What does sóley in Icelandic mean?

What is the meaning of the word sóley in Icelandic? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use sóley in Icelandic.

The word sóley in Icelandic means buttercup, meadow buttercup. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word sóley


noun (herb of the genus Ranunculus)

meadow buttercup


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Góðtemplarastúkan Sóley frá Reykjavík tók þátt í mótinu sem gestur.
At that time the bassist Salek from Reborn played in the band as a guest member.
Sóley Tómasdóttir (fædd 12. maí 1974) er íslensk stjórnmálakona.
Sóley Tómasdóttir (born 12 May 1974) is an Icelandic politician.
Líf tók sæti borgarfulltrúa eftir að Sóley baðst lausnar 20 september 2016, en Sóley flutti til Hollands ásamt eiginmanni sínum þá um vorið.
Sóley asked for a resolution in a meeting of the City Council on 20 September 2016 moved to the Netherlands with her husband and family.
Sóley var varaborgarfulltrúi frá kosningum vorið 2006 en tók sæti borgarfulltrúa þegar Svandís Svavarsdóttir var kjörin á þing vorið 2009.
Sóley was a vice City councillor from the spring of 2006, but served as a city representative when Svandís Svavarsdóttir was elected to the Althing in the spring of 2009.
Sóley hefur setið í flestum fagráðum borgarinnar en varð forseti borgarstjórnar þegar fjögurra flokka meirihluti Samfylkingar, Bjartrar framtíðar, Vinstri grænna og Pírata tók við völdum 16. júní 2014.
She has been in the city's most professional councils, but became president of the city council when four groups of the Social Democratic Alliance, Bright Future, Left Green and Pirate Party took office on 16 June 2014.
Sóley ólst upp að mestu leyti í Kópavogi en fluttist til Reykjavíkur á unglingsárum.
Sóley grew up mostly in Kópavogur but moved to Reykjavík in adolescence.
Hver einasta sóley var óður minn til þín,
I gather the blossoms the whole meadow over;
Bogi Nils Bogason forstjóri og Eva Sóley Guðbjörnsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri fjármála munu kynna afkomu Icelandair Group og svara spurningum ásamt öðrum stjórnendum félagsins. Kynningin hefst kl. 08:30 og verður í sal 2. Morgunverður í boði frá kl. 8:00.
Bogi Nils Bogason, President & CEO of Icelandair Group will present the Company ́s results and answer questions along with the senior management. Breakfast will be served from 8:00 am.
Svo eru krakkar á okkar vegum, þau Júlía Lindmark, Sóley Þórsdóttir og Bjarki Freyr Arngrímsson að keppa í ungmenna- og unglingaflokki,“ sagði Sigurður sem var í þann mund að leggja á fyrsta hrossið til að prófa vellina. „Aðstaðan lítur ofsalega vel út, hér er frískandi veður og andrúmsloftið gott.
Also a few children are here with us, they are Júlía Lindmark, Sóley Þórsdóttir and Bjarki Freyr Arngrímsson and they are participating in the young adults class, and teenagers class,” Sigurður said as he was about to mount the saddle on the first horse in order to check on the competition track.
Bogi Nils Bogason, forstjóri Icelandair Group, og Eva Sóley Guðbjörnsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri fjármála munu kynna afkomuna og svara spurningum ásamt öðrum stjórnendum félagsins.
Bogi Nils Bogason, President & CEO of Icelandair Group, and Eva Sóley Guðbjörnsdóttir CFO will present the Company’s results and answer questions, together with other senior management.
Eva Sóley mun hefja störf hjá Icelandair Group um miðjan febrúarmánuð og tekur þá jafnframt sæti í framkvæmdastjórn félagsins.
Eva Soley will start working for Icelandair Group in mid-February and will become a member of the Company‘s Executive Committee.
Eva Sóley Guðbjörnsdóttir hefur verið ráðin framkvæmdastjóri fjármálasviðs hjá Icelandair Group.
