What does üzüyorsun in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word üzüyorsun in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use üzüyorsun in Turkish.

The word üzüyorsun in Turkish means upset, üzmek, üzmek, kederlendirmek, müteessir etmek, üzmek, üzmek, duygulandırmak, üzmek, üzmek, kederlendirmek, üzmek, moralini bozmak, acı vermek, üzmek, üzmek, üzmek, sıkmak, sıkıntı vermek, üzmek, müteessir etmek, mağdur etmek, üzmek, üzmek, kederlendirmek, üzmek, üzmek, keyfini bozmak, üzmek, aleyhine, aleyhine, üzüntü vermek, çok üzmek, şoke etmek, çok üzmek, çok üzmek. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word üzüyorsun



(fail to fulfil wishes)

William's grades disappointed his parents.

üzmek, kederlendirmek, müteessir etmek

(make sad)

The tragic scene in the film saddened the audience.


(UK, informal (offend or annoy)


(make sad)

It saddens me to see you so miserable.


(touch emotionally)

The film about a cancer survivor affected me deeply.


(disturb emotionally)

Onun bu davranışı orada bulunan herkesin neşesini kaçırdı.
She upset him with her actions.

üzmek, kederlendirmek

(sadden, upset)

Luke's grades dismayed his parents.


(informal (depress) (birisini)

Try not to let your exam results get you down.

moralini bozmak

(US, figurative, slang (make sad)

If you keep criticizing Michael, you'll just bring him down.

acı vermek, üzmek

(figurative (cause mental pain) (mecazlı)

Böyle utanç verici şeyler yapman beni üzüyor.
It pains me to see you do embarrassing things like that.


(trouble, bother)

I don't want to worry you, but he is failing the class.

üzmek, sıkmak, sıkıntı vermek


The news of his old friend's death distressed Bill.

üzmek, müteessir etmek

(upset, trouble)

The boss's strange behaviour was starting to disturb George.

mağdur etmek

(often passive, informal (aggrieve)

Sophie was put out by the fact that her partner expected her to do all the housework.


(figurative (upset)

Julie was crushed by the news that she hadn't got into the course she wanted to do.

üzmek, kederlendirmek

(be upsetting)

It hurts me to see you this unhappy.



His words turned her, and she began to cry.


(informal, figurative (make suffer) (mecazlı)

The news of her father's death hit her hard.

keyfini bozmak


These minor annoyances don't discomfort me.


(UK, informal, usually passive (cause grief or disappointment)

The hockey team were gutted by their loss in the semi-finals.


(figurative (to detriment of sb)

Many children make cruel jokes at the expense of other children.


(figurative (to detriment of sb)

üzüntü vermek, çok üzmek

(formal (cause sb sorrow)

It grieves me to tell you this terrible news.

şoke etmek

(shock, upset)

I don't mean to horrify you, but there's been an accident.

çok üzmek

(figurative, informal (hurt emotionally) (mecazlı)

It kills me to see you leave the company. Please reconsider!

çok üzmek

(distress, upset sb)

The events of 9/11 traumatized a lot of people.

Let's learn Turkish

So now that you know more about the meaning of üzüyorsun in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.