What does 冒充 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 冒充 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 冒充 in Chinese.
The word 冒充 in Chinese means masquerade, feign, pretend. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 冒充
masqueradeverb 但 那 並未 阻止 你 在 勞森 冒充 路克 That didn't prevent you from masquerading as Luke while in Lawson. |
feignverb (pass oneself off as) |
pretendverb |
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土地、矿业和能源部告知小组,一名利比里亚人因冒充政府钻石出口权威和出具虚假证书而被捕(见附件四)。 The Panel was informed by the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy that a Liberian had been arrested for falsely representing himself as a Government diamond export authority and issuing false certificates (see annex IV). |
在2011年6月23日,纽维尔为他冒充一名执法官员请罪,他被判缓刑两年。 On June 23, 2011, Newell pleaded guilty to impersonating a law enforcement officer and was sentenced to two years of probation. |
所以 我们 要来 个 掉包 让 我们 的 探员 冒充 她 Which means we have to conduct a plain sight swap, switch her out with one of our own agents. |
自称为已故亲人的灵体可能是冒充的吗? Could the spirits claiming to be departed loved ones be impostors? |
按这个词最广义的解释,凡是反对基督、冒充基督或伪称代表基督的,都是敌基督者。 In a broad sense, “antichrist” refers to all who oppose or lyingly claim to be Christ or his representatives. |
加拿大国内立法还载有针对网络犯罪的规定,其中包括针对未经授权使用计算机、网络、数据和密码的规定,还规定冒充他人意图实施欺诈或类似犯罪的行为为犯罪。 The national legislation of Canada also included provisions against cybercrime, including against the unauthorized use of computers, networks, data and passwords, and made it an offence to impersonate another person with the intent of committing fraud or a similar offence |
电子订约经常是在不同的法域跨时区进行的,在这种环境下,雇员可能不大熟悉查明对应方的方式:而且,网站可以是假造的,电子邮件地址也可以是冒充的。 In electronic contracting, which frequently operates in different jurisdictions and across different time-zones, employees may be less familiar with the means of identifying the counterparty: moreover, websites can be spoofed and e-mail addresses can be impersonated. |
因为,看啊,如果你再翻译出相同的词句,他们会说你说谎,并说你冒充翻译,而你却自相矛盾。 For, behold, if you should bring forth the same words they will say that you have lied and that you have pretended to translate, but that you have contradicted yourself. |
冒牌商品模仿真品的品牌特徵,以試圖冒充原廠正貨。 Counterfeits mimic the brand features of authentic products in an attempt to pass themselves off as a genuine. |
如果 你 想 以 冒充 警察 的 罪名 逮捕 我们 , 警官 , 那 就 来 吧. If you want to arrest us for impersonating police officers, go right ahead. |
大流士的铭文说,高马达冒充冈比西斯的兄弟(其实早已被处决),篡夺了王位。 According to the inscription, Gaumata was a usurper, posing as Cambyses’ brother who had been put to death. |
《任天堂力量》给游戏打了8/10分,并为《Joker》辩护称其不只是一个神奇宝贝冒充者。 Nintendo Power gave the game 8/10, and defended Joker, saying it was not just a Pokémon pretender. |
13因为他把做这事的主意放在他们心里,以致于他们会说谎,说他们已在你冒充翻译的词句中a捉到你。 13 For he hath put into their hearts to do this, that by lying they may say they have acaught you in the words which you have pretended to translate. |
必须确保难民营内安全,防止战斗人员冒充寻求庇护者渗入营地。 Security should be ensured in refugee camps and the infiltration of combatants posing as asylum seekers should be prevented. |
关于指标1(文件不合常规),有关的文件类型应当分类如下:(a)真实的;(b)虚拟的:不用于合法商业的文件;(c)伪造的:冒充真实文件用于合法商业的文件;(d)假冒的:用于合法商业的文件。 Concerning Indicator 1 (Irregular documents), the types of document involved should be classified as (a) genuine; (b) fictitious: documents not used in legitimate commerce; (c) forged: documents purporting to be genuine and used in legitimate commerce; and (d) counterfeits: documents used in legitimate commerce. |
凡是存在冒充别人、具有攻击性或包含虚假、垃圾内容或不当内容等问题的名称,用户和商家所有者均可举报。 Users and business owners can flag a name for impersonation, offensive, fake, spam, or inappropriate content issues. |
他们正在购买非法的利比里亚产品,并将这些产品走私到邻国,这些产品可通过冒充那些国家国内生产的物品而蒙混过关,获得金伯利进程证书,从而使得这些钻石合法进入国际市场买卖。 They are buying illegal Liberian production and smuggling it to neighbouring States where goods may be passed off as the domestic production of those countries and obtain Kimberley Process certificates, thus legitimizing the diamonds for trade in the international market |
Tony帶領自己的部隊摧毀了北邊幫,並接管了他們的市場,甚至冒充警察在車庫裡擊斃了幾名敵人。 Tony leads his own forces to destroy the North Side gangs and take over their market, even to the point of impersonating police officers to murder several rivals in a garage. |
安萨里的审讯进一步透露,沙基德·米尔和一名巴基斯坦陆军少校大约两个星期前用假名访问了印度,冒充板球观众调查德里和孟买的目标。 Ansari's interrogation further revealed that Sajid Mir and a Pakistani Army major visited India under fake names as cricket spectators to survey targets in Delhi and Mumbai for about a fortnight. |
但 你 永遠 冒充 不了 我 I don't want to be you. |
不得冒充他人或以其他方式谎报自己的身份,也不得谎称环聊消息或电话的来源。 Do not impersonate another person or otherwise misrepresent yourself or the source of a Hangouts message or call. |
《福布斯》称“星期日晚上剧集最大的惊喜”的是珊莎·史塔克前往临冬城迎娶拉姆齐·博尔顿,而该角色在书中是冒充阿丽雅的配角。 In what Forbes called "the biggest surprise in Sunday night's episode," Sansa Stark goes to Winterfell to marry Ramsay Bolton, a role that is played in the book by a minor character impersonating Arya. |
所以 , 你 是 冒充 的 人 第一次 創建 這個 文件 的 時候 ? So you were impersonating a human when this document was first created? |
在人类当中,冒充激素的化学品对儿童为害最烈。《 In humans, children are the ones who are affected the most by chemicals that mimic hormones. |
我 不是 一个 随便 冒充 他人 的 人 I'm not the one I claim to be. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.