What does 依赖 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 依赖 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 依赖 in Chinese.
The word 依赖 in Chinese means rely, depend, dependency. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 依赖
relyverb (rest with confidence) 他非常诚实,所以我们可以依赖他。 He's very honest, so we can rely on him. |
dependverb (rely on support) 不要太过于依赖别人。 Don't depend too much on others. |
dependencynoun 不要太过于依赖别人。 Don't depend too much on others. |
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国际社会还应持续增加对最不发达国家基础设施、生产能力和服务领域的投资,努力帮助这些国家改变其严重依赖商品生产和出口的经济结构。 The international community should also continuously scale up investment in the least developed countries in the areas of infrastructure, productivity and services, and endeavour to help them to restructure their economies, which were too dependent on production of commodities. |
由于没有合法的旅行渠道,依赖偷运的人越来越多,导致保护工作的风险加大,包括人口贩运的风险。 The inaccessibility of legal channels to travel has also led to growing reliance on smugglers and increased protection risks, including trafficking. |
亚洲太平洋和南亚地区的青年(41.5%),特别是中国的青年(62%),比其它地区的青年更能够获得亲友的资金,而拉丁美洲和加勒比、中东和北非地区的青年主要依赖个人资金。 The youth in the Asia Pacific and South Asia regions (41.5 per cent) and particularly China (62 per cent), are significantly more able to obtain funding from family and friends than in any other regions, while the youth in Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa regions are primarily reliant on personal funding. |
在多数合作企业中,供应商依赖于顾客。 In most cooperative ventures, suppliers depend on the customers. |
但是如果你完全依赖《华盛顿邮报》或者《纽约时报》,你就很难对这一点有清楚的认识。 But if you relied on either the Washington Post or the New York Times, you would have had a very hard time seeing it. |
据估计,全球有16亿人严重依赖森林资源维持生计。 It is estimated that 1.6 billion people globally rely heavily on forest resources for their livelihoods. |
这种豁免有几个相辅相成、相互联系的来源,包括国际法有关各国主权平等和不干涉内政的原则,以及需要确保国际关系稳定和各国在国务活动中的相互依赖。 Such immunity had several complementary and interrelated sources, including the principles of international law concerning the sovereign equality of States and non-interference in internal affairs, as well as the need to ensure the stability of international relations and the interdependence of States in the conduct of their activities. |
随着经济和金融间互相依赖的程度日益提高,这种现象已经国际化,而且可能具有全球规模。 With increasing economic and financial interdependence, this phenomenon has become internationalized and potentially global in scope. |
通过政府储蓄银行运营的人民银行为这些人提供无需担保的初始资本,并依赖基于个人能力的个人担保。 The People's Bank, which operates through the Government Savings Bank, provides these people with initial capital without requiring collateral, relying instead on personal guarantees based on personal capacities |
采用简单的收款制度可增加融资制度的自主权,减少今后关于依赖某个公司捐款的指称。 Moving to a simple levy system would add an element of automaticity to the funding system and reduce any future claims of dependence on single-company contributions. |
依赖于经济增长指标或许会误导,因为有力的增长会掩盖经济脆弱性的加剧并麻痹政策制订者不采取行动。 Relying on the economic-growth indicator may be misleading, because robust growth could mask the build-up of vulnerability in the economy and lull policymakers into inaction. |
社区复兴和复原活动集中在恢复基本社会服务和提供可持续生计机会,目的是加强社区提供基本社会服务的能力,增强地方自我组织和参与的能力,减少人们对人道主义援助的依赖。 Community revival and restoration focus on the rehabilitation of basic social services and the provision of sustainable livelihood opportunities, with the objective to of increaseing community capacity for the delivery of basic social services, increaseing local capacity for self- organization and participation and reduceing the dependence of the population on humanitarian assistance |
