What does 代表 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 代表 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 代表 in Chinese.
The word 代表 in Chinese means representative, delegate, represent. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 代表
representativenoun (one who speaks for another) 一個完美的地圖必須要像它所代表的領土一樣大。 A perfect map would have to be as big as the territory it represents. |
delegatenoun (deputy, envoy, representative) 许多国家的代表出席了会议。 Delegates from many countries participated in the conference. |
representverb (to stand in the place of) 一個完美的地圖必須要像它所代表的領土一樣大。 A perfect map would have to be as big as the territory it represents. |
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刚果民盟、刚果解放运动和政治反对派的一部分后来提议利用哈博罗内规定的70名代表在亚的斯亚贝巴的机会,开始审议对话的议程项目和议事规则。 The RCD, the MLC and a part of the political opposition then proposed making use of the presence of the 70 delegates from Gabarone in Addis Ababa in order to begin consideration of the agenda items and the rules of procedure for the dialogue. |
工会代表应由属于某个企业的工人和多企业临时工会会员以及至少有八名工会会员组成但尚未选举出工会主席的会员们选举产生。 The trade union representative shall be elected by workers who belong to an enterprise and who are members of a provisional multi-enterprise trade union and who, numbering at least eight, have not elected a director in their particular union |
古巴代表希望回顾,1980年9月11日,古巴外交官费利克斯·加西亚·罗德里格斯在纽约市遭暗杀,以及1968年纽约古巴代表团遇炸。 The representative of Cuba wished to recall the assassination of a Cuban diplomat, Félix García Rodríguez, on 11 September 1980 in New York City, as well as the bombings of the Cuban Mission in New York in 1968. |
为此,该国政府提请特别代表注意,他的信中说所有有价值的设备都完好无损并非属实,因为办公室的下列物件也不见了:六台计算机处理器、一台计算机屏幕、一台电视机、一台录像机和一台录音器。 In that respect, the Government drew the Special Representative's attention to the fact that, unlike what is mentioned in his letter stating that all valuable equipment was left untouched, the following objects were missing from the office: six computer processors, one computer monitor, one television, a video recorder and a dictaphone |
该报告是代表 # 国的安全专家组以及世界银行、世卫组织和国际汽车联合会汽车与社会基金为期三年合作努力的成果。 The report was the result of a three-year cooperative effort by a group of safety experts representing # countries, as well as the World Bank, WHO and the FIA Foundation |
因此,我们赞成任命一位秘书长妇女与和平与安全问题特别代表。 We would therefore favour the appointment of a special representative of the Secretary-General for women and peace and security |
我们鼓励科索沃特派团和特别代表对破坏稳定的势力和犯罪分子采取持之以恒的政策,使法治成为科索沃社会基础。 We encourage UNMIK and the Special Representative to pursue a consistent policy against destabilizing forces and criminal elements and for establishing the rule of law as the social foundation of Kosovo |
3月27日,特别报告员与奥地利司法部的代表在维也纳举行了一次有关使用泰瑟枪的会议。 On 27 March, the Special Rapporteur held a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Austria in Vienna on the use of tasers. |
特别报告员在访问日内瓦期间,与各国代表举行了磋商,并与非政府组织成员进行会谈。 During his visit, he held consultations with representatives of States and met with members of non-governmental organizations. |
委员会同特别报告员进行了对话,意大利(代表属于欧洲联盟的联合国会员国)、加拿大、墨西哥和布基纳法索的代表参加了对话(见 # )。 The Committee engaged in a dialogue with the Special Rapporteur, in which the representatives of Italy (on behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the European Union), Canada, Mexico and Burkina Faso took part (see |
在吉格洛与地方当局和居民代表会晤 Meeting with local authorities and representatives of the population in Guiglo |
因此,子女的数量也可以代表其他和贫穷紧密相关但较难作为目标特征的变量。 As such the number of children can also be used as proxy for other variables closely associated with poverty but which may be more difficult as a characteristic for targeting |
在科学和技术委员会第一届特别会议之前举行的公约执行情况审查委员会第七届会议上,各国代表商定了衡量公约执行进展情况的报告原则。 At the seventh session of the Committee for the Review of the Implementation of the Convention, which immediately followed the first special session of the Committee on Science and Technology, delegates agreed on reporting principles that would measure progress in the implementation of the Convention |
