What does 可攜式裝置 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 可攜式裝置 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 可攜式裝置 in Chinese.
The word 可攜式裝置 in Chinese means portable device. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 可攜式裝置
portable device(A device that is light enough, rugged enough, and free enough of encumbering external connections to be carried by a user.) |
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无论如何,根据缔约国的说法,融合补贴最高可达工资的70%,最长可发放60个月(见上文第3.29段)。 In any case, according to the State party’s submission, the subsidy would amount to a maximum of 70 per cent of the wages, for a maximum period of 60 months (see para 3.29 above). |
她强调说,委员会应跟踪发展中国家之间投资不断增长的趋势,了解哪些政策措施和体制因素可在促进南南合作方面发挥关键性作用。 She stressed that the Commission should monitor the growing investment among developing countries in order to understand which policy measures and institutional factors could play a key role in promoting greater South-South cooperation |
它的设立为我们提供了一张白纸,我们可在上面重新规划我们应如何处理冲突后社会的需要。 It provides a clean slate on which to re-write how we approach the needs of societies coming out of conflict |
有子女的低收入家庭这方面的替换率更高,通过家庭补助,他们的保险收入可达到 # %,即每周的补助金最多达到 # 加元。 Low-income families with children may receive a higher replacement rate, of up to # percent of their insured earnings through the Family Supplement (FS), up to the maximum weekly benefit of $ |
由于具有制度上的独立性和业务上的灵活性,训研所在这方面可发挥重要作用。 Thanks to its institutional autonomy and operational flexibility, UNITAR has an important role to play in this area. |
这就特别需要政府通过公共投资和产业政策发挥积极作用,指导过渡到可持续发展进程。 It will, in particular, require an active Government role through public investment and industrial policies that guide the transformation towards a sustainable development process |
与各部委接触,建立与国际和区域组织、机构和文书的理事机构保持联系的途径,促进有关森林问题的注重行动的对话和政策制订工作,以此加强涉及所有类型森林的管理、养护和可持续开发方面的政治承诺; Strengthen political commitment to the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests through ministerial engagement; developing ways to liaise with the governing bodies of international and regional organizations, institutions and instruments; and the promotion of action-oriented dialogue and policy formulation related to forests; |
最后,虽然秘书长呼吁的会议可为讨论搭建有益的平台,但巴基斯坦与许多其他国家建议的裁军问题第四届特别联大,其实可以更好地促进振兴裁谈会,推动多边裁军措施的切实努力。 Last, while the meeting called by the Secretary-General could provide a useful platform for discussions, substantive efforts to revitalize the Conference and take forward multilateral disarmament measures would be better served by convening a fourth special session on disarmament, as proposed by Pakistan along with a number of other countries. |
鉴于这种限制,关于可持续森林管理的区域倡议措施的主要小组讨论被纳入了论坛第三和第四届会议的全体会议。 Aware of this constraint, major panel discussions on regional initiatives on sustainable forest management were integrated into the plenary meetings of the third and fourth sessions of the Forum |
考虑到《21世纪议程》和《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》), Taking into account Agenda 21 and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Johannesburg Plan of Implementation), |
在这方面,我要强调为生境提供充足和可预测的资金的问题,是振兴改革和加强该中心的紧迫问题之一。 In this regard, I would like to underline that the question of providing adequate and predictable funding for Habitat is one of the pressing issues of revitalizing, reforming and strengthening the Centre |
中小型企业参与的地方性生产和消费,因为显著减少了运输成本等原因,可大大有助于改进地方经济及地方环境。 Local production and consumption, involving small and medium-sized enterprises in a participatory manner, can contribute a great deal to improving the local economy as well as the local environment, including through significant reductions in transportation costs. |
不过,如果根据知识产权相关法律,知识产权担保权的文件或通知可在知识产权登记处登记,同时根据《指南》所建议的法律,该担保权也可在普通担保权登记处登记,便有必要解决这两种登记处之间的协调问题。 However, where, under law relating to intellectual property, a document or notice of a security right in intellectual property may be registered in an intellectual property registry and, at the same time, under the law recommended in the Guide, that security right may also be registered in the general security rights registry, there is a need to address the issue of coordination between these two registries. |
