What does olalım in Turkish mean?
What is the meaning of the word olalım in Turkish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use olalım in Turkish.
The word olalım in Turkish means be, meydana gelmek, olmak, hastalanmak, başına gelmek, olmak, olmak, sayılmak, meydana gelmek, olmak, yakalanmak, olmak, olmak, kapmak, haline gelmek, olmak, olmak, oturmak, olmak, olmak, olmak, kalmak, olmak, olmak, olmak, olmak, arkasında olmak, bulunmak, mevcut olmak, var olmak, yaşında olmak, tutarında olmak, tutmak, yakışmak, önem vermek, önemsemek, ilgilenmek, ilgilendirmek, alâkadar olmak, alâkadar etmek, istemek, hevesli olmak, gelmek, durumda olmak, tatmin olmak, görev/iş yapmak, işle meşgul olmak, neden olmak, sebep olmak, yetmek, yeterli olmak, gereksinimi karşılamak, kâfi olmak, yeterli olmak, yetmek, sahip olmak, nail olmak, farkında olmak, duygusal olmak, dikkatini vermek, yoğunlaşmak, odaklanmak, konsantre olmak, (bir yer)li olmak, (hastalığa) yakalanmak, (hasta) olmak, zorunda olmak, mecbur olmak, mecburiyetinde olmak, sebep olmak, neden olmak, geçerli olmak, geçmek, ile arası iyi olmak. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word olalım
meydana gelmek(UK, archaic (happen) |
olmak(UK (happen) Although the event has attracted violence in the past, the latest march passed off without incident. |
hastalanmak(figurative, informal (fall ill) I've just come down with a cold. |
başına gelmek(happen to sb, sth) Whatever became of Joe Hill? Do you know where he is now? |
olmak(informal (become) If we keep going this way, we'll end up totally lost. |
olmak(become of) What happened to that book I lent you? |
sayılmak(informal (be, count as) That reply makes for a good example of sarcasm. |
meydana gelmek(informal, figurative (transpire, happen) |
olmak(item: be, stay) His book lay on the table unread. |
yakalanmak(disease) (hastalığa) Leah catches a cold every winter. |
olmak(equates two noun phrases) She is a police officer. |
olmak(reach a state, condition) Bu gömlek de bir türlü temiz olmuyor. How did you come to be a marine biologist? That shirt just won't come clean. |
kapmak(illness) (hastalık, vb.) I developed a cold over the weekend. |
haline gelmek(+ adj: become) We soon grew tired of her temper tantrums. |
olmak(diet, medicine) (diyette, vb.) She's on antibiotics. |
olmak(occur, happen) Good things come to those who wait. |
oturmak(place: live currently) (bir yerde) I come from New York, although I grew up in Connecticut. |
olmak(informal (be in a stated condition) (bir durumda) Is she doing any better than yesterday? |
olmak(tend to be) (eğiliminde, vb.) As exams go, that wasn't too bad. |
olmak(be of a given dimension) (küçük, büyük, vb.) Peaches are running small this season. |
kalmak(remain, be) Rest assured that I'll be there. |
olmak(be in a situation) (belli bir durumda, vb.) That business owner stands to make a good profit out of her new product. |
olmak(formal (happen) They agreed to forget all that had passed before and start anew. |
olmak(weather) (soğuk, sıcak) It's cold today; you'll need your hat and gloves. |
olmak(have: an opinion) (düşüncede, fikirde) We know that not all party members hold the same position on this issue. |
arkasında olmak(form background of) (birşeyin) The field is backed by a row of trees. |
bulunmak, mevcut olmak, var olmak(exist) There is a woman of 101 in the house opposite. |
yaşında olmak(condition: age) Robert is ten years old. |
tutarında olmak, tutmak(cost) It is seven dollars. That will be ten pounds, please. |
yakışmak(be appropriate, suitable) It doesn't become someone in your position to behave in that way. |
önem vermek, önemsemek(be concerned) If you care, then you'll donate some money to the cause. |
ilgilenmek, ilgilendirmek, alâkadar olmak, alâkadar etmek(have a preference) Do you care what kind of cereal I get? |
istemek, hevesli olmak(be inclined) Bugün golf oynamak istemiyorum. I don't really care to play golf today. |
gelmek(be available) (satışa sunulmak) Traş kremi, teneke kutu içinde gelmektedir (or: satışa sunulmaktadır). Shaving cream comes in a can. |
durumda olmak(to fare, manage) How's that report coming? |
tatmin olmak(slang (have an orgasm) (cinsel açıdan) They came at the same time, crying out in joy. |
görev/iş yapmak, işle meşgul olmak(fill your time with) What are you doing this afternoon? When Peter retired, he didn't know what to do all day. |
neden olmak, sebep olmak(cause an effect) Drugs can do a lot of harm. |
yetmek, yeterli olmak, gereksinimi karşılamak, kâfi olmak(informal (be satisfactory) Bu senin için yeterli mi yoksa üzerinde daha mı çok çalışayım? Will this do for you, or should I work on it some more? |
yeterli olmak, yetmek(suffice) Will decaf do, or should I go out and get some real coffee? |
sahip olmak, nail olmak(have as a benefit) Hep sağlıklı bir bedene sahip olmuşumdur. I've always enjoyed good health. |
farkında olmak(be conscious of) He could feel her gaze on him. |
duygusal olmak(have emotions) He is a man who feels strongly. |
dikkatini vermek, yoğunlaşmak, odaklanmak, konsantre olmak(figurative (concentrate) (mecazlı) Lütfen beni yalnız bırakın. Bu proje üzerine yoğunlaşmam lazım. Please leave me alone; I need to focus on this project. |
(bir yer)li olmak(place of origin) Norveçliyim. I am from Norway. |
(hastalığa) yakalanmak, (hasta) olmak(informal (illness: catch) Gribe yakalandı (or: grip oldu) ve evde istirahat etmek zorunda kaldı. He got the flu and had to stay at home. |
zorunda olmak, mecbur olmak, mecburiyetinde olmak(informal (must) I have got to leave now. |
sebep olmak, neden olmak(cause) It gives me great pleasure to welcome you tonight. |
geçerli olmak, geçmek(be valid) Whatever Mike says, goes. |
ile arası iyi olmak(people, animal: handle well) He is good with children and animals. |
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Do you know about Turkish
Turkish is a language spoken by 65-73 million people around the world, making it the most commonly spoken language in the Turkic family. These speakers mostly live in Turkey, with a smaller number in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece and elsewhere in Eastern Europe. Turkish is also spoken by many immigrants to Western Europe, especially in Germany.