What does кореш in Russian mean?
What is the meaning of the word кореш in Russian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use кореш in Russian.
The word кореш in Russian means dude, bitch, dawg. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word кореш
dudenoun (colloquial: term of address for a young man) Держись подальше от людей с раком, маленький кореш. Stay away from people with cancer, little dude. |
bitchnoun (jocular slang: one's friend) |
dawgnoun (slang: dude, bud, pal) А ведь я этого даже не хотел, кореш. I don't even want this, dawg. |
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Мы кореша. Word, that's my bro. |
Вау, кореш, прямо мороз по коже. Just cold chill. |
— Привет, кореш, — крикнул Бауэр, — куда держишь путь? ‘Hi, Mac,’ Bauer cried, ‘where are you heading? |
Кореш, 3-д, хочет поболтать с тобой. My man, Three-D, wants to chat. |
«Пэрис, – сказал он, – возьмешь ли ты в мужья моего кореша Трэвиса? “Paris,” he said, “will you take my dude Travis? |
Мы все переживаем за тебя, кореш. We’re all getting worried about you, mate. |
Ёна, кореша моего. It's Yongee's--my dearest friend |
Какие бизнес партнеры, корешь? What business partners, homie? |
Это тебе не на руку, кореш. Mm, does not look good for you, homie. |
Кореш обвиняемого? The defendant's homeboy? |
Наши парни с камерой ездили днём на этот, как его, избирательный участок с моим корешем Ларвеллом. They had a camera out at what they had called a polling place earlier with my friend Larvell. |
Послушай, кореш, поторопись, а то мы начнем без тебя. Yeah, come on, man, you gotta hurry up before we get started without you. |
Всегда, кореш. Always, dude. |
И как твоему корешу, мне очень жаль, что ты ушёл из дебатной команды. And as your pal, it saddens me to hear that you quit the debate team. |
Баркхаузену не больно-то хочется видеть бывшего кореша, и, чтобы избежать встречи, он идет вокруг тумбы. Borkhausen isn’t at all keen to see his erstwhile partner; to avoid meeting him, he sidles round the pillar. |
Джим скрывал кое-что от своего кореша — не хотел, чтобы над ним смеялись. Jim held some things back from his old buddy because he didn’t want to be laughed at. |
Сможешь вызволить моих корешей из тюрьмы? Can you spring all of my buddies from jail? |
Мой кореш Кевин рассказывает тебе об этом за моей спиной? My friend Kevin telling you that behind my back? |
Почему-то меня впервые возмутило его предположение, будто мы с ним партнеры, приятели, братья... в общем, кореша. For some reason, and for the first time, I resented his assumption that we were partners, brothers, buddies, pals. |
Представь, что мы пара зомби-корешей, тусим тут, выпиваем. Pretend we're a couple of zombie dudes here to chill, get our drink on. |
— Встань, а то твой кореш сейчас свалится! ‘You get up, or your buddy will fall down!’ |
Куда мы рулим, кореш? Where we off to, mate? |
Я знаю, ты корешишься с Кенни и Джо Ро. I know you’re tight with Kenny and Joe Ro. |
Да, это, ээ, это кореш Олли здесь. Yeah, that's, um, that's the homie Ollie right there, man. |
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Do you know about Russian
Russian is an East Slavic language native to the Russian people of Eastern Europe. It is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, as well as widely spoken throughout the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Russian has words similar to Serbian, Bulgarian, Belarusian, Slovak, Polish, and other languages derived from the Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. Russian is the largest native language in Europe and the most common geographical language in Eurasia. It is the most widely spoken Slavic language, with a total of more than 258 million speakers worldwide. Russian is the seventh most spoken language in the world by number of native speakers and the eighth most spoken language in the world by total speakers. This language is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is also the second most popular language on the Internet, after English.