What does 座右铭 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 座右铭 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 座右铭 in Chinese.

The word 座右铭 in Chinese means motto, maxim, slogan. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 座右铭


noun (suggestive sentence, phrase or word)

Health for all is the motto in Eritrea.


noun (moral precept)



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在十八世纪中期,弗朗西斯·达什伍德爵士(Sir Francis Dashwood)将他的谚语刻在了他在英国莫德梅翰(Medmenham)的修道院门口,且它在那里成为了地狱火俱乐部(Hellfire Club)的座右铭
In the mid-18th century, Sir Francis Dashwood inscribed the adage on a doorway of his abbey at Medmenham, where it served as the motto of the Hellfire Club.
The Young Women logo is a torch surrounded by the Young Women motto.
童子军 座右铭 McGee
Boy Scout motto, McGee.
He noted that while the old motto for South-South cooperation was “building bridges across the South”, the thinking today must focus on “placing the South on the twenty-first century’s global superhighways”.
Aware of the importance of openness to a country, from the first hours of its independence, Côte d'Ivoire included this concept in two State symbols: the national motto and the national anthem
We should revive it.
我在那里注意到贝尔法斯特的盾形徽章上有个座右铭「Pro tanto quid retribuamus」,意思是「我们要拿什么来回报这么丰厚的赏赐?」
While there, I noticed the Belfast Coat of Arms, which includes the motto “Pro tanto quid retribuamus,” or “What shall we give in return for so much?”
A globalizing world that results in any departure from these human rights precepts is a world that is anti-people
胡夫纳格尔认为Google应该放弃座右铭,因为: Google關於的做惡的發言不仅是信口開河,它掩盖了Google大量的广告收益。
Hoofnagle argued in 2009 that Google should abandon the motto because: The evil talk is not only an albatross for Google, it obscures the substantial consumer benefits from Google’s advertising model.
The newspaper's motto was, "Always for Liberty and the Public Good."
" 亲力亲为 不 赌 运气 " 这 是 我 的 座右铭 小姐
'Never leave anything to chance,'m'lady, that's my motto.
His motto of “programmatic continuity and growth with quality” had worked well
Young Women Motto and Logo
Ms. Plassnik (Austria): “United in diversity”: this motto of the European Union expresses what we, the 25 — and soon to be 27 — member States of the European Union, demand from ourselves, as well as our aspirations for the United Nations.
年 # 月 # 日,通过了关于国歌、座右铭和纸币设计的法律草案,以提交给议会表决。
On # ctober # the draft law on the anthem, motto and banknote design was accepted, with a view to submitting it to a vote in Congress
He noted that while the old motto for South-South cooperation was “building bridges across the South”, the thinking today must focus on “placing the South on the twenty-first century's global superhighways”
根据“不忽视任何人”的座右铭,每年将组织全国各地的老年人参观历史古迹,并将在不同地点举办一系列题为“老年人是家庭支柱”的展览和题为“最佳Makhalla Guzar(社区中心)”的竞赛。
Under the motto "No one overlooked", tourist trips to historic sites will be organized for elderly people from all over the country and a series of displays and competitions called the Elderly are the Pillar of the Family and Best Makhalla Guzar (neighbourhood community centre) will be held in various locales.
One youth baseball league thus has the motto, “Character, Courage, Loyalty.”
His motto was, “Witnessing is our lifeblood; without it, we are dead.”
有生之年我还要继续遵循自己的座右铭:“至于我,我信赖耶和华。”( 诗篇31:6)
I am grateful for all that Jehovah has done for me, and it is my heart’s desire to continue to live up to my motto: “As for me, in Jehovah I do trust.” —Psalm 31:6.
The Relief Society’s motto is “Charity never faileth” (1 Corinthians 13:8).
我 的 座右铭 是 保护 年轻人 尊重 老年人...
I am Turkish, I am right, I am hardworking.
“In and against” used to be our motto.
The delegation provided information on the reorganization and restructuring of its structures, starting from the local level, in accordance with the motto, “political dynamism, effective management and organization”.
“The only motto I go by,” commented the prince while visiting a factory, “is ‘Do to others as you would have them do to you.’

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.