What does 酒窝 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 酒窝 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 酒窝 in Chinese.
The word 酒窝 in Chinese means dimple, dimples, fossette. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 酒窝
dimplenounverb (skin depression, especially at corners of the mouth) 和 酒窝 , 只有 出来 的 时候 你 笑 。 And a dimple that only comes out when you laugh. |
dimplesnoun 和 酒窝 , 只有 出来 的 时候 你 笑 。 And a dimple that only comes out when you laugh. |
fossettenoun |
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朱婚 小姐 小 酒窝, 迪科 希特 Miss Unmarried DimpLe Dixit. |
你 和 小 酒窝 一起 去 选 一个 喜欢 的 You go with Dimple and select a design that you like. |
你 真行, 小 酒窝, 你 先是 差点 害死 我... You're amazing Dimple, first you endanger my Life.. |
小 酒窝 和 库什 结婚 Dimple weds Kush. |
我 建议, 让 小 酒窝 嫁给 库什 I suggest, get Dimple married to Kush. |
小 酒窝, 你 在 干什么? Dimple, what are you doing? |
我 想 和 小 酒窝 谈谈 I want to speak to Dimple. |
上校 先生, 我 的 女儿 小 酒窝 colonel, Sir our daughter Dimple. |
小 酒窝 是 我 在 伦敦 的 发小 Dimple's a childhood friend of mine from London. |
小 酒窝 在 我 面前 从不 掩饰. Dimple doesn't hide anything from me. |
那个 , 屁股 蛋上 还有 酒窝 That ass. |
算了, 小 酒窝, 现在 说 什么 都 没用 了 Forget it, dimple, its useless talking about it now. |
你 怎么 了, 小 酒窝! What's wrong with you, Dimple! |
你 是 个 好 女孩, 小 酒窝 You are a very nice girl, Dimple. |
看看 那些 酒窝 。 Look at those dimples. |
小 酒窝, 我爱你 Dimple, L love you. |
我和丈夫紧记着复活的美好希望,互相安慰,经常想象跟露西亚重聚的情景,再次看到她那双会说话的大眼睛,那张挂着笑容、现出酒窝的脸蛋。 My husband and I comfort each other with the wonderful hope of the resurrection, even imagining the time when we will see Lucía again —her expressive, round eyes and her cheeks dimpled with a smile. |
小 酒窝, 你 干 了 什么 好事! Dimple, what have you done! |
和 酒窝 , 只有 出来 的 时候 你 笑 。 And a dimple that only comes out when you laugh. |
我记得我偶然看到这个画面 是一个日本的篮子 然后想着我们西方 关于完美需要被挑战的格言 这个篮子的完美轮廓 这个摇摆 它有一种类似酒窝的 让你联想到一个肩膀 或是脸颊 以及那种有机的形式 And I remember I stumbled into this image of this Japanese basket and thinking our Western notions of perfection need to be challenged, that this wonderful silhouette of this basket, this wonkiness, and that it has the kind of dimple of what you might imagine a shoulder or the cheekbone, and that kind of organic form. |
很 好, 小 酒窝 也 有 此意 Very good. |
小 酒窝, 听 我 说 Dimple, listen. |
小 酒窝, 你 不能 碰 大麻 的 Dimple, you can't have bhaang. |
好 吧, 那 我们 做 什么 呢, 小 酒窝? Okay, so what do we do then, Dimple? |
小 酒窝, 你 跟 她 说 Dimple, you speak to her. |
Let's learn Chinese
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.