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The system of association in Islam Isbn: Author: Taqiyuddin An-Nabhani Cover: Soft Cover Contents: 192 pages Size: 21.5x15cm Year rising: 2015 Publisher: Fikrul Mustanir library Category: Tsaqofah Stock book: Please ask before checking OUT Mukadimah about Association system Men and women (An-Nizh m Al-ijtim ') Many people overuse the term an-nizh m al-ijtim 'to refer to the whole rule of public life. The use of the term is wrong. A more appropriate term for The rule of public life is anzhimah al-mujtama ' (Social system). Because this system is essentially regulating all interactions. What happens in a particular society without regard There are at least ijtim 'aspects (association / meeting of men-women, pen). In the social system, ijtim 'is not noticed, because of which Seen as just the interactions that exist. From here, come Various types of rules (systems) that vary according to the type And the difference in interaction, which includes aspects of economics, government, politics, education, penalties, mu 'amalat, proof, And so on. Thus, the use of the term an-nizh m Al-Ijtim 'to call the social system unprovoked and unprovoked According to the fact. More than that, the word al-ijtim 'is an adjective For the nizham system. Understandably, the system should be created To regulate the problems that arise from ijtim (association / meeting of men and women, pen) or various interactions ('alaqah) that Arise from the ijtim '.
