Hvað þýðir run í Enska?
Hver er merking orðsins run í Enska? Greinin útskýrir alla merkingu, framburð ásamt tvítyngdum dæmum og leiðbeiningum um hvernig á að nota run í Enska.
Orðið run í Enska þýðir hlaupa, hlaupa, nota, reka, reka, nota, í gangi, kapphlaup, keyra, gera, ferð, ferð, lykkjufall, framboð, braut, útgáfa, gerði, sprettur, niðurgangur, flýja, renna til, hanga með, hlaupa, vera, ganga, liggja, sigla, rakna upp, keyra, vera, bjóða sig fram, fara, liggja, fara, renna, flæða, reka, vera birtur, vera, hlaupa til, renna yfir, reka, sinna, kosta, ganga, leggja, liggja yfir, reka, fara með, renna, fara yfir á, smygla, birta, bjóða fram, reka, taka, láta renna, vera með, bæta við, renna yfir, hlaupa um, á hlaupum, hörfa, strjúka, stinga af með, gagnrýna, aka á, bjóða sig fram, rekast á, hitta, náðu, flýja, prenta, berast, standa til, keyra yfir, æfa, hækka, útrétta, hrörlegur, þreyttur, keyra á, reka, renna af, ganga fyrir, æfing, reisa. Til að fá frekari upplýsingar, vinsamlegast skoðaðu upplýsingarnar hér að neðan.
Merking orðsins run
hlaupaintransitive verb (sprint, jog) How fast can you run? |
hlaupatransitive verb (cover a distance) He runs three miles every morning. |
notatransitive verb (operate a machine) Do you know how to run a gas generator? |
rekatransitive verb (maintain) It costs more and more to run this car each year. |
rekatransitive verb (maintain a business) Gina runs a gluten-free bakery in California. |
notatransitive verb (computer, etc.: use) Abby runs three computers at the same time in her office. |
í gangiintransitive verb (operate, work) Maria left the computer program to run overnight. |
kapphlaupnoun (race) We're organizing a run for charity this weekend. |
keyratransitive verb (process) Let's run the numbers and see if it will work. The computer seems to be running the program without a problem. |
geratransitive verb (conduct) We could run an experiment. |
ferðnoun (short trip) Let's go for a run in the country. |
ferðnoun (route) The Paddington to Penzance run is almost six hours long. |
lykkjufallnoun (US (tights, stockings: rip) I have a run in my tights. |
framboðnoun (election campaign) His run for office ended in failure. |
brautnoun (track) They built a new bobsled run for the Olympics. |
útgáfanoun (print run) This book will have a run of 10,000 copies. |
gerðinoun (fenced area) They put up a chicken run in the back yard. |
spretturnoun (dash) His run for the bus was clearly pointless - he was much too far away to stand a chance of catching it. |
niðurgangurplural noun (slang (diarrhoea) Those greasy tacos I ate at 2 in the morning gave me the runs. |
flýjaintransitive verb (flee) Run for your lives! |
renna tilintransitive verb (spread) Her tears fell on the letter and made the ink run. Don't wash that new shirt with the sheets, the colour will run. |
hanga meðintransitive verb (informal (keep company with) He runs around with the wrong kind of people. |
hlaupaintransitive verb (race) He likes to run in competitions. |
veraintransitive verb (horse racing: finish) My horse ran third. |
gangaintransitive verb (transport: be in action) The bus runs every day but Sunday. |
liggjaintransitive verb (climb) We're trying to get the roses to run along the trellis. |
siglaintransitive verb (sail) We ran along the shore before pulling into the port. |
rakna uppintransitive verb (thread: unravel) My stockings are starting to run. |
keyraintransitive verb (continue) The programme runs for two years. |
veraintransitive verb (be worded) The agreement runs as follows... |
bjóða sig framintransitive verb (stand for office) He's running for the presidency. |
faraintransitive verb (transport: depart) When does the bus run? |
liggjaintransitive verb (travel) The highway runs along the valley. |
faraintransitive verb (glide, pass freely) The cable runs through this pulley. |
rennaintransitive verb (flow strongly) The blood ran down his back. |
flæðaintransitive verb (empty) The wastewater runs into the gutter. |
rekaintransitive verb (business, etc.: operate) It requires a lot of energy to keep this business running. |
vera birturintransitive verb (be printed) The ad will run in tomorrow's paper. |
veraintransitive verb (be of a given dimension) Peaches are running small this season. |
hlaupa til(figurative, informal (have recourse to) He always runs to the teacher if you make fun of him. |
renna yfir(glide over) Larry let his fingers run across the tactile surface of the sculpture. |
rekatransitive verb (livestock: make run) It's time to run the cattle to their new pasture. |
sinnatransitive verb (errand) I have a few errands to run. |
kostatransitive verb (cost) That new roof could run you several thousand. |
gangatransitive verb (follow) We should just let events run their course. |
leggjatransitive verb (extend) They ran a telegraph cable under the Atlantic. |
liggja yfirtransitive verb (traverse) The mountain range runs over half the country. |
rekatransitive verb (act unsupervised) She is quite capable of running the whole firm alone. |
fara meðtransitive verb (convey) Can you run this letter to the post office? |
rennatransitive verb (pass quickly) She ran a brush through her hair. Rob ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. |
