What does 合唱团 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 合唱团 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 合唱团 in Chinese.
The word 合唱团 in Chinese means choir, chorus, ensemble, glee club. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 合唱团
choirnoun (singing group) 你 会 觉得 所有 的 白色 垃圾 在 克罗 默蒂是 在 合唱团 的 做法 。 You'd think all the white trash in Cromarty was at choir practice. |
chorusnoun 我们得永生的希望,有赖于我们加入这个庞大的哈利路亚合唱团! Our eternal life depends on our joining in this great Hallelujah chorus! |
ensemblenoun 该合唱团也在国外举行音乐会; The ensemble also gives concerts abroad; |
glee clubnoun 她想去合唱团 to go into the glee club, |
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就在今年春天,我们发布了虚拟合唱团三, 《水夜》,我写的另一首曲子, 这次,来自73个国家的近4000名歌手献唱。 And then just last spring we released Virtual Choir 3, "Water Night," another piece that I had written, this time nearly 4,000 singers from 73 different countries. |
诗篇74:12)既然上帝自古以来就是王,宇宙大合唱团为什么歌颂说:“耶和华......作王了”,仿佛他刚刚开始作王呢? (Psalm 74:12) Jehovah’s kingship was ancient even then, so how can the universal chorus sing that “Jehovah . . . has begun to rule as king”? |
申命记31:12;尼希米记8:2,8)妇女也可以接受训练,在人们公开崇拜上帝的地方担任某些工作,例如在会幕供职,在圣殿的合唱团里当歌手等。( (Deuteronomy 31:12; Nehemiah 8:2, 8) They could also receive training for participation in certain aspects of public worship. |
来自 # 个国家和地区的 # 多个合唱团参加了此次艺术节,从 # 个国家和地区挑选的大约 # 幅绘画作品参加了同期举行的“世界儿童绘画展”。 More than # choruses from # countries and regions participated in the festival, and about # children's paintings selected from # countries and regions took part in the concurrent event “World Children's Paintings Exhibition” |
事实上,最近有一个民调 被调查者对比了国会的支持率 和一些其他令人不快的事情, 结果发现国会的支持率 甚至比蟑螂、 虱子、五分钱合唱团、牙根管和唐纳德 · 特朗普还低。( (Laughter) But wait, the good news is it's at least better than meth labs and gonorrhea. |
这些合唱团的名称不可使用「LDS」、「后期圣徒」,或「摩尔门」等与教会有关的字眼。 These choirs should not use references to the Church such as “LDS,” “Latter-day Saint,” or “Mormon” in their names. |
相比之下,天上的大合唱团赞美耶和华的颂歌就悠扬悦耳多了。 我们永远也不会再听到羞辱耶和华圣名的人的歌声了! Such hypocritical singing that reproaches Jehovah’s name is now silenced forever! |
· 文化部成立了一个委员会,对出国的艺术团和合唱团制定严格的管理措施,以避免未经批准的人员混入这些团体; · The Ministry of Culture created a Commission to establish strict control over art groups and ensembles travelling abroad to avoid getting unauthorized persons into them; |
他 在 教会 合唱团 唱歌 听得出来 声音 变得 不同 了 Well, he sings in a synagogue, and his voice is certainly different. |
Gaga称《自由髮則》像是金属乐队Kiss合唱团和铁娘子乐队的作品,并受布魯斯·斯普林斯廷影响。 According to Lady Gaga, the melody of "Hair" resembles the work of metal bands Kiss and Iron Maiden, and is also influenced by Bruce Springsteen. |
这一传统自 # 年延续至今,而现在,皮埃尔·德巴的任务是确保全世界都能听到这个由 # 位少年组成的合唱团的声乐。 The tradition has continued since # and today it is Pierre Debat who has the task of making sure that the music of this choir of # children is heard throughout the world |
历史上全部的获奖者中有11位艺人来自美国之外的国家,1984年更是首次出现所有提名艺人均来自美国以外的国家(文化俱乐部(英语:Culture Club)、舞韵合唱团(英语:Eurythmics)和Musical Youth(英语:Musical Youth)来自英格兰,大乡野合唱团(英语:Big Country)来自苏格兰,而无帽子乐队(英语:Men Without Hats)来自加拿大)。 1984 marked the first time that all of the nominees were from outside the United States (Winner Culture Club, Eurythmics, and Musical Youth were from England, Big Country was from Scotland, and Men Without Hats were from Canada). |
德累斯顿还拥有许多重要的艺术藏品、世界闻名的交响乐团,音乐合唱团和各个时期、各种风格的重要建筑,其中有许多在二战中被毁,今天又逐渐被重建起来。 Dresden also is home to several important art collections, world-famous musical ensembles and significant buildings from various architectural periods, many of which were rebuilt after the destruction of the Second World War. |
仪式内容包括:贫穷人士的证词、参加Tapori运动的儿童的戏剧表演和纽约市青年合唱团的演出。 It will feature testimonies from people living in poverty, a theatre presentation by children from the Tapori Movement, and music by the Young People's Chorus of New York City. |
我们 来组 合唱团 Let's form a band. |
”乐曲的录制是在索尼配乐舞台进行的,共有107件管弦乐器以及40人的合唱团参与了录制。 Scoring took place at the Sony Scoring Stage with a 107-piece orchestra and 40-person choir. |
我们得永生的希望,有赖于我们加入这个庞大的哈利路亚合唱团! Our eternal life depends on our joining in this great Hallelujah chorus! |
经过一次全球调研,萨克斯总结说:“论音乐教育、造诣以及知识,在耶路撒冷圣殿供职的合唱团和管弦乐团的水平都十分高”。 Based on worldwide research Sachs presents the conclusion that “the choruses and orchestras connected with the Temple in Jerusalem suggest a high standard of musical education, skill, and knowledge.” |
Peter 版本 的 欢乐 合唱团 歌曲? Or ways to make the Glee songs for Peter? |
超级杀手合唱团的前一张唱片《地狱恭候》获得正面反响,乐队制作人兼经理布莱恩·斯拉格尔(Brian Slagel)很快意识到,乐队有望都过下一张唱片更上一层楼。 Following the positive reception Slayer's previous release Hell Awaits had received, the band's producer and manager Brian Slagel realized the band were in a position to hit the "big time" with their next album. |
令人毛骨悚然的森林合唱团 The Hair-Raising Jungle Chorus |
她在合唱团演唱,参与工作室的各种工作,并偶尔担任婚礼歌手。 She sang in choirs, did studio work for various projects and occasionally performed as a wedding singer. |
使用该建筑物的其他团体包括家庭传教委员会、查尔斯·哈雷爵士合唱团和曼彻斯特一位论主日学联盟。 Other groups which used the building included the Home Missionary Board, Sir Charles Hallé’s choir and the Manchester Unitarian Sunday School Union. |
妈妈 , 在 合唱团 唱 你 在 一组 。 Mom, in a choir you sing in a group. |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.