What does 传销 in Chinese mean?

What is the meaning of the word 传销 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 传销 in Chinese.

The word 传销 in Chinese means multi-level marketing. To learn more, please see the details below.

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Meaning of the word 传销

multi-level marketing

noun (sales system)

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In that connection, it was mentioned that that could include highlighting the dangers of fraudulent schemes that could have a severe impact on the economies of developing countries, for example, pyramid schemes, especially when those schemes were perpetrated by persons from outside the affected countries
In that connection, it was mentioned that that could include highlighting the dangers of fraudulent schemes that could have a severe impact on the economies of developing countries, for example, pyramid schemes, especially when those schemes were perpetrated by persons from outside the affected countries.
After presentations and catalogues for MLM came blogs and Facebook.
The heavy-handed nature of the response of Government security institutions was evident during the peaceful demonstrations held in El Fasher, Northern Darfur, on 2 May 2010 in response to a failed pyramid scheme that saw large numbers of citizens lose significant amounts of money.
第30-32条涉及具有误导性或欺骗性的行为和虚假陈述。 第35-37条涉及送礼以期不交货、接收付款不诚实和传销行为。
Sections 30–32 address misleading or deceptive conduct and false representations and sections 35–37 cover the offering of gifts and prizes with the intention of not delivering, dishonest acceptance of payment and pyramid selling.
People don’t necessarily go to MLM meetings to buy; they come to network, to find new opportunities or business partners over gossip, tea and cakes.
Harvard Business School, which described Amway as "one of the most profitable direct selling companies in the world", noted that Amway founders Van Andel and DeVos "accomplished their success through the use of an elaborate pyramid-like distribution system in which independent distributors of Amway products received a percentage of the merchandise they sold and also a percentage of the merchandise sold by recruited distributors".
As a result, our financial markets became a pyramid scheme.
陈贤弼 反正 也 是 传销 塔 的 最底层
Jin Hyeon Pil is at the bottom of the pyramid.
您同意,不会发布或上传包含有关产品或服务的广告、营销或任何招售内容、任何未经许可或未获授权广告、推广资料 、 " 垃圾邮件 " 、 "滥发邮件 " 、 "连锁信 " 、 "传销计划"或任何其他形式招揽内容的任何用户内容;
You agree not to post or upload User Content which contains advertising, marketing or any solicitation for products or services, or any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or any other form of solicitation;
6。 上传,张贴,发送电子邮件或以其他方式提供任何未经请求或未经授权的广告,宣传材料,垃圾邮件,垃圾邮件,连锁信,传销或邀约任何其他形式的;
upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, ”junk mail,“ ”spam,“ ”chain letters,“ ”pyramid schemes,“ or any other form of solicitation;
传销业, 所有佣金是由以某种方式保荐人下向上传递, 通常为约量 5 % , 同时在一个传销所有产品的销售通常是围绕 25% 销售额从你的总容积的个人.
In the MLM industry, all commissions are passed up from everyone underneath the sponsor in some way, usually to the amount of about 5%, also all product sales within an MLM are usually around 25% of the total volume of sales from you personally.
Internet marketing blended with MLM is a contemporary match of businesses for strength and longevity and ongoing revenue growth with few downside concerns.
这里的区别是,为什么传统的传销是非常不合和时间总'浪费’ 以及刚刚彻头彻尾的不畅快:
Here is the difference and why the traditional MLM is very substandard and a total ‘waste of time’ as well as just downright not fun at all:
很多人失败,虽然大部分的人对传销和网络营销工作他们设置的时间表和监督自己的奢侈看自由经常是的原因。 他们只是不能精力集中于他们自己.
Although the majority of folks look to MLM and network marketing for the luxury of supervising themselves and working the schedule they set, that freedom is frequently the reason many people fail.
任一选项可以赚钱, 然而,在今天的市场上有很多的原因,以避免传销.
Either option can be lucrative, however in todayâ€TMs market there are many reasons to avoid MLM.
一个根本的问题和关注脱身的方式为您的研究和尽职调查 , “ 网络营销和传销的混合, 这是一种时尚或实体模型的开发企业和营销收入的扩张机会 ? ”
Zásadní otázka a obavy, aby se z cesty pro váš výzkum a due diligence je, “The blending of Internet marketing and MLM , is this a fad or a solid model for exploiting business and marketing revenue expansion opportunities ?”
我花了一点时间上的 “里面” 西澳 – 足以知道,这是一个薄,含蓄传销.
I spent a little time on the “inside” of WA – enough to know that it is a thinly-veiled MLM.
大多数传销企业的企业家往往对市场的朋友和家人的热情的市场,直到他们烧出来, 然而, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
Most MLM business entrepreneurs tend to market to their warm market of friends and family until they burn them out , jedoch, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
大多数传销企业的企业家往往对市场的朋友和家人的热情的市场,直到他们烧出来, 然而, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
Most MLM business entrepreneurs tend to market to their warm market of friends and family until they burn them out , сепак, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
事实上,无论你是否需要您的网上业务或有一个策划合作伙伴的好处,可以使或打破你。 但对于这篇文章的目的,我要特别提及的网络营销和传销家庭为基础的商业模式。
In fact, regardless of whether you take your business online or not, the benefits of having a mastermind partner can make or break you. But for the purpose of this article, I'm going to refer specifically to the network marketing and MLM home based business model.
大多数传销企业的企业家往往对市场的朋友和家人的热情的市场,直到他们烧出来, 然而, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
Most MLM business entrepreneurs tend to market to their warm market of friends and family until they burn them out , kuitenkin, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
大多数传销企业的企业家往往对市场的朋友和家人的热情的市场,直到他们烧出来, 然而, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
Most MLM business entrepreneurs tend to market to their warm market of friends and family until they burn them out , međutim, the Internet dramatically extends your options for expansion .
传销你的启动成本可能较低, 但你会被收取月费,以购买和运送您的产品.
In MLM your start-up cost might be lower, but you’re going to be charged a monthly fee to buy and ship your product.
标签: 传销的在线培训
Tags: masterminding , mlm online training

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Do you know about Chinese

Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.