What does 法律发现 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 法律发现 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 法律发现 in Chinese.
The word 法律发现 in Chinese means legal discovery. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 法律发现
legal discovery(The usually pretrial disclosure of pertinent facts or documents by one or both parties to a legal action or proceeding.) |
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确认有利的国内法律制度对于防止和打击腐败行为、阻止非法资产转移以及促进这类资产的归还至关重要,并提醒注意,反对各种形式腐败的斗争需要各级、包括地方一级的强有力机构,能按照《联合国反腐败公约》、尤其是其中第二章和第三章的规定,采取高效率的防范措施和执法措施, Recognizing that supportive domestic legal systems are essential in preventing and combating corrupt practices and the transfer of assets of illicit origin and in returning such assets, and recalling that the fight against all forms of corruption requires strong institutions at all levels, including at the local level, able to take efficient preventive and law enforcement measures consistent with the United Nations Convention against Corruption, in particular chapters II and III thereof, |
根据现行规范性法律之规定,已经登记的无房家庭总数约为46 000户。 The total number of houseless families registered according to the normative acts in force is approximately 46,000. |
欧洲人权法院于 # 年 # 月 # 日通过的İçyer裁定承认上述法律为寻求这类损害赔偿者提供了有效的国内补救。 The İçyer decision adopted by the European Court of Human Rights on # anuary # recognized that the said Law constitutes an effective remedy at domestic level for persons seeking compensation from such damages |
为在下列培训方案中使用咨询人编列了经费:保护平民、妇女在州一级机构任职、妇女的社区领导技能、宣传解决性暴力和基于性别的暴力行为问题的主要法律、防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病以及提高客户本位、冲突谈判、解决冲突、人力资源/人员管理等实务技能(综合管理培训中心)。 Provision is made for the use of consultants in the following training programmes: protection of civilians, women’s representation in State institutions, women’s community leadership skills, advocacy for priority legislations addressing sexual and gender-based violence, HIV/AIDS, and the upgrading of substantive skills (Integrated Management Training Centre) such as client orientation, conflict negotiation, conflict resolution and human resources/personnel management. |
有趣的是,这一发现并没有刺激多少兴趣,并且在2002年以前再无类似研究出台。 Curiously, this finding did not spur much interest, and no similar studies were reported until 2002. |
委员会建议缔约国使本国立法与《任择议定书》的条款充完全协调一致,并采取一切必要措施,保证现行法律得到适当执行。 The Committee recommends that the State party fully harmonize its legislation with the provisions of the Optional Protocol and take all necessary measures to ensure that the existing legislation is adequately implemented |
集体谈判对农业工人至关重要,因为在农村地区,对法律的知晓度往往较低,而且执法往往不力,还因为劳动法在工作时间、加班费和休假这些问题上常将农业部门和其他部门区别对待。 Collective bargaining is crucially important for agricultural workers, both because knowledge and enforcement of the law tend to be weak in rural areas and because labour legislation frequently treats the agricultural sector differently from other sectors with regard to issues such as working time, overtime pay, or leave. |
政府表示《移民法》(第8487号法律)规定保护具有合法身份的外国人的人权,并规定了促进其融入社会的各项措施。 The Government indicated that the provisions of the Migration Law (Law No. 8487) provided for the protection of the human rights of foreigners with a legal status and for measures to promote their social integration. |
不过,如果根据知识产权相关法律,知识产权担保权的文件或通知可在知识产权登记处登记,同时根据《指南》所建议的法律,该担保权也可在普通担保权登记处登记,便有必要解决这两种登记处之间的协调问题。 However, where, under law relating to intellectual property, a document or notice of a security right in intellectual property may be registered in an intellectual property registry and, at the same time, under the law recommended in the Guide, that security right may also be registered in the general security rights registry, there is a need to address the issue of coordination between these two registries. |
在毒品和犯罪问题办公室的帮助下,通过、修改和审查本国立法以执行关于毒品和犯罪的法律文书、特别是《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其各项议定书的规定的会员国数目增加 Additional number of Member States drawing on the assistance of UNODC to adopt, adapt or review domestic legislation to implement the provisions of the legal instruments relating to drugs and crime, in particular the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols |
因此,墨西哥代表团同委员会一些成员一样,认为从业人员和保存人员在对“变相保留”作出反应的形式、时间和法律效力方面,需要得到指导。 His delegation therefore held, like some members of the Commission, that practitioners and depositaries needed guidance on the form, timing and legal effects of reactions to “disguised reservations”. |
遗憾的是,海洋仍然是地球上人们勘探最少和了解最肤浅的环境,尽管上个世纪作出了一些引人瞩目的发现。” Unfortunately, the oceans remain one of the least explored and most poorly understood environments on the planet, despite some tantalizing discoveries over the last century.” |
这些方法和标准根据国际地雷行动标准制订,并根据克罗地亚本国的情况进行了调整。 这些标准是依照一项人道主义排雷法框架而确立的,克罗地亚共和国制定了这样的法律。 These methods and standards are based on the International Mine Action Standards, modified in accordance with Croatian national circumstances, and have been established pursuant to a legislative framework for humanitarian demining, which has been codified by the Republic of Croatia. |
法律不得规定违背《公约》的处罚,例如体罚。 Laws must not provide for penalties that are incompatible with the Covenant, such as corporal punishment. |
他们遭到所居住国,大多数情况下居住在巴基斯坦,但还有些人居住在阿拉伯联合酋长国、泰国和伊拉克(通常为情报部门)当局的逮捕,并在未按任何法律程序加以审议的情况下,交给了中央情报局。 They were arrested by the authorities (generally the intelligence services) of their country of residence, in most cases Pakistan, but also the United Arab Emirates, Thailand and Iraq, and handed over to the CIA without any procedure contemplated by law. |
一般而言,法律保护专业保密性。 In general, the law protects professional confidentiality |
(2007年第30号法案)、涉及社会保障和工作场所健康与安全的法律。 as amended in 1996 and 2001 (Act 30 of 2007); legislation dealing with social security and workplace health and safety. |
阿根廷,《 # 年立法》,第 # (h)条;希腊 # 年法律》,第 # (a)条;意大利,《 # 年第 # 号法令》,第 # 条;日本,《 # 年命令》,第 # (j)条;肯尼亚,《 # 年立法》,第 # (e)条;尼日利亚,《 # 年立法》,第 # (h),(a),(e)-(g)条;巴拿马,《 # 年法令》,第 # (a)条;巴拉圭,《 # 年法律》,第 # 条;和美国,《移民归化法〉,第 # (a)(D)(ii) # 节。 Argentina # ct, article # (h); Greece # aw, article # (a); Italy # ecree-Law No # articles # apan # rder, articles # (j); Kenya # ct, article # (e); Nigeria # ct, article # (h), (a), (e)-(g); Panama # ecree-Law, article # (a); Paraguay # aw, article # and United States, INA, sections # (a)(D)(ii |
俄罗斯联邦和美国就进一步削减和限制进攻性战略武器缔结一项新的具有法律约束力的条约,将对裁军努力作出重大贡献,同时铭记这种削减同全球反弹道导弹防御系统部署之间不可分割的关系。 The conclusion of a new legally binding treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States on the further reduction and limitation of strategic offensive weapons will make a substantive contribution to disarmament efforts, bearing in mind the inseparable link between such reductions and the deployment of global anti-ballistic missile defence systems. |
(c) 以确保在解释和执行2006年《美洲印第安人法》及其他有关法律时考虑到《联合国土著人民权利宣言》。 (c) To ensure that the interpretation and implementation of the Amerindian Act 2006 and other relevant laws take into account the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. |
缔约国指出,欧洲人权法院已经申明,缔约国保留确定以哪些方式行使复审权的权利,并可将这种复审限用于法律问题。 The State party points out that the European Court of Human Rights has affirmed that States parties retain the right to determine the means for the exercise of the right to review, and may restrict such review to questions of law. |
然而,长期以来受劳动法律保护薄弱的农村地区,由于 # 年《联邦宪法》规定了保护措施 # 至 # 年间,正规工作岗位数目增加,为社会保障体系缴款的人数也相应增多。 However, in the rural area- historically under-protected by the labor legislation- there was an increase in the number of formal jobs and a consequent increase in the number of people contributing to the social security system in the # period, as result of the protection provided for in the Federal Constitution of |
此外,规定设立投诉警察管理局的法律草案正在作最后定稿。 In addition, draft legislation, which will provide for the establishment of a police complaints authority, is currently being finalized. |
有的委员还说,报告虽然处理了一些有启发性的问题,但也使委员会远离了其最后目标,即确定承认在多大程度上产生法律效力。 It was also stated that, although addressing stimulating issues, the report drew the Commission away from its final objective, which was to determine to what extent recognition produced legal effects. |
年 # 月,向赤道几内亚派遣了一个技术援助团,以加快批准公约的进程,并就各项打击犯罪公约在立法上的落实向该国当局提供法律咨询服务。 A technical assistance mission to Equatorial Guinea in September # aimed to accelerate the ratification process and to provide national authorities with legal advisory services regarding the legislative implementation of the crime conventions |
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Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.