What does 肥胖症 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 肥胖症 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 肥胖症 in Chinese.

The word 肥胖症 in Chinese means obesity, adiposity, adiposis. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 肥胖症


noun (act or state of being obese)

腹针治疗单纯性肥胖症效果较好, 疗效持久稳定。
The clinical effect of abdomen acupuncture treating simple obesity is better, and the effect is persistent and stable.





The GLP-1 analogue of the present invention can effectively increase the blood half-life period of GLP-1 and can be used for treating diabetes and adiposis.

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Governments could slow – and even reverse – the growing epidemic of obesity by taking measures to counter fast food consumption, according to a study published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization today.
Ironically, while malnutrition continues to be endemic in parts of South Asia and Africa, obesity is
Obesity – a global health problem – is increasing in many countries in step with increases in the food energy supply, according to a study published in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization today.
Childhood Obesity —What Can Be Done?
Certain physical and mental illnesses and the pharmaceutical substances used to treat them can increase risk of obesity.
f) 关注粮食质量和与日常饮食有关的疾病和肥胖症发病率增加
f) Concerns about food quality and the rising incidence of diet-related diseases and obesity
Urges Governments and the international community to ensure that young people, on an equitable and universal basis, enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health by providing them with access to sustainable health and social services without discrimination, by paying special attention to nutrition, including eating disorders and obesity, prevention of non-communicable and communicable diseases, promotion of sexual and reproductive health, and mental health, and by supporting measures to prevent sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV and AIDS, to reduce road traffic fatalities and injuries, to prevent tobacco and illicit drug use and the harmful use of alcohol, and to encourage sports and recreation as well as the removal of all types of barriers to the ability of adolescents and youth to protect their health;
Overweight and obesity rates in Aruba are high.
The usual suspects.
%的妇女有肥胖症,只有 # %的体重正常( # )。
per cent of the women are obese and only # per cent have a normal weight
本研究报告由位于新西兰和美国的多位作者编撰而成,其分析了 69 个国家(24 个高收入国家,27 个中等收入国家,18 个低收入国家)中食品能量供应提高与肥胖症的情况,并发现其中 56 (81%) 个国家的人口体重和食品能量供应在 1971 年和 2010 年期间均呈提高状态。
The study, by authors based in New Zealand and the United States of America (USA), analysed increases in the food energy supply and obesity in 69 countries (24 high-, 27 middle- and 18 low-income) and found that both body weight and food energy supply had increased in 56 (81%) of them between 1971 and 2010.
Women suffer more from obesity than men particularly in the 30-40 age group.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, fast food has been criticized for its animal welfare record, its links to obesity and its environmental impact.
Current Projects include Tackling Obesities
At the same time, developed countries and some developing countries have seen increases in diseases associated with unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyles and obesity
Diets high in intake of foods such as burgers, pizzas, red meats, crisps, biscuits, salty snacks, sugary drinks that contain high levels of sugar, salt, trans-fats and saturated fats are known to pose a greater risk for obesity and NCDs.
It also proposes measures that countries can take to tackle obesity, including increasing fruit and vegetable consumption and managing food subsidies and taxes to promote a healthy diet.
We expect the surveillance to complement our yearly NCDs awareness campaign targeting the diseases under the four main NCDs whose modifiable factors include raised blood sugar level, high blood pressure, obesity, excessive alcohol and tobacco consumption, unhealthy diets and lack of physical exercise.
本应保护我们免受饥苦的 同样的准备工作 却会导致肥胖症、 心血管问题和代谢疾病。
The same preparation that was supposed to protect us from hunger and famine is going to cause obesity, cardiovascular problems and metabolic disease.
Social differences have increased somewhat among both men and women with regard to incidence of obesity, in that the percentage of obese individuals is higher among the less educated than among the highly educated.
And we do indeed have programmes to help our children exercise and keep fit to overcome obesity, and programmes to fight myopia.
Other chronic diseases and health conditions, such as diabetes, obesity, tuberculosis and malaria, are also of major concern and require similarly coordinated and integrated solutions
With many countries now seeing a rapid rise in obesity among infants and children, in May 2014 WHO set up the Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity.
我与我的同事James Fowler 开始研讨肥胖症是否真的是一种流行病, 是否可以从一个人传染到另一个人身上, 就如我之前讨论的那四个人一样。
And, along with my collaborator, James Fowler, we began to wonder whether obesity really was epidemic and could it spread from person to person like the four people I discussed earlier.
这听起来很疯狂 因为我们很正身处 一个肥胖症泛滥的时代,不过请耐心听我解释。
I know it sounds crazy because we're obviously in the midst of an obesity epidemic, but hear me out.

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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.