英语 中的 chance 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 chance 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 chance 的说明。

英语 中的chance 表示运气 yùn qì, 机会 jī huì, 可能性 kě néng xìng, 命运 mìng yùn, 防守机会, 偶然的 ǒu rán de, 幸运的 xìng yùn de, 冒险做某事, 偶然遇到 ǒu rán yù dào, 可能 kě néng, 偶然 ǒu rán, 凑巧 còu qiǎo, 偶得物, 碰碰运气,冒险试一下 pèng pèng yùn qì,mào xiǎn shì yí xià, 千载难逢的机会, 可能性极小, 经过努力有可能成功的机会, 凭机会的比赛 píng jī huì de bǐ sài, 渺茫的机会 miǎo máng de jī huì, 但凡有机会, 碰巧发生, 有成功的机会 yǒu chéng gōng de jī huì, 有机会 yǒu jī huì, 得到…的机会 dé dào … de jī huì, 有机会 yǒu jī huì, 有个好机会 yǒu gè hǎo jī huì, 毫无希望 háo wú xī wàng, 没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì, 没有做…的机会, 根本无法, 根本没有机会, 欣然接受机会, 热切地抓住做某事的机会, 最后机会,最后的机会, 抓住机会, 抓住机会, 几乎没有可能性 jī hū méi yǒu kě néng xìng, 几乎没有机会 jī hū méi yǒu jī huì, 纯属偶然 chún shǔ ǒu rán, 错过机会 cuò guò jī huì, 没机会 méi jī huì, 不可能,行不通 bù kě néng ,xíng bù tōng, 不可能 bù kě néng, 不可能 bù kě néng, 毫无机会 háo wú jī huì, 没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì, 没有希望, 万一 wàn yī, 万一, 碰碰运气, 抱微弱希望 bào wēi ruò xī wàng, 第二次机会 dì èr cì jī huì, 极小的概率,渺茫的机会 miǎo máng de jī huì, 渺小的机会 miǎo xiǎo de jī huì, 公平的机会 gōng píng de jī huì, 有机会 yǒu jī huì, 有可能 yǒu kě néng, 尝试 cháng shì, 冒险 mào xiǎn。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 chance 的含义

运气 yùn qì

noun (not design)

We found this café by chance.

机会 jī huì

noun (opportunity)

I hope to have the chance to travel.

可能性 kě néng xìng

noun (probability)

The chance of rain is very slim.

命运 mìng yùn

noun (fate)

We're going to leave it to chance.


noun (attempt) (棒球)

He had three hits in three chances at bat today.

偶然的 ǒu rán de

adjective (accidental)

Their first meeting was a chance encounter.

幸运的 xìng yùn de

adjective (fortuitous)

Seeing her favorite author at the grocery store was a chance occurrence.


transitive verb (risk)

I need to leave early. I can't chance missing the plane.

偶然遇到 ǒu rán yù dào

phrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (unexpectedly encounter [sb/sth])

Walking throught the woods, I chanced upon young rabbits cavorting in the tall grass.

可能 kě néng

adverb (possibly)

Would you by any chance be able to lend me $10?

偶然 ǒu rán

adverb (coincidentally)

I met my French teacher by chance in the supermarket.

凑巧 còu qiǎo

plural noun (coincidence)

It was not by seeking it, but by chance circumstances that I found what I really wanted.


noun (informal ([sth] discovered by accident)

碰碰运气,冒险试一下 pèng pèng yùn qì,mào xiǎn shì yí xià

verbal expression (informal (take a chance or risk) (非正式用语)

I could see no obvious other way out, so I chanced it and jumped. Don't chance it; take sensible precautions.


noun (rare opportunity)

The job offer with the television station was the chance of a lifetime.


interjection (slang (unlikely)

Ha! Fat chance that he will ever pay you back.


noun (figurative (fair opportunity)

Do you think the team has a fighting chance of winning the championship title?

凭机会的比赛 píng jī huì de bǐ sài

noun (activity: depends on luck)

Dice is a game of chance.

渺茫的机会 miǎo máng de jī huì

noun (figurative (slight possibility)

My husband might run for office, but he really doesn't stand a ghost of a chance.


expression (figurative, informal (if allowed, able)

I would take that job, given half a chance.


verbal expression (be lucky, coincidental)

We weren't trying to get pregnant; it happened by chance.

