (whip)

You could hear the cut of the lion tamer's whip.

裁掉 cái diào

noun (sports: removal of players) (运动员)


noun (cutting: section cut through rock, etc.)

(能)切 néng qiē

intransitive verb (be able to slice)

Does this knife cut well?

被切(割、削、剪等) bèi qiē gē xiāo jiǎn děng

intransitive verb (undergo slicing)

The soft cheese cuts well, and does not crumble.

切 qiē

intransitive verb (do the cutting)

This knife cuts cleanly.

伤人 shāng rén

intransitive verb (hurt)

Ouch. The news that he got remarried really cuts.

切牌 qiē pái

intransitive verb (cards: divide pack)

I'll shuffle the cards and Henry can cut.

抽牌 chōu pái

intransitive verb (cards: choose dealer)

Let's cut, and the person with the highest card can deal.

突然变向 tū rán biàn xiàng

intransitive verb (change direction suddenly)

The basketball player cut to the right and shot the ball.


(cinema: make abrupt transition) (电影)

It showed the scene of the child playing and then cut to the war scene.

减损 jiǎn sǔn

(figurative (detract from)

This recession is really cutting into my luxury lifestyle!


(conversation: interrupt)

Roger apologized for cutting into our conversation, but said that he had some urgent news.

剪下…的主茎 jiǎn xià de zhǔ jīng

transitive verb (flower: snip the stalk of) (花草)

He cut some flowers to take to his girlfriend.

删掉,停止,打住 shān diào,tíng zhǐ,dǎ zhù

transitive verb (slang, figurative (omit, cease)

Please cut the jokes. Just tell us what happened.

关上, 停止

transitive verb (figurative, informal (turn off, stop)

Cut the music. We need to talk for a while.
把音乐关了。  我们需要谈一会儿。

横切 héng qiē

transitive verb (intersect)

The railway line cuts the highway just beyond the town.

使受伤, 伤害

transitive verb (figurative (cause pain)

Your remark really cut me badly.

刻成 kè chéng

transitive verb (shape, sculpt)

The stonemason will cut the granite into stepping stones.


transitive verb (path, swathe: create, make)

He cut a path through the field of corn with his tractor.

切, 切分

transitive verb (cards, pack: divide) (牌类等)

Do you want to cut the deck, or should I just deal now?

斜击, 削(球)

transitive verb (golf: slice) (高尔夫球术语)

If you cut the ball, it will go into the trees.

对付,应付 duì fù,yìng fu

transitive verb (slang, figurative (cope)

If you can't cut the pressure, just go away before we begin to work.

逃过, 跳过

transitive verb (US, slang, figurative (skip)

The student cut class on Tuesday to go to the lake.

稀释 xī shì

transitive verb (alcohol, drug: dilute) (液体)

Some bartenders cut the vodka with water.

阉割 yān gē

transitive verb (animal: castrate) (指对动物)

We need to cut those calves before next week.

长(牙) zhǎng yá

transitive verb (colloquial (baby: grow teeth) (指婴儿)

The baby cried all night when he cut his teeth, and his poor father couldn't sleep either.

鞭打 biān dǎ

transitive verb (whip: crack)

The lion tamer cut the whip with a loud crack.


adverb (figurative (at the forefront)


adverb (figurative (at the forefront of [sth])

In 1440 Gutenberg's printing press was at the cutting edge of technology.

削减成本 xuē jiǎn chéng běn

noun (business: reduce expenses)


adjective (to reduce expenses)


noun (affects multiple areas)

跳跃式剪辑,交叉剪接 tiào yuè shì jiǎn jí,jiāo chā jiǎn jiē

noun (film: jump cuts) (电影)

交叉的 jiāo chā de

adjective (issue, concern: intersecting)

砧板,切菜板 zhēn bǎn,qiē cài bǎn

noun (surface for chopping food) (美国英语)

Don't cut the meat directly on the counter. Please use the cutting board.

尖端的,前沿的,最先进的 jiān duān de ,qián yán de,zuì xiān jìn de

noun as adjective (figurative (advanced) (比喻)

This cutting-edge hydrogen motor will revolutionize the auto industry.


noun (forefront of [sth])

Cosmology is the cutting edge of modern science.


noun (informal, figurative (finishing just in time)

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cutting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。