What does 人参果 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 人参果 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 人参果 in Chinese.
The word 人参果 in Chinese means Potentilla anserina, goose grass, goose-tansy, silverweed. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 人参果
Potentilla anserinanoun |
goose grassnoun |
goose-tansynoun |
silverweednoun |
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培训拨款额将予保持,以便支付作为联合国当前人力资源改革方案的结果而设立的各种培训方案所涉费用。 The provision for training will be maintained to cater to training schemes introduced by the United Nations as a result of the ongoing human resources reform programme. |
您可以限制搜尋結果只傳回某幾種元素,像是廣告活動類型或出價策略,或者是上層欄位 (例如 [廣告群組狀態]、[新增項目]、[已修改的項目] 和 [含有錯誤的項目] 等等)。 You can limit your results to a variety of elements such as campaign type or bid strategy, parent fields such as ad group status, new items, edited items, items with errors, and more. |
通过政治意愿和政府自主权,能够克服阻碍评估工作的障碍(特别是成本、可能令政府的既定政策受到质疑的负面结果、短期与长期影响及利益之间的矛盾、能力不足和缺乏数据)。 Obstacles to assessment processes (inter alia, costs, potentially negative results that call into question established Government policies, tension between short-term and long-term impact and interests, and lack of capacity and data) can be overcome through political will and Government ownership. |
我 在 大學 上過 一堂 阿拉伯文 結果 就 上 癮 了 I took a class in college and got hooked. |
Cottonelle的另一項初步調查則訪問了1000名美國人,結果發現選擇朝外放的人較會留意捲筒式衛生紙的放置方向(74%),選擇朝外放的人當中亦有24%在「方向不正確」時感到惱火,27%曾在友人家把放置方向糾正。 In a more traditional preliminary survey of 1,000 Americans, Cottonelle found that "overs" are more likely than "unders" to notice a roll's direction (74 percent), to be annoyed when the direction is incorrect (24 percent), and to have flipped the direction at a friend's home (27 percent). |
將廣告空間檔案匯入至 Planning 時,您會看到以下結果: When you import an inventory file into Planning, you'll see these results: |
結果,印度市場面對來自國家內部與外部的競爭。 As a result, Indian market faces competition from within and outside the country. |
已而阳羡果召。 He then sang the prayer of Terce. |
他抓到了他們在偷蘋果。 He caught them stealing apples. |
联合检查组检查专员多米尼克·韦德拉奥果介绍了联检组关于 # 号文件的评论( # dd # )。 Inspector Dominique Ouedraogo, Joint Inspection Unit, introduced the comments of the Unit on document # ( # dd |
所有莓果作物都有淺根系。 All berry crops have shallow root systems. |
考古學研究結果發現,ioy-Ilé或Katunga是Oyo約魯巴帝國的首都(在公元11至19世紀之間),人口超過10萬人,是當時非洲最大的都市之一。 Archaeological findings indicate that Òyó-Ilé or Katunga, capital of the Yoruba empire of Oyo (fl. between the 11th and 19th centuries CE), had a population of over 100,000 people (the largest single population of any African settlement at that time in history). |
在最高領袖確認了選舉結果後,有指拉夫桑賈尼要求召開伊朗專家議會,但會議的結果及詳情皆不得而知。 After the disputed results of the election were certified by the Supreme Leader, Rafsanjani was reported to have called a meeting of the Assembly of Experts, but it is unknown what the outcome or disposition of this meeting actually was. |
我们还强调,必须遵守大会第十届特别会议最后文件中载明的原则、不扩散条约缔约国1995年审议和延期大会的结果、不扩散核武器条约缔约国2000年审议大会最后文件,特别是文件所载的13项实际步骤。 We also stress the need to adhere to the principles contained in the Final Document of the tenth special session of the General Assembly, the results of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the NPT, and the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the NPT, particularly the 13 practical steps contained in the document. |
軍團更任命一名軍官負責他們的福利,包括他們的食物配額,如生果、蔬菜和果仁,並且編列軍團預算當中。 An officer was appointed to supervise their welfare, and a food allowance of fruit, vegetables and nuts was included in the budget. |
这些措施带来严重的人道主义后果、违反国际法,并标志着逐渐放弃利用外交和对话作为解决国家间争端的手段。 Along with their serious humanitarian consequences, such measures are contrary to international law and symbolize a gradual abandonment of diplomacy and dialogue as the means of settling disputes among States |