有成功的机会 yǒu chéng gōng de jī huì

verbal expression (be able to succeed at [sth])

We have a chance of winning if we can carry on at this rate.

有机会 yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (be given the opportunity to do [sth])

If I have a chance I will try and win.

得到…的机会 dé dào … de jī huì

verbal expression (have opportunity)

Johnson has a chance at another world title.

有机会 yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (have opportunity to do)

Audrey has a chance at getting into Harvard.

有个好机会 yǒu gè hǎo jī huì

verbal expression (be likely to succeed)

I have a good chance of winning the race.

毫无希望 háo wú xī wàng

verbal expression (be doomed)

She had no chance, the disease had spread too far.

没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (not have opportunity)

I saw this article last week and wanted to comment, but had no chance until now.


verbal expression (not have opportunity)

The swimming pool looked nice, but we had no chance to use it.


verbal expression (be unable)

He had no chance of survival in the desert.


verbal expression (be unable)

The patient has no chance of surviving without the treatment.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (accept opportunity)

When my grandmother offered to take me to England, I jumped at the chance.


verbal expression (informal, figurative (accept opportunity to do)

I would jump at the chance to meet my sporting hero.


noun (final opportunity)


verbal expression (figurative (seize the opportunity)

When he asked me if I'd like to go on holiday to Hawaii with him, I leapt at the chance.


verbal expression (figurative (seize an opportunity)

She leapt at the chance to perform with her favourite singer.

几乎没有可能性 jī hū méi yǒu kě néng xìng

noun (hardly any possibility)

There's little chance of our old car making such a long journey. The doctors said he was in a coma and had little chance of recovery.

几乎没有机会 jī hū méi yǒu jī huì

noun (hardly any opportunity)

纯属偶然 chún shǔ ǒu rán

noun (coincidence alone)

He didn't win by mere chance; he was the best-trained and strongest of the racers.

错过机会 cuò guò jī huì

verbal expression (not take or get the opportunity)

I missed the chance to hear that band when they last performed here, but I will catch them next time.

没机会 méi jī huì

noun (absence of opportunity)

You have no chance of getting tickets for the game this late.

不可能,行不通 bù kě néng ,xíng bù tōng

interjection (informal (that is extremely unlikely) (非正式用语)

You want to borrow dad's car? No chance!

不可能 bù kě néng

noun (no possibility)

There is not a chance he would ever win a foot race.

不可能 bù kě néng

interjection (impossible)

"Do you think Phil will lend us the money?" "Not a chance!"

毫无机会 háo wú jī huì

verbal expression (be doomed)

没有机会 méi yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (not have opportunity)

I have not had a chance to check my emails yet.


verbal expression (informal (be doomed)

The car hit Bridget at 70 mph. She didn't stand a chance.

万一 wàn yī

expression (just in case)

万一, 碰碰运气

expression (informal (just in case)

抱微弱希望 bào wēi ruò xī wàng

expression (informal (with clause: in case) (非正式用语)

On the off chance that it rains, we will postpone the competition until tomorrow.

第二次机会 dì èr cì jī huì

noun (further opportunity)

Any student who fails the test has a second chance to do it again a few weeks later.

极小的概率,渺茫的机会 miǎo máng de jī huì

noun (little possibility)

渺小的机会 miǎo xiǎo de jī huì

noun (little probability)

Maybe you'll win in lottery - it's really a small chance, but it's still a chance.

公平的机会 gōng píng de jī huì

noun (fair opportunity)

I'm a firm believer in giving everyone a sporting chance. One team was so good that the other didn't even have a sporting chance.

有机会 yǒu jī huì

verbal expression (informal (have a possibility)

I tried everything I could but never really stood a chance.

有可能 yǒu kě néng

verbal expression (informal (have a possibility)

The team realistically never stood a chance of beating Real Madrid.

尝试 cháng shì

verbal expression (act on a possibility)

Yes, it's possible I won't win, but I'll take a chance.

冒险 mào xiǎn

verbal expression (gamble, risk [sth])

She took a chance on him, promoting him despite his lack of experience.

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chance 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。