What does silně in Czech mean?

What is the meaning of the word silně in Czech? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use silně in Czech.

The word silně in Czech means silně, silně, tlustě, jasně, silně, mocně, silné krvácení, intenzivně, silně, výrazně, silně, silně krvácet, silně, ostře, velmi, silně, silně, intenzivně, s velkou silou, silně, výrazně, silně stisknout. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word silně


(Italian (music: loudly) (hudba)

The passage is sung piano the first time, and forte the second.



Vítr foukal tak silně, že jsem se skoro nemohla udržet na nohou.
The wind was blowing so strongly, I could barely stand up.


(in a thick layer) (silnou vrstvou)

Namaž mi to tlustě marmeládou.
Spread the jam thick.


(sharply, intensely)

Lucy was poignantly aware that she would never see Susan again.

silně, mocně

(with great force)

The army general powerfully commanded his troops.

silné krvácení

(heavy bleeding)

Karen was hospitalized for a hemorrhage.

intenzivně, silně

(intensely, acutely)

We're keenly aware of the need for more police presence there.

výrazně, silně


The warrior struck his opponent tellingly, rendering him unable to move.

silně krvácet

(bleed heavily)

The new mother hemorrhaged after giving birth and stayed in the hospital for a week.

silně, ostře

(fervently) (velmi)

The villagers strongly objected to the plans for a new motorway just half a mile from their homes.

velmi, silně


He's very substantially built, with a broad back and shoulders.

silně, intenzivně


He shrieked violently when I pinched him.

s velkou silou

(with great force)

The flood waters descended on the town overwhelmingly.

silně, výrazně

(distinctly, markedly)

The man's breath smelled strongly of whiskey.

silně stisknout

(hand: grip) (ruku)

Upon meeting the man who had saved his wife's life, John grasped his hand and wrung it.

Let's learn Czech

So now that you know more about the meaning of silně in Czech, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Czech.

Do you know about Czech

Czech is one of the languages of the Western branch of the Slavic languages - along with Slovak and Polish. Czech is spoken by most Czechs living in the Czech Republic and worldwide (over about 12 million people in all). Czech is very close to Slovak and, to a lesser extent, to Polish.