这些组织可作为观察员或嘉宾参加会议,不是突厥语国家议会大会成员的国家议会也可参加会议。 Those organizations could participate in its meetings as observers or guests, as could national parliaments that were not TURKPA members. |
列支敦士登对国际人道主义合作与发展的承诺是长期的,有着可持续的方向,并且它面对所有人,不论性别、出身、肤色或宗教。 Liechtenstein's engagement in IHCD has a long-term and sustainable orientation and is directed at all human beings regardless of gender, origin, skin color or religion. |
在舊式的西方家具,裝飾被認定是家主人財富的象徵,也顯示家具本身的價值,因為裝飾相當花費時間。 In the old western style, furniture was seen as ornament that displayed the wealth of its owner and the value of the piece was established according to the length of time spent creating it. |
核可和平利用外层空间委员会第五十九届会议工作报告,5 但其附件除外,附件连同序言部分案文和第二套准则将形成完整的准则汇编,供委员会通过并于2018年提交大会;[footnoteRef:6] [6: 委员会题为“外层空间活动长期可持续性准则:第一套”的报告附件不提交大会供采取行动。 Endorses the report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space on the work of its fifty-ninth session,5 with the exception of the annex thereto, which, together with a preambular text and a second set of guidelines, will form a full compendium of guidelines, to be adopted by the Committee and referred to the General Assembly in 2018;[footnoteRef:6] [6: The annex to the report of the Committee, entitled “Guidelines for the long-term sustainability of outer space activities: first set”, is not submitted to the General Assembly for action. |
我赞许你们为提出第11项可持续发展目标所做的工作,该目标专门致力于使城市和人类住区对于所有人“具包容性、安全、有复原力及可持续”。 I commend your work in proposing sustainable development goal 11, which is dedicated to making cities and human settlements “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” for all. |
不结盟国家集团强调,发达国家有责任便利和协助发展中国家合法发展核能,允许它们尽量充分地参与为和平目的而可能转让核设备、材料和科学技术信息,以期在活动中取得最大的裨益并应用可持续发展的有关要素。 The Group stresses the responsibility of developed countries to facilitate and assist the legitimate development of nuclear energy of the developing countries by allowing them to participate to the fullest in possible transfer of nuclear equipment, materials and scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes with a view to achieving the maximum benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable development in their activities |
这一创新方案针对低纬度地区的具体需求,采用一颗置于赤道轨道上的小型遥感卫星,可提高重复飞越的频率和提供近实时数据发送。 The innovative programme, directed towards the specific needs of low-latitude regions and based on a small remote sensing satellite placed into an equatorial orbit, could increase the revisit frequency and provide near-real-time data transmission |
为了避免重复工作和确定可在何种程度上利用内部审计员开展的工作,委员会继续同内部监督事务厅进行协调,规划它的审计工作。 The Board continues to coordinate with the Office of Internal Oversight Services in the planning of its audits in order to avoid duplication of effort and to determine to what extent the work of internal auditors could be used. |
在 # 年 # 月举行军事专家会议期间,工作组主席散发了一份提议的表格,其中列出在研究可设想的预防措施时要考虑的各种参数,以改进特定类型弹药的设计,减少此种弹药在成为战争遗留爆炸物后造成的人道主义风险。 During the meeting of military experts held in March # the Chairperson of the Group distributed a proposed matrix including various parameters to be taken into account in studying preventive measures which might be envisaged in order to improve the design of certain specific types of munitions with a view to reducing the humanitarian risk posed by such munitions when they become explosive remnants of war |
波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那拥有经培训的医疗队伍且数量足够的保健工作人员,可满足现行需要。 Health teams are trained and the number of health workers in Bosnia and Herzegovina is sufficient to meet existing needs. |
实际上在一般制度下,只要有另一国或另一国际组织明示或暗示接受保留,保留方就可被视为条约缔约方。 It is sufficient, under the general regime, for another State or another international organization to accept the reservation expressly or tacitly for the author of the reservation to be considered a contracting party to the treaty. |
进行这种审查的理由可包括:[...]: Grounds for review may include: [...]. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.