What does 據理力爭 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 據理力爭 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 據理力爭 in Chinese.
The word 據理力爭 in Chinese means to argue strongly for what is right, to contend on strong grounds. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 據理力爭
to argue strongly for what is right
to contend on strong grounds
See more examples
另据报道,忠于优素福总统的部队与属于中谢贝利行政当局的部队关系紧张,这导致2005年11月27日在乔哈尔地区发生冲突,造成两人伤亡。 Tensions were also reported between forces loyal to President Yusuf and those belonging to the Middle Shabelle administration, which led to a clash in the Jawhar area on 27 November 2005, resulting in two casualties. |
南弗吉尼亚大学生物系副教授理查·贾纳弟兄表示,他对耶稣基督福音的信心对他有很大的帮助。 Brother Richard Gardner, an associate professor of biology at Southern Virginia University, says that his faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ has been a big help to him. |
与各部委接触,建立与国际和区域组织、机构和文书的理事机构保持联系的途径,促进有关森林问题的注重行动的对话和政策制订工作,以此加强涉及所有类型森林的管理、养护和可持续开发方面的政治承诺; Strengthen political commitment to the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests through ministerial engagement; developing ways to liaise with the governing bodies of international and regional organizations, institutions and instruments; and the promotion of action-oriented dialogue and policy formulation related to forests; |
自从我上次向安理会通报情况(见S/PV.6502)以来,委员会接获关于另外三个据报违反禁止伊朗出口和采购军火和相关材料的第1747(2007)号决议第5段规定的案例的通知。 Since my last briefing to the Council (see S/PV.6502), the Committee was notified of three additional cases of alleged violations of the provisions of paragraph 5 of resolution 1747 (2007), which imposes a ban on the export to and procurement by Iran of arms and related materiel. |
据估计,全球范围每年用于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的资金将达70至100亿美元,根据西印度群岛大学的统计,加勒比地区的艾滋病资金耗费每年将超过3.6亿美元。 It is estimated that the funding cost of HIV/AIDS globally will be between $7 and $10 billion annually, and, according to the University of the West Indies, the cost of funding AIDS in the Caribbean will be in excess of $360 million annually. |
集体谈判对农业工人至关重要,因为在农村地区,对法律的知晓度往往较低,而且执法往往不力,还因为劳动法在工作时间、加班费和休假这些问题上常将农业部门和其他部门区别对待。 Collective bargaining is crucially important for agricultural workers, both because knowledge and enforcement of the law tend to be weak in rural areas and because labour legislation frequently treats the agricultural sector differently from other sectors with regard to issues such as working time, overtime pay, or leave. |
問她 什麼 地方 不對 了, 她 就 挑起 爭 鬥. 你 和 她 共事 Ask her what' s wrong, she picks a fight |
我赞许你们为提出第11项可持续发展目标所做的工作,该目标专门致力于使城市和人类住区对于所有人“具包容性、安全、有复原力及可持续”。 I commend your work in proposing sustainable development goal 11, which is dedicated to making cities and human settlements “inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” for all. |
但這只種說法只是部分正確,因為那些人們可能會起身對抗其他非民主國家,投票要求政府發動戰爭,例如美西戰爭。 But this is only partly correct, for the people can get aroused against nondemocracies and push their leaders toward war, as in the Spanish–American War. |
有一种意见认为,第六次报告对承认制度与单方面承认行为作了不当的区分;据认为离开其中一项,是无法讨论其中另一项的。 The view was expressed that the sixth report drew a false distinction between recognition as an institution and unilateral acts of recognition; it was considered impossible to examine one without the other. |
今天,沙特阿拉伯駐菲律賓大使館的工作人員每天為菲律賓人處理800至900個工作簽證。 Today, staff at the Saudi Arabian embassy in the Philippines process between 800 and 900 jobs for Filipinos daily. |
但因双方有很多未受训练、装备低劣的士兵,德罗兹多夫斯基的部队未遭俄军攻击,诺维茨基完全丧失对他的军队的控制力。 Although much inferior in numbers, training and equipment, Drozdowski's unit was not attacked by the Russian force, as Novitskiy lost control over his troops. |
