英语 中的 effected 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 effected 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 effected 的说明。

英语 中的effected 表示结果 jié guǒ, 效果 xiào guǒ, 给人的印象或者感受 gěi rén de yìn xiàng huò zhě gǎn shòu, 效果 xiào guǒ, 财产,财物 cái chǎn,cái wù, 使发生,带来,引起 shǐ fā shēng,dài lái,yǐn qǐ, 意思 yì sī, 效应 xiào yìng, 蝴蝶效应, 因果 yīn guǒ, 开始生效 kāi shǐ shēng xiào, 预期效果, 威慑作用 wēi shè zuò yòng, 多米诺骨牌效应 duō mǐ nuò gǔ pái xiào yìng, 多普勒声光效应, 效应量, 温室效应 wēn shì xiào yìng, 产生强烈效果或影响 chǎn shēng qiáng liè xiào guǒ huò yǐng xiǎng, 产生影响 chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng, 在功效方面 zài gōng xiào fāng miàn, 生效 shēng xiào, 连带效应, 长期影响, 最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ, 安慰剂效应 ān wèi jì xiào yìng, 实施 shí shī, 连锁反应 lián suǒ fǎn yìng, 副作用 fù zuò yòng, 副作用 fù zuò yòng, 音响效果 yīn xiǎng xiào guǒ, 特殊效果,特效,特技 tè shū xiào guǒ,tè xiào,tè jì, 起作用 qǐ zuò yòng, 生效 shēng xiào, 为此目的, 带有这个意思, 总体影响 zǒng tǐ yǐng xiǎng, 立刻生效。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 effected 的含义

结果 jié guǒ

noun (consequence)

Before you do anything, think about the possible effects of your actions.

效果 xiào guǒ

noun (efficacy)

The government intervention had no effect.

给人的印象或者感受 gěi rén de yìn xiàng huò zhě gǎn shòu

noun (appearance)

This make-up creates a lovely effect.

效果 xiào guǒ

noun (often plural (visual, audio device) (灯光、音响等的)

The band used some lighting effects in their show.

财产,财物 cái chǎn,cái wù

plural noun (belongings)

He had very few personal effects.

使发生,带来,引起 shǐ fā shēng,dài lái,yǐn qǐ

transitive verb (bring about [sth])

The government effected change through its policy of taxation.

意思 yì sī

noun (meaning)

The effect of his look was clear. He was very angry.

效应 xiào yìng

noun (physics: phenomenon) (物理)

This paper discusses the production of mechanical effect.


(cumulative effect)

因果 yīn guǒ

noun (principle of causality)

The law of cause and effect (Karma) is an important principle in Buddhism.

开始生效 kāi shǐ shēng xiào

verbal expression (become applicable, active)

The new law does not come into force until February of next year.


noun (intended result or impact)

Wearing a scary mask on Halloween got the desired effect: everyone was scared.

威慑作用 wēi shè zuò yòng

noun (that deters)

Despite what its supporters say, studies show that the deterrent effect of the death sentence is negligible.

多米诺骨牌效应 duō mǐ nuò gǔ pái xiào yìng

noun (chain of events)

The Tunisia Revolution triggered a domino effect in the region.


noun (physics: change in frequency) (物理)


noun (statistics: ratio) (统计)

温室效应 wēn shì xiào yìng

noun (environment: global warming)

Temperatures are gradually rising globally due to the greenhouse effect.

产生强烈效果或影响 chǎn shēng qiáng liè xiào guǒ huò yǐng xiǎng

verbal expression (make a big impact)

Bright colors have a strong effect on mood.

产生影响 chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng

verbal expression (make an impact)

Advertising takes a lot of money to have an effect.

在功效方面 zài gōng xiào fāng miàn

adverb (to all intents and purposes)

The Internet is, in effect, the most detailed archive of our times.

生效 shēng xiào

verbal expression (be in operation)

The new law has been in effect for a year now.


noun (UK (indirect consequence)

Inflation can be a knock-on effect of increased government spending.


noun (often plural (impact extending into the future)

最终结果 zuì zhōng jié guǒ

noun (outcome)

The net result of all the conflict was poverty and more instability.

安慰剂效应 ān wèi jì xiào yìng

noun (of medication)

He really believed the pills he was taking were working but it was just a placebo effect.

实施 shí shī

verbal expression (law, rule: enforce)

The government should move immediately to put the law into effect.

连锁反应 lián suǒ fǎn yìng

noun (spread or influence of [sth])

When one person applauds and everyone else joins in, that's the ripple effect at work.

副作用 fù zuò yòng

noun (secondary effect: of drug) (药物)

Side effects of this drug may include nausea and a skin rash.

副作用 fù zuò yòng

noun ([sth] incidental) (比喻)

Losing weight is a welcome side effect of fasting in Lent.

音响效果 yīn xiǎng xiào guǒ

noun (often plural (noises reproduced artificially)

A good action movie needs excellent sound effects.

特殊效果,特效,特技 tè shū xiào guǒ,tè xiào,tè jì

noun (usually plural (cinema, TV: visual created artificially)

The film has lots of stunning special effects but no story.

起作用 qǐ zuò yòng

verbal expression (work, have an influence)

Within half an hour the tablets took effect and the pain disappeared. The poison quickly began to take effect.

生效 shēng xiào

verbal expression (become valid)

The new law takes effect from midnight on Sunday.


adverb (for this purpose)


adverb (like this)

总体影响 zǒng tǐ yǐng xiǎng

noun (overall impact)

Individually the performances were nothing special, but taken together the total effect was stunning.


adverb (from this very moment)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。