What does 部首 in Chinese mean?
What is the meaning of the word 部首 in Chinese? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use 部首 in Chinese.
The word 部首 in Chinese means radical. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word 部首
radicalnoun (linguistics: portion of a character that provides an indication of its meaning) |
See more examples
非洲的利益依然是新闻部首要优先事项之一,新闻部调整变动后的出版物《非洲复苏》(英文版或者法文版)的读者现在超过100万人,新闻部的经常名册上增加了两个新的专门关于非洲的广播节目。 The interests of Africa remained at the forefront of the Department of Public Information’s priorities, with its revamped publication Africa Renewal now reaching more than a million people (in English or French) and two new radio programmes specifically about Africa added to the Department’s regular roster. |
“好”的部首是女。 The radical in the Chinese character for "good" is the character for "woman". |
它於2016年3月17日在54俱樂部首演、於2016年2月19日進行預演,並於6月12日前進行了有限的表演。 It opened at Studio 54 on March 17, 2016 after previews on February 19, 2016 for a limited engagement through June 12. |
遗憾目前各部首长在实现秘书处公平地域分配方面承担的问责不够; Regrets the current insufficient accountability of heads of departments in achieving equitable geographical distribution in the Secretariat; |
僅作部首使用。 Only the heads can be seen. |
非洲的利益依然是新闻部首要优先事项之一,新闻部调整变动后的出版物《非洲复苏》(英文版或者法文版)的读者现在超过 # 万人,新闻部的经常名册上增加了两个新的专门关于非洲的广播节目。 The interests of Africa remained at the forefront of the Department of Public Information's priorities, with its revamped publication Africa Renewal now reaching more than a million people (in English or French) and two new radio programmes specifically about Africa added to the Department's regular roster |
“好”的部首是女。 The radical in the chinese character for "good" is the character for "woman". |
提供资料,说明非军事部分与安保有关的权力系统到安全和安保部首长为止的各级统属关系; Provide information on how non-military lines of security-related authority lead to the head of the Department of Safety and Security; |
遗憾目前各部首长在实现秘书处公平地域分配方面承担的问责不够 Regrets the current insufficient accountability of heads of departments in achieving equitable geographical distribution in the Secretariat |
且無其他部首可用者將部首歸為黍部。 None of this information made it back to the FBI headquarters. |
加利福尼亚林业和防火部首領麥景葛(Scott McLean)表示「天堂的社区基本上已经被燒毀了,強风把整個城鎮殲滅掉了」。 According to Captain Scott McLean of Cal Fire, "Pretty much the community of Paradise is destroyed, it's that kind of devastation. |
在古汉语里,筷子的“筷”字以“竹”为部首,由此显示筷子最初是用竹制造的。 In ancient Chinese both characters for k’uai tzu (quick ones) were written with the bamboo radical, suggesting the material with which chopsticks were initially made. |
另外,我们的单字数据库涵盖日中韩字类属性的全方面内容,包括频率,声调,部首,字符代码等,非常适合于移动IME平台的开发。 Our single-character database covers every aspect of CJK characters, including frequency, phonology, radicals, character codes, and much more, ideally suited for mobile platform IMEs. |
例如中国的洗澡(罗马拼音读作xizao)两个字均是以相同的表示水的偏旁部首开始,而这两个汉字的右半部分则表明他们的读音。 偏旁部首构造汉字的总规则叫做六书(象形、指事、形声、会意、转注、假借)这些联系有助于汉语学习。 In the Chinese for bath, for example (pronounced xizao in the pinyin Romanization system), both characters start with the same radical, which denotes water, and the right-hand half of both characters indicates how they are pronounced. There are general rules (called liu shu, 六书) for building characters from radicals.These connections help with learning the language. |
这就是部首的作用。 It is the sum of all love. |
该雕塑由赵老师设计,以门为主题,由门的三个金文大篆部首以牵手式的旋转姿态组合而成,天、地、人三才合一,相从相应,从心所欲,虚掩的门意寓随时欢迎毕业校友回家。 The sculpture was designed by Zhao , the door to the theme , three Bronze Seal the door to radical type rotary hand gesture combination , heaven, earth, people with God -one , from the corresponding phase , I act , unlatched door means blending always welcome alumni home. |
太阳能发电成本未来可挑战传统能源 -LED照明灯具,LED生产厂家,LED灯具批发,常州盛来太阳能科技有限公司LED事业部 首页 Solar power cost future can challenge the traditional energy - LED lighting, LED manufacturers, LED lamps wholesale, Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd. |
在六书规则的帮助之下,吴金山和他的同事们绘制出了3500个常用汉字之间的结构关系图,形成的网络含有7000个联系。 这表明224个左右的偏旁部首结合起来构成了大约1000个汉字,而这1000个汉字又成为其他汉字的构成基础。 这种网络是分层的,就像一棵树一样,有几个中心节点(树干 ) , 然后伸展出许多分支。 Assisted by the liu shu rules, Wu and colleagues mapped out the structural relationships between all 3,500 of the common characters, to form a network with over 7,000 links. This shows that the roughly 224 radicals are combined in just 1,000 or so characters that form the basis of all the others.This network is hierarchical, meaning that it is somewhat like a tree, with a few central nodes (trunks) branching into many branch tips. |
在与立教大学的交流活动中,包括受邀团队、立教大学经济学部首藤研究室的学生、全球人才培养研修毕业生(Global Human Resource Development Training Course)在内,共31名人员参加。 活动以"青年就业与工会"为题进行了小组讨论。 In discussions at Rikkyo University, attended by a total of 31 people (the invited participants, students studying under Professor Wakana Shuto in Rikkyo University's College of Economics, and graduates of the Global Human Resource Development Training Course), group work was conducted on the theme of youth employment and trade unions. |
Let's learn Chinese
So now that you know more about the meaning of 部首 in Chinese, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Chinese.
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Do you know about Chinese
Chinese is a group of languages forming a language family in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Chinese is the mother tongue of the Han people, the majority in China and the main or secondary language of the ethnic minorities here. Nearly 1.2 billion people (about 16% of the world's population) have some variant of Chinese as their mother tongue. With the growing importance and influence of China's economy globally, teaching Chinese is increasingly popular in American schools and has become a well-known topic among young people around the world. Western world, as in Great Britain.