英语 中的 claim 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 claim 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 claim 的说明。

英语 中的claim 表示断言 duàn yán, 索赔 suǒ péi, 所有权要求,权利要求 quán lì yāo qiú, 权利,所有权 quán lì,suǒ yǒu quán, 声称 shēng chēng, 宣称 xuān chēng, 声称 shēng chēng, 宣称做过, 要求 yāo qiú, 值得,应得 zhí dé ,yīng dé, 矿权地, 导致...遇难, 行李领取处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù, 行李领取处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù, 要求收回, 要求 yāo qiú, 索赔申请表, 夺走生命,吞噬生命, 提起索赔, 保险索赔 bǎo xiǎn suǒ péi, 对...的所有权提出主张, 自称 zì chēng, 声称有, 公开宣布对…的所有权 gōng kāi xuān bù duì … de suǒ yǒu quán, 放弃要求 fàng qì yāo qiú, 质保索赔。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 claim 的含义

断言 duàn yán

noun (assertion)

Their claim was that they had been cheated.

索赔 suǒ péi

noun (demand for payment)

The driver filed an insurance claim.

所有权要求,权利要求 quán lì yāo qiú

noun (demand)

His claim to the property was rejected.

权利,所有权 quán lì,suǒ yǒu quán

noun (right)

I have first claim on the property.

声称 shēng chēng

transitive verb (with clause: assert that)

Roger claims that he has seen aliens.

宣称 xuān chēng

verbal expression (achievement: assert)

This paint brand claims to cover a larger area than that rival brand.

声称 shēng chēng

verbal expression (say that one is)

You claim to be a musician, but is this the truth? The young man claimed to be her long-lost son.


verbal expression (achievement: assert)

Weston claimed to have invented a new method for producing copper.

要求 yāo qiú

transitive verb (demand [sth])

My father never claimed his visitation rights after my parents got divorced.

值得,应得 zhí dé ,yīng dé

transitive verb (deserve [sth])

She claims a right to participate in the finals based on her defeat of all opponents so far.


noun (land for mining)


transitive verb (take: [sb]'s life)

The earthquake claimed the lives of 100 people.

行李领取处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù

noun (airport area)

We had to wait an hour and a half in baggage claim before our bags came through.

行李领取处 xíng lǐ lǐng qǔ chù

noun (airport: luggage collection area)

When I got off the plane, I headed straight to baggage reclaim to wait for my suitcase.


(request repayment)

要求 yāo qiú

(request payout)


noun (request for compensation)


verbal expression (cause people to die)

This perilous narrow stretch of road continues to claim lives.


verbal expression (application to insurance company)

保险索赔 bǎo xiǎn suǒ péi

noun (request for insurance to be paid)

I have to file an insurance claim to be reimbursed for my doctor appointment.


verbal expression (claim ownership of)

He laid claim to the house and the surrounding land.

自称 zì chēng

verbal expression (assert [sth] about yourself)

Prudence laid claim to being the best singer in her family.


verbal expression (claim to have)

公开宣布对…的所有权 gōng kāi xuān bù duì … de suǒ yǒu quán

verbal expression (assert right)

Well if you're not interested in her, do you mind if I stake my claim?

放弃要求 fàng qì yāo qiú

verbal expression (give up one's right to [sth])

After the conversation with the lawyer, the injured man decided to waive his claim to legal damages.


noun (request for repair or replacement of goods)

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claim 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。