What does 進行式 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 進行式 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 進行式 in Chinese.
The word 進行式 in Chinese means progressive tense. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 進行式
progressive tensenoun |
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在舊式的西方家具,裝飾被認定是家主人財富的象徵,也顯示家具本身的價值,因為裝飾相當花費時間。 In the old western style, furniture was seen as ornament that displayed the wealth of its owner and the value of the piece was established according to the length of time spent creating it. |
在这方面,行预咨委会注意到2010/11年期间的执行情况报告表明在预期成绩3.1“提高维持和平行动的效率和效益”项下,由于与Inspira有关的技术问题,七个计划产出没有完成(见A/66/610/Add.1)。 The Committee notes, in this connection, that the performance report for the 2010/11 period indicates that, under expected accomplishment 3.1, increased efficiency and effectiveness of peacekeeping operations, seven planned outputs were not completed owing to technical issues relating to Inspira (see A/66/610/Add.1). |
你 不對 你的 行為 負責 這 都 是 你的 錯! You don' t take responsibility for your actions.This is all your fault! |
摩奴建造了一条船,由鱼把船拖行,直至船搁在喜马拉雅山的一个山峰上。 Manu builds a boat, which the fish pulls until it is grounded on a mountain in the Himalayas. |
吁请各方履行它们所作的承诺,充分尊重秘书长2000年6月16日的报告(S/2000/590和Corr.1)中所述联合国确定的撤离线,力行克制,与联合国和联黎部队充分合作; Calls on the parties to fulfil the commitments they have given to respect fully the withdrawal line identified by the United Nations, as set out in the Secretary-General’s report of 16 June 2000 (S/2000/590 and Corr.1), to exercise utmost restraint and to cooperate fully with the United Nations and with the Force; |
西元1883年,Gaston Tissandier最先使用了電動機來推進飛船。 On 8 October 1883, Gaston Tissandier flew the first electrically-powered airship. |
例如,每一行都会描述零售行业的一个特定部门(该广告客户会将此部门与特定的广告系列相关联)。 For example, each row describes a specific retail department, which the advertiser associates with specific campaigns. |
他们最大的发明和最先进的出口品是劫持飞机、劫持人质、自杀式爆炸,以及现在用推土机杀人。 Their biggest inventions and most advanced exports are airplane hijackings, hostage-takings, suicide bombings and, indeed now, using bulldozers as death machines. |
企業的實際工作, 如果在進行時能有所創新, 就能真的為公司創造出商業利益, 且能解決現今世界上有意義的問題。 The real work of business, when done with innovation, can actually create core business benefits for the company and it can solve the meaningful problems in our world today. |
尽管征聘入伍的正式年龄已从16岁提高到18岁,一些家长仍在其子女不满18岁前就将其送进军队,因为入伍是摆脱贫穷和获得某种社会地位的一条道路。 Although the official age of recruitment into the army had been raised from 16 to 18, some parents still sent their children to the army before the age of 18, as the army offered a way out of poverty and provided a certain social status. |
没有证据显示美国的资产可能出现遭受“空间珍珠港”式毁灭性攻击的局面,而且就Grego的演讲来说,反卫星武器系统和其他空间武器既不是有效的答案,也不是降低这种脆弱性的惟一解决办法。 There is no evidence that US assets are susceptible to a `space Pearl Harbor' scenario of debilitating attack and, referring to Grego's speech, ASATs and other space weapons are neither the effective answer nor the only solution to reducing such vulnerabilities |
Java可以與C語言或C++結合使用,並且可以選擇非默認的執行時函式庫共用,以允許獲得更好的C++支援。 Java may be combined with C/C++, together with a choice of non-default runtimes that allow better C++ support. |
