What does 偉大 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 偉大 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 偉大 in Chinese.
The word 偉大 in Chinese means great, mighty, magnificent. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 偉大
greatadjective (uncommonly gifted) 邱吉爾不僅是一位偉大的政治家,還是一位偉大的作家。 In addition to being a great statesman, Churchill was a great writer. |
mightyadjective 你們 當中 也 沒 有人 能夠 審判... 我 的 偉大 工作. No man amongst you is fit to judge the mighty art that I have wrought. |
magnificentadjective 你 的 出生 原本 應該 偉大 You were born to be magnificent. |
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他又将与联合国系统和区域实体联络,就起因于族裔和种族问题、如不加预防或制止则可能导致灭绝种族的大规模和严重违反人权和国际人道主义法的情事收集情报,并充当秘书长和安全理事会的预警机制。 He will also carry out liaison with the United Nations system and regional entities and collect information on massive and serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law of ethnic and racial origin that, if not prevented or halted, might lead to genocide, and will act as an early warning mechanism to the Secretary-General and the Security Council |
南弗吉尼亚大学生物系副教授理查·贾纳弟兄表示,他对耶稣基督福音的信心对他有很大的帮助。 Brother Richard Gardner, an associate professor of biology at Southern Virginia University, says that his faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been a big help to him. |
不断上升的海平面和海水温度将导致蒸发和世界范围更大的降雨量,从而引起普遍洪灾。 The increasing surface and ocean temperature will lead to evaporation and more rainfall around the world, thereby giving rise to widespread floods. |
会议应尽最大的努力,以确保会议工作以普遍协议的方式完成。 The Conference shall make its best endeavours to ensure that the work of the Conference is accomplished by general agreement. |
10月1日:大日本帝國完成全國17間民營鐵路國有化。 October 1 - The Empire of Japan completes the nationalization of nationwide 17 private railroads. |
还需要定期进行此类最新的培训,以确保取得最大效果。 The training would need to be regularly updated to ensure maximum effectiveness |
汤姆14岁大,一切都很正常,他是一位乐于助人的高材生。 TOM was a normal 14-year-old —a top-notch student who liked to do favors for his neighbors. |
例如,为了避免食物变坏和延长售卖不出的搁置时日,许多食物受到高度加工制造,以致它们的营养价值大成问题。 Also, unwise practices, commercial greed, lack of education of the public and indifference have produced a shocking situation. |
在 车上 , 最大 。 Get in the van, Max. |
只有开展集体努力,才能确保提高所有人的生活水平,并使他们享有更大的尊严。 Only collective efforts can ensure a better standard of living and greater dignity for all human beings. |
他 也 許曾經 擴大過 棄屍 地點 但並 沒有 這麼 做 He could have spread out the dump sites but chose not to. |
不结盟国家集团强调,发达国家有责任便利和协助发展中国家合法发展核能,允许它们尽量充分地参与为和平目的而可能转让核设备、材料和科学技术信息,以期在活动中取得最大的裨益并应用可持续发展的有关要素。 The Group stresses the responsibility of developed countries to facilitate and assist the legitimate development of nuclear energy of the developing countries by allowing them to participate to the fullest in possible transfer of nuclear equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes with a view to achieving the maximum benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable development in their activities |
政府大力投资社会领域,教育、培训、就业、医疗和计划生育情况有很大改善。 The Government had made a considerable investment in the social sphere so that education, training, employment, health and family planning had improved decisively. |
此类事件使得必须大声、明确而经常地解释联合国做了些什么以及为什么要这样做。 Such events had driven home the need to speak loudly, clearly and often about what the United Nations did and why |
鼓励开发计划署继续高度优先重视联合国评价小组的工作,并强调联合国各实体,至少是开发计划署、儿童基金会和人口基金,可在很大程度上受益于特别是在国家一级为支持联发援框架评价工作而加强评价领域的合作 Encourages UNDP to give continued high priority to the work of the United Nations Evaluations Group, and stresses that United Nations entities, and not least UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA, could benefit significantly from further strengthening their cooperation in the field of evaluation, particularly at the country level, in support of UNDAF evaluation |
秘书长的报告在前四章中谈到了所有这些挑战;这四章涵盖了发展、和平与安全、人道主义事务及人权与法治这四大传统支柱。 The report of the Secretary-General addresses all of those challenges in its first four chapters, which cover the traditional four pillars of development, peace and security, humanitarian affairs, human rights and rule of law. |
我敢说,包括妇女和种族层面上的贫困仍然是我们的最大挑战之一。 I dare to say that poverty, including its female and racial dimensions, remains one of our biggest challenges |
有的委员还说,报告虽然处理了一些有启发性的问题,但也使委员会远离了其最后目标,即确定承认在多大程度上产生法律效力。 It was also stated that, although addressing stimulating issues, the report drew the Commission away from its final objective, which was to determine to what extent recognition produced legal effects. |
例如,2005年8月,三个最大的基因序列数据库存储了165,000种生物的1,000亿条序列数据。 For example, in August 2005 the three largest repositories of gene sequence information contained 100 billion bases of sequence data from 165,000 organisms. |
a) 非洲经委会、拉加经委会、亚太经社会、西亚经社会、人居署、环境规划署和内罗毕办事处的空缺率在整个期间内波动幅度很大 a) Vacancy rates in ECA, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, UN-Habitat, UNEP and the United Nations Office at Nairobi have fluctuated considerably throughout the period |
快去 通知 聯邦 保安 官 告訴 他們 亞曼 的 大 陰謀 Listen, go to the marshal's office and tell them what Armand is doing here. |
非洲有 # 个文化和面积各不相同的独立国家,它们的地形杂乱危险,农业和采矿的潜力较大,但需要可供应用的运输系统来便利将货物出口到市场。 Africa, with # independent countries of varying cultures and sizes as well as rough and dangerous terrain, has considerable agricultural and mineral potential but needs a viable transport system to facilitate the export of goods to markets |
具有传奇色彩的乔治·凯南大使1946年在美国国家战争学院对学生发表演讲时说,“你们要知道,如果在背后有一只默不作声的、小小的武装部队,这将极大地促进外交活动中的一般礼仪和融洽气氛。” In a lecture to the students of the United States National War College in 1946, the legendary Ambassador George Kennan said, “You have no idea how much it contributes to the general politeness and pleasantness of diplomacy when you have a quiet little armed force in the background.” |
这些情况表明,不具竞争性的市场在发展中国家是更大的问题。 These features suggest that uncompetitive markets are an even greater problem in developing countries. |
任何国际安排的可行性和可信度一方面取决于各方获得的收益是否平衡,另一方面取决于各成员在多大程度上致力于其原则和宗旨。 The viability and credibility of any international arrangements depend upon the balanced gains that they achieve for all parties, on the one hand, and the extent of the commitment of their members to their principles and purposes, on the other. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.