What does 煮熟 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 煮熟 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 煮熟 in Chinese.
The word 煮熟 in Chinese means boil, cooked. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 煮熟
boilverb 他们听到我们的遭遇,知道我们必定很饿,所以给我们每人三个煮熟的大马铃薯、一片面包和少许食盐。 They gave each of us three large, boiled potatoes, a piece of bread, and a little salt. |
cookedadjective (of food, that has been prepared by cooking) 海参煮熟后很快就会凝结,而且几乎是透明的,做汤时可用来使汤汁变稠和当作调味品。 Once cooked, the sea cucumber is gelatinous and almost transparent. |
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它? 会 令你 深思 熟? 虑一 小? 时 跑 # 哩 It' il make you able to think deep thoughts, run a hundred miles an hour |
因为收集柴火和炊煮仍然主要是由妇女和儿童从事,妇女和儿童就特别容易遭受一些危险,包括呼吸道感染、强奸和性攻击、失去教育机会和环境破坏。 Because they are primarily responsible for collecting firewood and cooking, women and children are particularly vulnerable to a range of risks, including respiratory infections, rape and sexual assault, missed educational opportunities and environmental destruction. |
出25:33,34;37:19,20)亚伦的杖也是一根杏枝,一夜之间,神奇地开花并结了熟杏,从而证明亚伦是上帝所立的祭司。( 民17:8) (Ex 25:33, 34; 37:19, 20) Aaron’s rod was also an almond branch and miraculously budded overnight, producing ripe almonds as proof of God’s approval on him as anointed high priest. —Nu 17:8. |
但是真真正正让我兴奋的 是这栋不可思议的格兰诺拉麦片房子(源出商标名,一种添加了干果蔬等的松脆熟燕麦片)。 But the thing that I'm really, really excited about is this incredible granola house. |
我 又 跟 你 不熟 I don't know you. |
但是 你 煮菜 很 好吃 。 But you're a good cook. |
单凭鱼的外观不能分辨是否含有毒素,它的气味或味道不会改变;即使蒸煮、晒干、用盐腌、熏制或用调味汁浸泡,也不能消除毒素。 Ciguatoxins do not alter the appearance, smell, or taste of fish and cannot be destroyed by cooking, drying, salting, smoking, or marinating. |
你 要? 来 吃 晚餐? 吗 ? 艾 莉 儿 煮? 吗 ? Are you coming for dinner?- Is Ariel cooking? |
我们 就 阉 了 你 , 然后 煮汤 喝 No, we won't. |
差不多是这样的: 头版头条:“疯狂的机器人 把猫煮了给主人当晚饭!” Well, it happens like this: "Deranged robot cooks kitty for family dinner." |
由于在国家饮用水引流、电气化以及改善住房方案的框架下所做出的极大努力,以及全国互助基金会在最贫穷的地区,即所谓“阴影地带”所做出的贡献,农村地区的覆盖率在2006年得到显著增长,饮用水供应达到90.6%,电力覆盖率达到98.5%,而将天然气作为烹煮食物的主要能源来源的比例达到了98.2%。 Thanks to the considerable efforts made under national programmes for water and power supply and housing development, together with the invaluable support of the FSN in the poorest zones (zones d’ombre), service coverage rates in rural areas recorded a significant increase in 2006, rising to 90.6 per cent in the case of drinking water and 98.5 per cent for electricity. At the same time, the use of gas as the main cooking fuel now stands at 98.2 per cent. |
跟 他 和 Deedee 变得 很 熟 We got to know him and Deedee pretty well. |
要么 把 我 的 饭 煮 好, 要么 我 把 你 煮 了 Either you cook my rice, or I cook you! |
她要生个火,煮点东西吃,这可能是她和年幼儿子的最后一餐了。 She needed to build a fire so that she could cook a meager meal—probably the last meal that she and her young son would eat. |
“气体煮食令人气喘” “Cooking—and Wheezing—With Gas” |
我們 應該 多 煮點 咖啡 嗎 ? More coffee? |
这些 女孩 看起来 像 被 煮熟 了 These girls look cooked. |
只需调整颜料浆的比例就可以达到颜色的要求,颜料浆是不需要熟化的,所以就不需要像之前那样熟化很多次色浆进行调色了,这样调色周期会大大缩短,提高生产效率。 A color requirement can be met by just adjusting a proportion of the pigment slurry. |
你要是想知道用花生酱调味的菜肴尝起来是怎样的,何不自己动手煮一道呢? If you wonder how a dish flavored with peanut butter tastes, why not try making one? |
制造费泰奶酪的时候是不用烹煮或挤压的,只需用盐水略为加工,使浓烈的羊奶带有咸味。 Feta is not cooked or pressed, but it is cured briefly in a brine solution that adds a salty flavor to the sharp tang of the milk. |
边 吃 煎 鸡蛋 或 煮 鸡蛋 边 看电视 Fried or boiled, in front of the TV. |
所有 的 警察 都 思想 熟虑 All cops aren't flatfoots. |
請 里面 坐 我來 煮 咖啡 I could make some coffee. |
是 巴黎 的 一個 公共 游泳池 那 裏 的 水乾淨 到 早上 能拿來 煮 咖啡 That the water there was so clear, you could make your morning coffee with it. |
镇上 大部份 人 都 很 熟 我 相信 你 也 很 熟 Junior year. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.