在2000年3月找到了这一问题的临时解决办法,希望能够进一步促进这些努力,以减少这些难民对难民署财政支助的依赖。 An interim solution to this problem was found in March 2000 and it is hoped that efforts to reduce the dependency of these refugees on UNHCR’s financial support can be further advanced. |
建立长期关系使私营部门司得以依赖更可靠和更可预测的收入来源和依靠同时可以在其社会上发挥积极宣传作用的坚定支持者群体。 Establishing a long-term relationship allows PSD to count on a more reliable and predictable source of income and on a committed group of supporters that can also play an active advocacy role in their societies |
除了依赖企业资源规划项目之外,管理层也了解到执行《国际公共部门会计准则》方面的其它一些挑战。 The Committee highlights the following challenges arising from IPSAS implementation that require the attention of the General Assembly |
我可以依赖主席团的大力帮助以在今后几周之内减轻我的负担,也知道我还将受益于委员会全体同仁的合作和帮助。 While I can count upon the capable assistance of the Bureau to lighten my burdens over the weeks ahead, I know that I will also benefit from the cooperation and help of all my colleagues on the Committee. |
回顾,早期诊断、适当研究和有效干预对个人的成长和发展至关重要,强调,早期干预对满足自闭症谱系障碍、发育障碍和相关残疾患者的需求十分关键,能改善他们的机遇,让其享受高质量生活,参加更多社区活动,还可能在今后生活中减少依赖, Recalling that early diagnosis, appropriate research and effective interventions are vital to the growth and development of the individual, and emphasizing that early intervention is crucial for addressing the needs of the individual with ASD, DD and associated disabilities, thus improving the opportunities to live a quality life with the ability to participate in the greater community and increasing the likelihood that an individual will need lower levels of support later in life, |
修建隔离墙导致了境内流离失所,迫使许多生活在西岸地区的人迁移别处,使得数以百计的巴勒斯坦人失去了他们依赖于土地的生计,还夺走了数千人的工作机会。 Construction of the separation wall had led to internal displacement, forced many people in the West Bank to relocate and caused hundreds of Palestinians to lose their livelihoods from the land, and had deprived thousands of access to their work. |
当移徙工人依赖于雇主取得工作许可证时,雇主与移徙者之间的不对称关系甚至更加明显。 The asymmetrical work relationship between employers and migrant workers is even more evident when migrant workers depend on their employers for work permits. |
初始问题的核心是监管不力的住房融资系统和对于私营金融机构的依赖。 Poorly regulated housing finance systems and reliance on private financial institutions were at the core of the initial problem |
大会还注意到科学委员会对委员会秘书处依赖仅有的一名专业人员职等员额的状况深表关切(见 # ),因为这使得委员会人力极为薄弱,并妨碍有效执行其核定工作方案。 It also noted the deep concern of the Scientific Committee (see # ) that reliance on a single post at the professional level in its secretariat had left the Committee seriously vulnerable and had hampered the efficient implementation of its approved programme of work |
但有必要确保那些依赖于可负担得起的和经实践证明效果良好的计量吸入器供应的公民、特别是其中低收入群体的健康和安全。 Yet it was necessary to ensure the health and safety of those citizens, particularly low-income groups, which relied on the availability of affordable and proven MDImetered-dose inhalers |
关于食物和水的分配及其他基本服务,委员会关切地注意到,这些西撒哈拉难民儿童完全依赖援助机构,尽管联合国难民事务高级专员办事处、联合国粮食计划署和其他机构作出了持续不断的努力,然而一直难以为他们提供充分的援助。 As regards food and water distribution and other basic services, the Committee notes with concern that these refugee children are completely dependent upon aid agencies and that despite the continuous efforts of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the World Food Programme (WFP) and other agencies, there have been difficulties in providing them with adequate assistance |
由于该国经济80% 依赖农业,而农业目前正遇到困难,因此,许多家庭陷入了饥饿的境地。 Many families suffered from hunger, as 80 per cent of the country depended on agriculture, which was experiencing difficulties. |
在我们努力确保能够获得土地和饮用水以及在该国改善货物运输速度的时候,我们将十分依赖这些有效的协商。 We will rely heavily on those consultations being effective in our efforts to secure the land and access to water and to improve the speed at which goods move across the country |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.