Eva Soley Gudbjornsdottir has been hired Chief Financial Officer of Icelandair Group.
Lára Sóley er fiðluleikari og hefur starfað sem tónlistarmaður og sjálfstætt starfandi verkefnastjóri undanfarin ár.
Lára Sóley is a violinist and has worked as a musician and independent project manager in recent years.
Anna Sóley glöð eftir sundið.
Anna Sóley happy after swimming.
Bleikar rósir, gular sóley, fjólublátt Cosmos, rauður Hibiscus... og allt þar á milli!
Pink roses, yellow sunflowers, purple cosmos, red hibiscus... and everything in between!
Get tickets to events by Sóley Freyja Eiríksdóttir.
Get tickets to events by Karoline Amalie Andreasen.
Búningar voru hannaðir af Mat Voorter, ljósahönnun var í höndum Joris De Bolle og tónlist var frumsamin af Sóley.
Costumes are designed by Mat Voorter, lights by Joris De Bolle and the music is composed by Sóley.
Við viljum þakka öllum sem hjálpa Sóley að verða frísk aftur.
We would like to thank all those who help Sóley to get well again.
Eva Sóley hefur umfangsmikla reynslu af stjórnun, rekstri og fjármálum, á Íslandi og á alþjóðavettvangi, bæði í skráðum og óskráðum félögum.
She has an extensive experience of management, operations and finance in Iceland and internationally, both within private and listed companies.
• HÆTTULEGUR: Vopnaðir í þessu glæsilegu fjalli í formi Sóley-ljónsins!
• ROARING FALLS: Venture in this majestic mountain in the shape of the Lion of Sodor!
Lára Sóley er 37 ára gömul, gift Hjalta Jónssyni, sálfræðingi og tónlistarmanni og eiga þau þrjú börn.
Lára Sóley is 37 years old, married to Hjalti Jónsson, a psychiatrist and musician, and they have three children.
Eva Sóley Guðbjörnsdóttir starfaði sem framkvæmdastjóri fjármála- og rekstrarsviðs Advania á Íslandi frá árinu 2015 og sem framkvæmdastjóri þjónustu- og rekstrarsviðs fyrirtækisins frá maí 2018.
Eva Soley Gudbjornsdottir worked as the Managing Director of Finance and Operations at Advania in Iceland from 2015 and then as the Managing Director of Service and Operations of the Company from May 2018.
Eva Sóley hóf starfsferil sinn í fjármálageiranum og starfaði hjá Kaupþingi banka í mörg ár, meðal annars í fjárstýringu, eigna- og skuldastýringu, fjármögnun, á fyrirtækjasviði og í fyrirtækjaráðgjöf.
She worked at Kaupthing Bank for many years in various roles, such as in treasury, asset and liability management, funding, corporate banking and corporate finance.
Sóley er með meistaragráðu í alþjóðaviðskiptum og markaðsfræði og BSc gráðu í viðskiptafræði frá Háskólanum í Reykjavík.
Sóley holds a Master ́s degree in international business and marketing and B.Sc degree in business from Reykjavik University.
Lára Sóley hefur tekið virkan þátt í félagsstörfum, m.a. setið í stjórn og verkefnavalsnefnd Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Norðurlands, stjórn KÍTÓN (Félagi kvenna í tónlist) og stjórn Tónlistarfélags Akureyrar.
Lára Sóley has been active in arts management, including as board member and member of the program committee of the North Iceland Symphony Orchestra, the board of KÍTÓN (Women in Music) and the board of the Akureyri Music Society.

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Do you know about Icelandic

Icelandic is a Germanic language and the official language of Iceland. It is an Indo-European language, belonging to the North Germanic branch of the Germanic language group. The majority of Icelandic speakers live in Iceland, about 320,000. More than 8,000 native Icelandic speakers live in Denmark. The language is also spoken by about 5,000 people in the United States and by more than 1,400 people in Canada. Although 97% of Iceland's population considers Icelandic as their mother tongue, the number of speakers is declining in communities outside Iceland, especially Canada.