因为同时平定暴力地区、为成百上千万破产农民伸张正义、极大改善生活水平并有效阻止游击力量以土地改革为名行大规模屠杀之实,上述法律成为哥伦比亚和平的分水岭。 The law was a watershed, because it simultaneously pacified violent regions, delivered justice for millions of dispossessed peasants, radically improved standards of living, and blunted the appeal of a guerrilla group that used the banner of land reform to justify its untold atrocities. |
行预咨委会还建议采用有待大会决定的方式,把截至2008年6月30日终了期间的2 076 200美元其他收入和调整数贷记到会员国账下。 The Committee further recommends that the other income and adjustments in the amount of $2,076,200 for the period ended 30 June 2008 be credited to Member States in a manner to be determined by the Assembly. |
進一步瞭解共用雲端硬碟,包括使用條件與存取層級,以及如何將現有內容遷移至共用雲端硬碟。 Learn more about shared drives, including requirements & access levels and how to migrate existing content to a shared drive. |
美國的太空科技十分先進。 America is ahead in space technology. |
行预咨委会报告还载列了其关于若干其他问题的结论,包括工作人员事项、增效、建设工程和“一体行动”倡议。 The Advisory Committee’s report also contained its observations on a number of other issues, including staffing matters, efficiency gains, construction projects and the “Delivering as one” initiative. |
12 诗篇143:5透露大卫经历危险和重大试炼时怎样行:“我追想古时之日,思想你的一切作为,默念你手的工作。” 12 Psalm 143:5 indicates what David did when beset with danger and great trials: “I have remembered days of long ago; I have meditated on all your activity; I willingly kept myself concerned with the work of your own hands.” |
九 # 监督厅告知行预咨委会,目前采用这种做法是鉴于缺乏降低本组织风险的适当框架或适当内部控制。 he Advisory Committee was informed by OIOS that this was done, at present, in view of the absence of an adequate framework or adequate internal controls to mitigate risks in the Organization |
可是人是可以摆脱这种道德堕落的,因为正如保罗指出,“你们从前在其中生活的时候,也曾经这样行过。”——歌罗西书3:5-7,《新译》;以弗所书4:19;也可参看哥林多前书6:9-11。 Yet people can break away from such moral degradation, for, as Paul states, “In those very things you, too, once walked when you used to live in them.” —Colossians 3:5-7; Ephesians 4:19; see also 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. |
行预咨委会还获悉,使用《斯庞斯建筑师和建筑商价格手册》的办法基于公开可得的文献,相对地较易于采用;不过,实际费用估算法对如此规模、如此复杂的项目而言更准确,也更为合理。 The Advisory Committee was further informed that the method using Spon’s Architects’ and Builders’ Price Book, which is based on publicly available documentation, was comparatively easier to apply; nevertheless, the actual cost estimation method was more accurate and reasonable for a project of this size and complexity. |
高级代表关于在去年大选基础上组建新的部长会议进程一事的家长式语气令人不可接受。 The patronizing tone of the High Representative is unacceptable with respect to the process of forming the new Council of Ministers based on last year’s general elections. |
行预咨委会获悉,拟议削减不会对特派团的支助结构和行动构想产生重大影响。 The Advisory Committee was informed that the proposed drawdown would not have a significant impact on the support structure and concept of operations of the Mission. |
除了經濟觀點,《經濟學人》在社會議題上也支持自由主義立場,例如支持承認同性婚姻、支持毒品合法化、批評美國稅收制度(英语:Taxation in the United States),並支持在公共衛生問題上進行一定程度的政府規管,如公共場所吸菸和兒童體罰。 The news magazine has also supported liberal causes on social issues such as recognition of gay marriages, legalisation of drugs, criticises the US tax model, and seems to support some government regulation on health issues, such as smoking in public, as well as bans on spanking children. |
這部電影於11月6日主要發行在超過35個市場,如俄羅斯、澳大利亞和巴西,並獲得了870萬美元總額。 The film was released in 35 markets on the same day, including major markets like Germany, Russia, Australia, and Brazil earning $8.7 million in total. |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.