吁请各方履行它们所作的承诺,充分尊重秘书长2000年6月16日的报告(S/2000/590和Corr.1)中所述联合国确定的撤离线,力行克制,与联合国和联黎部队充分合作; Calls on the parties to fulfil the commitments they have given to respect fully the withdrawal line identified by the United Nations, as set out in the Secretary-General’s report of 16 June 2000 (S/2000/590 and Corr.1), to exercise utmost restraint and to cooperate fully with the United Nations and with the Force; |
以反應時的壓力分類 常壓化學氣相沉積(Atmospheric Pressure CVD,APCVD):在常壓環境下的CVD製程。 Classified by operating conditions: Atmospheric pressure CVD (APCVD) – CVD at atmospheric pressure. |
服务汇总表和项目文件的审查和批准透明且以明确界定和普遍接受的质量(评价)标准为据 Review and approval of SSSs and project documents is transparent and based on clearly defined and commonly accepted quality (assessment) criteria |
耶稣把使徒(彼得和安得烈;腓力和巴多罗买;雅各和约翰)称为“雷子”,因为他们性情刚烈。[《 Jesus called the apostles (Peter and Andrew; Philip and Bartholomew; James and John) the “Sons of Thunder” because of their fiery disposition. [gt chap. |
例如,约旦从比利时、中国和以色列进口了甲基溴,但秘书处却向他致函通报说,据报告美利坚合众国正在向约旦出口甲基溴,他表示这一报告是错误的。 Jordan, for example, imported methyl bromide from Belgium, China and Israel, but the Secretariat had sent him a letter informing him that methyl bromide was reportedly being exported from the United States of America to his country, which he said was incorrect |
除了要有受过更好的培训的司法人员外,据指出,受过更好的培训的破产律师和破产专业人员对于以协调的方式及时处理跨国界案件也是极为宝贵的。 In addition to a better-trained judiciary, it was noted that a better-trained insolvency bar and insolvency practitioners were invaluable in dealing with cross-border cases on a timely and coordinated basis. |
� 在特设委员会第四届会议对案文草案二读期间,,据指出,需要与拟根据第2条(w)项定义的术语相一致,确保本条通篇使用的术语统一一致。 � During the second reading of the draft text, at the fourth session of the Ad Hoc Committee, it was pointed out that it would be necessary to ensure consistency in the terminology used throughout this article, in line with the term to be defined in accordance with subparagraph (w) of article 2. |
据提交人称,对上述指称的调查一直拖延着,原因在于航空公司拒绝参与谈判或调解,以及可能有争议的医学证据。 The investigation of the complaints was drawn out, according to the authors, due to the airline's refusal to take part in negotiation or conciliation, and, possibly, contentious medical evidence |
理事会还讨论了有罪不罚的问题,呼吁成立一个国际调查委员会,调查2008年8月以来该国的情况,据指控,当时海军少将Bubo Na Tchuto 发动了一次未遂政变。 The Council also addressed the issue of impunity and called for the creation of an international commission of inquiry into events in the country since August 2008, when Rear Admiral Bubo Na Tchuto allegedly carried out a coup attempt. |
特别报告员研究了这个问题,特别是通过他的国别访问、当地访问和与世界各部族的领导人和个人的对话,发现对土著人民人权保护方面的缺陷明显表现在司法系统运行的缺陷上,特别是在刑事司法领域,也在很大程度上说明据大量报告所述土著人民不信任他们国家的司法系统的原因。 Through his study of the issue, and especially through his country missions, local visits and dialogue with leaders and individuals in the various communities around the world, the Special Rapporteur has found that a human rights protection gap with regard to indigenous peoples is clearly manifested in the operational deficiencies of the justice system, particularly in the area of criminal justice, and largely explains the widely reported lack of confidence of indigenous peoples in their national systems of administration of justice. |
路德 柯曼 是 我 的 朋友 我 想尽 一点 心力 Luther Coleman was a friend of mine, and I thought maybe there'd be something I could do. |
据盖迪自己说,他保留了一支175人的私人民兵,装备了4辆“技术车”,但不清楚他原先的卫士现在由谁指挥。 According to Gedi himself, he has retained a personal militia of 175, which is equipped with four “technicals”, and it remains unclear under whose authority his former bodyguards now operate. |
安全理事会定于2008年12月18日星期四在安理厅举行关于议程项目“中东局势”的公开辩论。 The Security Council will hold an open debate on Thursday, 18 December 2008, in the Security Council Chamber, in connection with the agenda item “The situation in the Middle East”. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.