結果 哥哥 你 救 了 我 一命 I was saved by my brother. |
斯德哥尔摩公约缔约方大会还邀请联合国环境规划署(环境署)理事会在其第二十四届会议上审议该项研究的结果、并审议上述各机构的审议情况和所作出的相关决定。 It also invited the Governing Council of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to consider, at its twenty‐fourth session, the results of the study and the considerations and decisions of the above-mentioned bodies. |
此外,除了承担繁重的工作,以化解人道主义危急局势的后果、加强对难民的国际保护制度外,难民专员办事处还在“布鲁金斯进程”的框架内,全面处理影响深远的建立和平、冲突后重建、国家稳定和援助这些国家的长期发展等等问题。 Moreover, in addition to doing the enormous amount of work necessary to eliminate the consequences of emergency humanitarian situations and to strengthen the regime of international protection of refugees, the UNHCR was able to take on the comprehensive and far-reaching questions of peace-building, post-conflict reconstruction, the stabilization of States and assistance to their long-term development, within the framework of the “Brookings Process” |
报告标准委员会致力于推广在勘探结果、矿产资源和矿产储备国际公开报告领域的最佳做法。 CRIRSCO aims to promote best practices in the international public reporting of mineral exploration results, mineral resources and mineral reserves. |
他报告说 # 名被指控犯有战争罪和种族灭绝罪的逃犯中,有许多藏匿刚果。 他还说,将他们捉拿归案并移交给国际法庭的努力成果甚微。 He has reported that many of the # fugitives accused of war crimes and genocide are hiding out in the Congo, and he has also said that efforts to apprehend and transfer them to the seat of the Tribunal have borne little fruit so far |
欢迎2015年6月18日至25日在巴黎举行的政府间海洋学委员会大会第二十八届会议通过的关于通过第二支国际印度洋考察队的决议,[footnoteRef:110] 这是将印度洋进程与全球海洋和大气连接起来的重要推动项目,将于2015年12月4日在印度果阿正式启动,初步为期五年;并邀请各国参与这项举措; [110: 政府间海洋学委员会,XXVIII-1号决议。] Welcomes the resolution adopted by the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission at its twenty-eighth session, held in Paris from 18 to 25 June 2015, regarding the adoption of the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition,[footnoteRef:110] as an important catalyst project linking Indian Ocean processes to the global ocean and atmosphere, to be officially launched in Goa, India, on 4 December 2015, for an initial period of five years, and invites States to participate in this initiative; [110: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, resolution XXVIII-1.] |
委员会感到遗憾的是,在中美洲人权法院就Yean和Bosico一案作出判决五年之后,在缔约国出生的海地裔儿童仍继续遭受歧视,尤其是作为实施2004年关于移民问题的第285-04号法律、2007年多米尼加选举委员会第017号决议和2010年《宪法》第18.3条的结果而决定撤销身份证的做法。 It regrets that five years after the judgment by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the Yean and Bosico case, children of Haitian descent born in the State party continue to suffer discrimination, in particular through the revocation of identity documents as a result of the application of Law No. 285-04 on Migration of 2004, Resolution No. 017 by the Dominican Electoral Board in 2007, and article 18.3 of the Constitution of 2010. |
果性犯罪涉及到儿童,与 # 岁以下的未成年人实施性行为或诱使其与他人实施性行为者,判处 # 年至 # 年徒刑,如果发生性插入,判处徒刑 # 年至 # 年(《刑法》第 # 条)。 In cases of sexual crimes involving children, the perpetrator of a sexual act with a minor of # years or less or an individual who causes that minor to be involved in a sexual act with another individual is liable to a penalty of between two and eight years' imprisonment; in cases involving sexual penetration, the prison term is # to # years (art # enal Code |
报告确认所取得的进展,并载列了就伙伴关系、方案结果、人员调动、培训及外地业务合理化等问题提出的建议,这些建议现正得到实施。 The report acknowledges the progress that has been made and includes recommendations on several issues, such as partnerships, programme outcomes, staff mobility, training and rationalizing field presence, that are already being implemented |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.