fara yfir átransitive verb (get past) The police stopped him for running a red light. |
smyglatransitive verb (smuggle) They used to run alcohol across the border during Prohibition. |
birtatransitive verb (print, publish) All the papers are running the story about the political scandal this morning. This magazine runs a lot of ads for cars. |
bjóða framtransitive verb (sponsor a candidate) The party wanted to run her for the senate seat. |
rekatransitive verb (manage) Helen is the one who really runs the office. |
takatransitive verb (expose yourself to danger) We don't want to run the risk of being sued. |
láta rennatransitive verb (let liquid flow) Let me run you a bath. |
vera meðtransitive verb (accumulate a debt) He runs a tab at the local bar. This business has been running a large overdraft for the last year. |
bæta viðtransitive verb (add to an account) Can you run it to my tab? |
renna yfir(glide over) She ran her fingers over the fine silk. |
hlaupa umphrasal verb, intransitive (move around quickly) We wanted a garden where the children could run around and play. |
á hlaupumphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (go about things hurriedly) Sheila has three young children, so she spends all day running around. |
hörfaphrasal verb, intransitive (flee, escape) He ran away before the police could catch him. The people ran away from the lion that escaped from the zoo. |
strjúkaphrasal verb, intransitive (informal (child: leave home) Sometimes children run away from home when they are mad at their parents. |
stinga af meðphrasal verb, intransitive (steal [sth]) The masked man ran away with the silver. |
gagnrýnaphrasal verb, transitive, separable (informal (disparage) Mark's girlfriend is always running him down; she never says anything nice about him. |
aka áphrasal verb, transitive, separable (hit with a vehicle) A man was injured when a car thief ran him down and sped off. |
bjóða sig framphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (US (stand for: election) Mr Jones is running for election as an independent candidate. |
rekast áphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (meet [sb] by chance) I ran into my cousin yesterday at the market. |
hittaphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (encounter [sth]) The project has run into some difficulties. |
náðuphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (figurative (reach) The damages run into hundreds of thousands of pounds. |
flýjaphrasal verb, intransitive (flee) I saw the intruder run off as soon as he heard the alarm. |
prentaphrasal verb, transitive, separable (copies: print, duplicate) Could you please run off a hundred copies of this handout for me? |
berastphrasal verb, intransitive (flow away) When it rains, water runs off and ultimately makes its way to a river, lake, or the ocean. |
standa tilphrasal verb, intransitive (continue) The meeting ran on until seven in the evening, and still no agreement was reached. |
keyra yfirphrasal verb, transitive, separable (vehicle: knock down) I'm so sorry; I accidentally ran over your cat! |
æfaphrasal verb, transitive, inseparable (rehearse, review) We will run through that difficult song once more before the show starts. |
hækkaphrasal verb, transitive, separable (make larger, increase) The sudden shortage ran up the prices of butter and cheese. |
útréttaverbal expression (task outside home) I won't be at home tomorrow morning, as I have to run a few errands. |
hrörleguradjective (informal (decrepit, dilapidated) The shack by the river was old and run down. |
þreytturadjective (informal (person: exhausted) Well, Doctor, I've been feeling listless and run down recently. |
keyra á(collide with, crash into) Two cars ran into each other this morning. According to the report, the bus ran into the wall at a high speed. |
reka(US, informal (chase away) The protesters were run off the property by the police. |
renna af(flow from) Rainwater will run off a slanted roof. |
ganga fyrir(use for fuel) This truck runs on diesel. |
æfingnoun (informal (rehearsal, review) The actors wore their costumes for a final run-through of the play. |
reisa(flag, banner: raise on pole) The Boy Scouts are running the flag up the pole. |
Við skulum læra Enska
Þannig að nú þegar þú veist meira um merkingu run í Enska geturðu lært hvernig á að nota þau með völdum dæmum og hvernig á að lestu þau. Og mundu að læra tengd orð sem við mælum með. Vefsíðan okkar er stöðugt að uppfæra með nýjum orðum og nýjum dæmum svo þú getir flett upp merkingu annarra orða sem þú þekkir ekki í Enska.
Tengd orð run
Uppfærð orð Enska
Veistu um Enska
Enska kemur frá germönskum ættbálkum sem fluttu til Englands og hefur þróast á meira en 1.400 ára tímabili. Enska er þriðja mest talaða tungumál í heimi, á eftir kínversku og spænsku. Það er mest lærða annað tungumálið og opinbert tungumál næstum 60 fullvalda ríkja. Þetta tungumál hefur fleiri málara sem annað og erlent tungumál en móðurmál. Enska er einnig sameiginlegt tungumál Sameinuðu þjóðanna, Evrópusambandsins og margra annarra alþjóðlegra tungumála og svæðisbundin samtök. Nú á dögum geta enskumælandi um allan heim átt samskipti með tiltölulega auðveldum hætti.