What does tez canlı in Turkish mean?

What is the meaning of the word tez canlı in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use tez canlı in Turkish.

The word tez canlı in Turkish means living, sağ, hayatta, canlı, diri, canlı, enerjik, hayat dolu, cevval, canlı, parlak, parlak, canlı, hareketli, aktif, faal, canlı, canlı, hareketli, hayat dolu, canlı, canlı, faal, aktif, neşeli, canlı, (kişi) heyecanlı, coşkulu, canlı, (müzik) hareketli, canlı, hareketli, canlı, canlı, canlı, parlak, canlı, çarpıcı, canlı, canlı, canlı, parlak, hareketli, canlı, aktif, dinamik, canlı, yaşayan, hayatta olan, çarpıcı, canlı, canlı, naklen, parlak, canlı, canlı, canlı, parlak, canlı, koyu, hareketli, canlı, heyecanlı, duyguları kamçılayan, hayat dolu, enerjik, canlı, canlı, hayat dolu, canlı, canlı, parlak, hareketli, daha aydınlık hale getirmek, aydınlatmak, daha parlak/aydınlık hale gelmek, canlı hayat, canlı olarak, canlı varlık, organizma, (kişi) canlı, hayat dolu, canlı olmak, canlı olarak yayınlama, canlı yayın, canlı olarak yayınlanmak, canlılıkla, canlı bir şekilde, ayağa kalkmak. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word tez canlı


sağ, hayatta, canlı, diri


Dört kardeşten ikisi hala hayattadır (or: sağdır).
Two of the four Hall sisters are still alive.

canlı, enerjik, hayat dolu, cevval

(person) (kişi)

Ben was a lively person who liked to party.

canlı, parlak

(colour: bright) (renk)

The vibrant tones of the painting were eye-catching.

parlak, canlı

(bright colours) (renk)

The vivid colours of the sunset were beautiful to behold.

hareketli, aktif, faal

(person: busy, dynamic)

Robert is much more active than I am; he can hike 10 miles without getting tired!


(expressing a lot)

She has such an expressive face - she should be an actress.

canlı, hareketli, hayat dolu

(slang, figurative, dated (exciting, lively) (modası geçmiş)

Want to come to a swinging party on Saturday night?



A tiny, sprightly woman hopped down the stairs.



Harold is no longer young and spry, but he is still quite ambitious.

faal, aktif

(active, alive)

Even after ninety years, the old man was still going.

neşeli, canlı


Amy's buoyant smile lifted everyone's mood.

(kişi) heyecanlı, coşkulu, canlı

(figurative (person)

Laura was glowing when she found out that she got the job.

(müzik) hareketli, canlı


The band played a lively tune to encourage people to dance.

hareketli, canlı


Arriving for her job interview, Amanda walked into a vibrant office.


(language, description: vivid) (dil, ifade, vb.)

Her picturesque description of Jamaica made me want to visit.

canlı, parlak

(colour: bright) (renk)

Their living room is all fluorescent reds and oranges.

canlı, çarpıcı

(figurative (colour: pure, intense) (renk)

The colours were so saturated they looked unnatural.


(figurative (lively)

Her sparkly personality made her popular at school.


(figurative (lively, spirited) (mecazlı)

The zesty lady proposed a toast to the newlyweds.


(US, informal (lively, active)

This neighborhood is know as a fun and hopping part of town.


(dated (bright)

The young girls wore gay dresses of blue and yellow.

hareketli, canlı, aktif, dinamik

(person: energetic, active) (kişi)

This is a challenging job and we need to find someone dynamic to fill it.

canlı, yaşayan, hayatta olan

(figurative (alive) (mecazlı)

The baby was injured, but still breathing.


(color: strong) (renk)

The bold colours really show up well against a pale background.



Akşam yemeği için canlı yengeç aldık.
We bought live crabs for dinner.

canlı, naklen

(broadcast: direct) (yayın)

Is this broadcast live or pre-recorded?

parlak, canlı


That is a nice, clear, blue colour.



That painting has a lot of bright colours.


(person: bright)

He had a fresh look to him.

parlak, canlı

(figurative (garish, brightly coloured) (giysi, renk, vb.)

Lots of people wear loud clothes when they go to the beach.


(figurative (color: deep) (renk)

The painting was full of rich hues.


(animated, lively)

The room was alive with moving dancers.

canlı, heyecanlı, duyguları kamçılayan

(adding to effect)

The dressmaker finished the skirt with a series of dramatic flounces.

hayat dolu, enerjik, canlı

(person: full of energy) (kişi)

People like spending time with Adam; he's so vibrant, he somehow makes everyone else feel more alive.

canlı, hayat dolu

(person, personality) (kişi, kişilik)

Lisa's vivid personality makes her great fun to be around.


(business: lively) (iş)

The convenience store by the lake does a brisk business on the weekends.


(audience: present at performance) (seyirci)

The comedian loved performing in front of a live audience.


(color: warm, rich) (renk)

The statue was painted a glowing gold color.


(econ: prices increase easily) (ekonomi)

Prices of everyday commodities are rising in this buoyant economy.

daha aydınlık hale getirmek, aydınlatmak

(make brighter)

A coat of fresh paint would help to brighten the room.

daha parlak/aydınlık hale gelmek

(become brighter)

As the day brightened, more blossoms began to open.

canlı hayat

(uncountable (organisms) (organizmalar)

Denizin dibinde canlı hayata rastlamak bilim adamlarını şaşırttı.
Scientists were surprised to discover life at the bottom of the sea.

canlı olarak

(perform: in front of people) (gösteri, vb.)

The comedian loved performing live.

canlı varlık, organizma

(life form)

Thousands of tiny organisms live in a handful of soil.

(kişi) canlı, hayat dolu

(person: lively)

Emma is always perky, even in the mornings.

canlı olmak

(figurative (city life: be alive) (şehir, vb.)

It was two in the morning and the city was still pulsing.

canlı olarak yayınlama, canlı yayın

(figurative (data: real-time audio or video) (internet üzerinden)

The audio stream from the web radio station was cut after 20 minutes.

canlı olarak yayınlanmak

(online audio, video: broadcast live)

The video streamed from the website to my computer for 45 minutes.

canlılıkla, canlı bir şekilde

(vibrantly, intensely)

The artist paints vividly using bright colours.

ayağa kalkmak

(appear alive) (ölü, vb.)

Ghosts walk by night.

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So now that you know more about the meaning of tez canlı in Turkish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Turkish.

Do you know about Turkish

Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.