今天的发言名单上有尊敬的乌克兰代表梅海罗·斯库拉托夫斯基先生,但在请他发言之前,并且在你们同意的情况下,我认为有必要向会议报告一下我作为会议主席在闭会期间举行的磋商的情况。 Today we have on our list of speakers the distinguished representative of Ukraine, Mr. |
感兴趣地注意到该领土总督代表在2005年5月17日至19日在圣文森特和格林纳丁斯卡努安举行的加勒比区域研讨会上的发言和所提供的资料, Taking note with interest of the statements made and the information provided by the representative of the Governor of the Territory at the Caribbean regional seminar held in Canouan, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, from 17 to 19 May 2005, |
参加论坛的代表来自政府机构和劳工和社会福利部各部门,雇主和工人组织,大学,工会大会,国际组织和社会民间组织。 The forum was attended by representatives of government institutions and of the different areas and branch offices of the STPS, employers' and workers' organizations, universities, the Congress of the Union, international organizations and organizations of civil society |
主席(以西班牙语发言):我现在请洪都拉斯代表发言。 The President (spoke in Spanish): I now give the floor to the representative of Honduras. |
讲习班应向分区域各国提供具体的援助,并应采用试点方法,以便不断加以改进和将来用于本地区的其他地方; 与东道国合作,举办一次有国家规划部门、各有关部、国家机构和民间社会各界代表参加的分区域讲习班,以探讨如何将人权问题纳入国家发展计划问题。 The workshop shall focus on the sharing of relevant experience in maximizing the benefits of globalization while minimizing its negative impacts, including in the context of international development cooperation; the workshop's proceedings will be reflected in an expert study |
在安全理事会第1888(2009)号决议第4段中,安理会请秘书长任命一名特别代表,进行统一战略领导,有效开展工作以加强现有的联合国协调机制,并向各国政府,其中包括军队和司法部门代表,以及武装冲突的所有各方和民间社会等方面,开展宣传工作,以便在总部和国家一级处理武装冲突中的性暴力问题,同时,主要通过题为“联合国制止冲突中性暴力行为”这一机构间举措,推动所有利益攸关方之间的合作与协调。 In paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 1888 (2009), the Council requested the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative to provide coherent and strategic leadership and to work effectively to strengthen existing United Nations coordination mechanisms and to engage in advocacy efforts with Governments, including military and judicial representatives, as well as with all parties to armed conflict and civil society, in order to address, at both Headquarters and country level, sexual violence in armed conflict, while promoting cooperation and coordination of efforts among all relevant stakeholders, primarily through the inter-agency initiative entitled “United Nations Action against Sexual Violence in Conflict”. |
希腊代表强调了为药物滥用者的治疗建立范围广泛的服务包括在监狱中提供治疗的重要性。 The representative of Greece underlined the importance of the development of a wider range of services for the treatment of drug abusers, including the provision of treatment in prisons |
虽然人权委员会没有正式的诉讼程序,但是作为委员会成员的非政府组织的代表有时能够根据他们自己的司法诉讼经验对个别问题提出解决办法的建议。 Although the Council for Human Rights had no formal complaints procedure, representatives of non-governmental organizations who sat on the Council could sometimes propose solutions to individual problems based on their own experiences of judicial proceedings |
他相信,通过大家携手努力,与会代表们定能及时拟定化管战略方针的总体结构、安排和实际内容,供提交筹备委员会下一届会议审议。 He was confident that, through joint efforts, participants would be able to draft the overall structure, organization and content of the SAICM outcomes in time for consideration at the next session of the Preparatory Committee |
发言名单上的下一位发言者是科威特代表,下面请他发言。 The next speaker inscribed on my list is the representative of Kuwait, to whom I give the floor. |
黎巴嫩代表强调指出,贸发会议被视为有利于发展的知识型组织,其目的是通过提供发展和面向政策的研究并提供从发展的观点建立共识的论坛,促进发展中国家成功地融入世界经济。 The representative of Lebanon stressed that UNCTAD was conceived as a prodevelopment, knowledge-based organization to facilitate the successful integration of developing countries into the world economy by providing development and policyoriented research and a forum for consensus-building from a development perspective. |
他赞同印度尼西亚代表以不结盟运动的名义提出的建议和墨西哥代表以新纲领联盟的名义提出的建议。 He endorsed the proposals made by the representative of Indonesia on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and by the representative of Mexico on behalf of the New Agenda Coalition |
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.